Anonymous ID: fd86ab Autism May 25, 2019, 6:57 p.m. No.6589943   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9980 >>9983 >>0033 >>0265 >>0274

To my fellow autists…


My fellow autists…I am thankful for you. You have shown me that I am not alone, that what I deal with isnt unique to me…that you share some of the same struggles and difficulties…


Life has kicked me in the teeth more times than I care to even count…and I couldnt even venture a guess in how many times I wished I was "normal" like other people…


But I am not normal. And neither are you. And in the course of my life - I have come to accept and appreciate the fact that I have certain qualities that the normies dont have…and that those qualities are pretty awesome.


I want to share with you all what I believe to be the most important, most meaningful summation of what life is meant to teach us and what its supposed to be about…


"Jesus Christ is the only true hope that any of us really has…"


It is my sincere desire that you, if you havent already - come to the same conclusion that I did…


Jesus Rocks! He is the MAN!


Trump is cool and all - and he fights like no one I have ever seen in my life…but - in a match between Jesus vs. Trump its no question…


May my fellow brothers/sisters in Christ fully experience the peace and joy that is in Christ Jesus…


Thats all I got.