Anonymous ID: a7a28d May 25, 2019, 11:17 p.m. No.6591169   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1170 >>1184 >>1205 >>1216

Huawei "Spent All Their Resources Stealing", Stunning New Exposé Shows


The accusations of Huawei stealing trade secrets from across the world are hitting a fever pitch, thanks to a new Wall Street Journal expose that blows open accusations of theft and stealing of trade secrets. The article includes insights from lawsuits, Huawei’s competitors and former employees. Allegations run the gamut against the company: from its business practices, to the science behind its 5G, all the way down to copying the text it used in its user manuals.


Huawei has grown into China’s global technology powerhouse, as a leader in 5G networks and giant maker of telecom equipment. The company employs 188,000 people in more than 170 countries and sells more smartphones than Apple. It also provides cloud services, manufactures microchips and runs internet cables undersea that help route global traffic.


The United States is finally following in the footsteps of places like Australia and putting pressure on the company out of concern for national security. Just last week, the Trump administration unveiled measures to help cut Huawei off from American suppliers and stop it from doing business in the United States. The administration believes that the company takes its orders directly from Beijing and that its standing as the top telecom company in the world makes it a powerful tool for China's authoritarian government.


Huawei writes the whole thing off as one big misunderstanding and says that it complies with laws in global markets: “We respect the integrity of intellectual property rights—for our own business, as well as peer, partner and competitor companies,” the company said.


The US had done little to confront Huawei head-on up until the last couple of months. This allowed the Chinese giant to grow bigger than companies like Cisco and Motorola, while at the same time settling civil litigation along the way without admitting fault.


Robert Read, a former contract engineer from 2002 to 2003 in Huawei’s Sweden office said:


“They spent all their resources stealing technology. You’d steal a motherboard and bring it back and they’d reverse-engineer it.”

Anonymous ID: a7a28d May 25, 2019, 11:21 p.m. No.6591184   🗄️.is đź”—kun



There's got to be a ton of cases and evidence of Huywei or Huaawei stealing IP and IT. Netsum of the damages must be in what…billions?


Stick a fork in em for all their crimes and hook em for a few billion in damages. Then just take it back.