Anonymous ID: e0ddf0 May 25, 2019, 8 p.m. No.6590293   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0315 >>0389 >>0419 >>0471 >>0496

Because of a post from Cernovich, and likely other stuff I had come across in the past that was stored in the back of my head, I got on one hell of a thought rabbit hole. It goes a little like this….


I see the tweet as pictured. Yea, I have seen that before. But then I really want to look into once again. Oh yea, what all the new popular diets say the exact opposite. Literally. Think about what kicked it all of and all those that followed: Atkins Diet, Keto, and even the meat-only diet. Those are the diets that came to mind….. at least before writing this post.


All of those diets have one major thing in common: low carbs, and each has their various rules on what to eat for your new energy source. But if you look at it, through the lens of Q…..


What if we are REALLY LIED TO?

What could be the truth and purpose the lies?


What if we really are only supposed to eat mostly meat? It doesn't sound so crazy. The first time I even heard of the meat-only diet was via Jordan Peterson and the amazing results it has had for him.


God put us here to eat meat. At the top of the food chain. Everything else, they are meant to battle it out for the various food sources below. You don't eat that stuff. It wasn't put on this earth for us, outside of maybe a few crops.


See I picture the fruit as the original energy source, let the rabbit eat it. Then rabbit is taken out by a bear. Which is later cooked by some eskimo. And boom, the eskimo does get the original energy source, the fruit. But by this way, it went through a transformation through the process. A "enlightened" process. That "enlightened" food is meant for us humans.


You can eat all of the other stuff. But that will do various things. Like you age to the degree that you will average around 80 years on this earth. But if you do it the right way, only eat meat, you could be here for over 240 years, maybe more.


Think about it. If you knew this secret. You would keep it secret. Live in the shadows. Don't let it get out, maybe change names and appearances as to not let it be known. You could amass a huge wealth and so many other things.


Then, not only do you keep this a secret. You make sure that others do the opposite. You give them things that kill them. You slowly up the game. Change the diets, add toxic chemicals, and more.


Many might know this. Some might even try to start a religion around it. But they go to an extreme end. They don't only eat animal's meat, but they eat other human meat. To these freaks, they think human meat is the most powerful energy source. To all those they look at that are not in on the secret, they see delicious, high-potent energy.


So they set up a system, once you die… you have an autopsy. Remove organs, other things. Then maybe some of these things are shipped off. Only not to other patients or for science, but to them. For their delicacy that evening.


They are literally evil vampire cannibals.


So where do we go from here, when it gets out? We need twice the farmers. We need twice the livestock. We need to protect our crop. Build a wall.




So yea, the thought kinda went like that.

Anonymous ID: e0ddf0 May 25, 2019, 8:21 p.m. No.6590419   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Think about it. A lot of shit lines up….


Who are usually the vegetarians?

And who pushes veganism?

Who are anti-gun (for hunting)?

Who are anti wall?

Who are anti-farmer?

Who are pro-abortion?

Who are pro-death?


People don't just become evil to be evil. There was an originally a despicable reasoning that seemed logical to them.


Everyone that is in on this secret will not be able to walk down the street once it gets out that they knew and did nothing about it. It will be even worse for those that took it to the extreme end all ready mentioned.