Anonymous ID: 400512 May 25, 2019, 9:11 p.m. No.6590680   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0764

>>6589049 (pb)


Hey Vatican Cardinal, butt out and go to hell for calling to an end of the fossil fuel era. Keep your religion out of oil.


My title is self explanatory and blunt.  Enough already with injecting religion into oil & gas.


Don't shove religion (any religion) down my throat, and stop trying to tell me that oil is evil.


Go. To. Hell.


This Climate Panic Hysteria has truly jumped the shark in absurdity.


For some perspective on oil and religion… a decade or so ago on an offshore oil platform in Southeast Asia in a Muslim majority country, a local worker patiently explained to me that oil was a gift from All*h to Muslims, and that non-Muslim countries and non-Muslims should not benefit from oil revenues.


His absurdity left me speechless.  Why this local was telling me this is a mystery, as clearly I am not a Muslim.  While he was certainly free to believe this himself, he certainly had no business trying to convince me of his religious beliefs regarding oil.


Anyway, back to the current absurdity about mixing religion with oil, and shoving religious beliefs about oil down the throats of others.  This Vatican Cardinal (and the Pope) should butt the hell out of oil.