Anonymous ID: b9c59c May 25, 2019, 6:59 p.m. No.6589957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9989 >>9993 >>9998 >>0002 >>0006 >>0096 >>0117 >>0118 >>0122 >>0139 >>0243 >>0327 >>0377 >>0434

Alright Anons, I was sitting here trying to spark up the old autism reactor when I think some connections started to make sense. In order to answer Q's last post #3347 "Why circumvent Coates?" we have to go back to one of the earliest posts.


In post #30 Q says: "When Trump was elected you can’t possibly imagine the steps taken prior to losing power to ensure future safety & control." We have known for a long time that plants like Manafort and Page were inserted into the campaign, but I have always suspected that in order to hedge (their) bets, the DS decided to use an oldie from their playbook by making sure the VP was one of (them) so they could 187 POTUS like the did JFK and pull a LBJ.


In post #714 Q says: “Save the best for last. [P]”. Yes, I know Q later said [P] = Payseur, however the cabal has a penchant for changing their last names to mask family ties. I would not be surprised if Pence is actually Payseur. Additionally, Q has repeatedly said never interfere with your enemy while they are in the process of destroying themselves. I know many Anons are going to say that Pence is a Republican, anti-abortion, etc, etc. but remember the cabal literally lives and dies on its use of the Hegelian dialectic to present people with binary choices that ultimately always funnel people to the outcome (they) want. What better way to reveal the con than to expose the VP as a plant and co-conspirator in Spygate? The people of America would be free from both the establishment left and the controlled opposition establishment right.


If Anons would give me the grace of just a bit more time to bring it full circle. Who else is from Indiana and a swamp creature? DAN COATES the current DNI. Though Coates has at times voted with the will of the people, like opposing the Iran Nuclear Deal, in many more cases he has voted for gun control, for the war in Iraq, was one of Bush 2’s top choices for Secretary of Defense, was super close with Merkel when he was ambassador to Germany, lobbied for the bailouts in 2008 and was one of the leading voices that Russia hacked our elections in 2016. Additionally, Dan and his wife (remember follow the wives?) both are heads of the Sagamore Institute, an Indiana “think-tank”. Funny how these “think-tanks” like Tavistock Institute and Royal Institute of International Affairs always seem to pop up when we dig into cabal players…


While DNI (confirmed 13-2 not much opposition in the swamp) Coates has ragged about Trump’s foreign policy; berating him for pulling out of Syria, mocked his allegations of being wiretapped, saber rattled against Russia, openly laughed at the President’s attempts to bring peace to the world, been lauded by CIA clowns like Brennan as a voice of sanity in the administration, and has threatened to quit in “protest”. Want to take a guess at who persuaded him to stick around? Pence. Most recently Coates has threatened Barr to not reveal state secrets while exposing Spygate.


Which brings us to some of Q’s more recent posts like #3328. Where Q says “C comes before D”. In post #3344 Q appears to confirm that C=Comey, which following the pattern would mean D=first letter of first name: [D]an. This explains why POTUS circumnavigated Coates with the declassification. And last the autistic cherry on top that started this whole thing. POTUS’s tweet at 3:29PM today where he misspelled (we know POTUS only misspells things for emphasis) Biden as Bidan = Bye Dan.


BONUS AUTISM: Nice article urging POTUS to step down and let Pence be President Newsweek. You‘re glowing and stupid.