Anonymous ID: 6ed220 May 25, 2019, 8:37 p.m. No.6590534   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0558

>>6589957 (pb)


Having slight problem following:


>>Which brings us to some of Q’s more recent posts like #3328. Where Q says “C comes before D”. In post #3344 Q appears to confirm that C=Comey, which following the pattern would mean D=first letter of first name: [D]an. This explains why POTUS circumnavigated Coates with the declassification. And last the autistic cherry on top that started this whole thing. POTUS’s tweet at 3:29PM today where he misspelled (we know POTUS only misspells things for emphasis) Biden as Bidan = Bye Dan.



Anon, Comey is his last name not First.