Anonymous ID: 76e0da May 25, 2019, 8:51 p.m. No.6590608   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0622 >>0675 >>0714 >>0863 >>1015 >>1150 >>1205 >>1216

I was thinking about Trump's tweet about Kim saying Biden is low IQ individual.

He's referring to the spat of words between Biden and NK since he announced he was running for president.


But then i thought there ofcourse must be some deeper meaning given Biden and his son's connections to China.

So i started looking into Biden's connections to NK.

I found a 2013 story about Biden visiting the Border of NK and looking onto the country.

In it it says Biden visited NK when he was a senator.


Welcome to the edge of freedom,” said Lt. Col. Daniel Edwan, commander of the United Nations Command Security Battalion.


“Good to be back,” said Mr. Biden, who traveled there while he was a senator.


The vice president visited Asia at a time of deep uncertainty about the North, with reports that its leader, Kim Jong-un, had ordered a purge of one of his closest relatives, suggesting the possibility of further upheaval.


I have not been able to find any stories or pictures of Bidens visit to NK when he was a Senator.

Have any other anons done any digging into this before?