Anonymous ID: 901908 May 25, 2019, 9:43 p.m. No.6590811   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Hahaaaaa, shit, that's so awesome

Just look at 'em

I love ya POTUS


This thing is in the bag, ya'll.

"Nothing can stop this. Nothing."

"We have it all."

Getting overwhelmed with confidence and the unknown thrill of wondering what's ahead.


Good guys, I love ya'll too.

Anonymous ID: 901908 May 25, 2019, 10:23 p.m. No.6590938   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1136 >>1205 >>1216


Hive mind, yet again.

Was just wondering if the Charlemagne thing had hit.

Have made a conscious effort to avoid spending time on the Magacoalition scuffle & focus elsewhere


"So essentially, what this all boils down it, was an omerta formed between “The Silent Ones” to guard their criminal conspiracy; a criminal conspiracy which reached to the highest echelons of both the American and Italian government, and had as its goal the framing Trump by planting classified US government documents from Hillary’s servers onto servers located on American soil, in order to oust him from office."


The Silent Ones

Simona is PapaD's handler?

Link Campus is a common denominator


Occhionero is saying that Comey’s CHS (Confidential Human Source) is none other than Gianni (Giovanni) De Gennaro, the former chief of state police, and the current chairman of Leonardi – the ninth largest defense contractor in the world. Recall what Occhinero just said about him:


And of course the #1 boogeyman of Italian darkness: Gianni De Gennaro, engineer of the whole plot and the one serving connection to FBI and US authorities (check his conferences at CSA)


Well, the Godfather III references certainly became more interesting.

Anonymous ID: 901908 May 25, 2019, 10:48 p.m. No.6591036   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1070


That Ramtha idiocy made the rounds even before Project Camelot, years ago when the "New Age" idiocy started circulating

It's all just a giant scam for hucksters to sell their version of snake oil: speeches, books, and other media

Now she/he/it is turning up at the NXIVM trial

Just a 1990's-era New Age scammer

Anonymous ID: 901908 May 25, 2019, 11:06 p.m. No.6591121   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Here we are at 2:00 AM EDT Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, and this gargantuan spiderweb of evil is getting absolutely carpet bombed.


Going worldwide like lightning, just like Sun Tzu


This is glorious.

Anonymous ID: 901908 May 25, 2019, 11:22 p.m. No.6591187   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1205 >>1216 >>1217 >>1224

Who are the Silent Ones?


So, to get to your question, the Silent Ones are in my characterization: several members of the previous Renzi and Gentiloni governments, several high-ranking Italian cyber police and intelligence officers and even some top-ranking magistrates. They all are aware Italian authorities were cooperating against Trump but are so naive to believe silence will help. Among them, and just to name some who “must know”:


Former Prime Minister Mattero Renzi

Former Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni

Former Minister of Defense Roberta Pinotti, she also received a certified email by my lawyers about the matter you read in my letter to Intel Cmtes.

Former Minister of Interior Marco Minniti, he received the same certified email as Pinotti.

Former Director of Dipartimento Informazioni per la Sicurezza, Alessandro Pansa, also comes from Polizia (a De Gennaro pupil) and is also involved in EyePyramid.

Chief Prosecutor of Procura di Roma, Giuseppe Pignatone (retired few days ago).

Deputy Prosecutor of Procura di Roma, Eugenio Albamonte.

Former Director of Polizia Postale, Roberto Di Legami for the reasons above, he was removed by Polizia Postale when EyePyramid exploded (not as a courtesy to me) because it was clear he had done something wrong.

Current Chief of Polizia Franco Gabrielli, he has maintained a third-party approach but MUST know, as he removed Di Legami.

Several Agents of CNAIPIC (the Special Division of Polizia Postale) including its head Ivano Gabrielli, Francesco Cappotto and Federico Pereno; these last two went to US to cooperate with FBI during the days Comey was fired.

Federico Ramondino, is a private individual but serves as dark-cyber man and is also Ausiliario di Polizia Giudiziaria. He is now under trial and uses De Gennaro’s lawyer.

Other dozens of lower-level people from Link Campus, Centro Studi Americani, Procura di Roma and other institutions who knew, but were betting on Trump’s ousting.

And of course the #1 boogeyman of Italian darkness: Gianni De Gennaro, engineer of the whole plot and the one serving connection to FBI and US authorities (check his conferences at CSA)

Anonymous ID: 901908 May 25, 2019, 11:29 p.m. No.6591224   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1244


Giulio Occhionero





Operation Charlemagne

The newly discovered bungled Italy-lead operation to take down President Trump in #Spygare

Members of Italian intelligence were approached by Hillary Clinton, Obama Admin, and the #DeepState

#CrossfireBoomerang #OperationCharlemagne

7:44 AM · May 25, 2019 · Twitter Web App









Replying to


  1. in order to frame trump by PLANTING EVIDENCE on American servers to force Trump to step down from office





  1. The Op was to link Trump to the Clinton’s stolen emails and the Russians in a serious treason/conspiracy allegation that could force Trump out of office





  1. Who are the Silent Ones? members of the previous Renzi and Gentiloni governments, in league with the American #DeepState and in on the Trump attempted #coup. All are tied to #LinkCampus



Anonymous ID: 901908 May 25, 2019, 11:32 p.m. No.6591244   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Suddenly Italy is in this up to its meatballs.






I hope you live long enough to see Justice done, Bruno Contrada. Unfortunately you met a monster on your way…


#ItalianDeepState #Justice #BrunoContrada