Anonymous ID: cf9af9 May 25, 2019, 11:02 p.m. No.6591096   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1120 >>1140 >>1143 >>1148 >>1174 >>1190

It’s been clear to me for months now that Fox News and personalities like Bongino, Solomon, Carter are deliberately deceiving and misleading their audience, which includes President Trump.


This is a serious accusation, especially since all of them have gone to lengths to try to make themselves appear to be Trump’s allies and supporters. For that reason and beecause they have reported correctly on some aspects of the Trump Russia collusion story, they have fooled millions of real Trump supporters.


I’ll quickly out line a few of their obvious lies and deceptions,


They have all misled him on the Bill Browder story & the DNC Ukraine collusion story


The Spygate hoaxers have fooled a significant number of Trump supporters into believing…


  • Hillary Clinton is a Putin ally when every bit of evidence shows that she and Bill Clinton and all their associates are avowed enemies of Putin, who put a stop to the theft of Russian assets that happened under Clinton /. Yeltsin.


  • They falsely use the Uranium One story to ‘prove’ this. Significantly, they do this by leaving out the role APCO Worldwide, the anti-Putin lobbying firm that Jonathan Winer is an executive of.


  • They also never mention Winer’s connection to Bill Browder, or to Russia oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who is a significant figure in the real 2016 scandal.


  • Not one of them criticizes Obama foreign policy on regime change coups in Syria or Ukraine, both of which are significant factors in the 2016 election interference. The closest they come to criticism is saying Obama didn’t got far enough, thereby encouraging his war cabinet of Bolton, Mnichin and Pompeo.


  • None of them focus on the central role of George Soros, who backed both the Obama State Department as well as Browder and Khodorkovsky. Nor do focus on Mnuchin’s Soros connections or his key role in the Magnitsky Act.


  • Related: all of them actively support the unconstitutional Magnitsky Act and the false Bill Browder narrative on it.


  • Nor do they mention Browder / Khodorkovsky / Magnitsky Sct connection central anti-Trump figures like James Comey, Ashcroft, Juleanna Glover, John McCain, David Kramer, Strobe Talbott.


  • They ignored the DNC Ukraine story as long as they could, even though it was clearly proven, then took the side of Petro Poroshenko and supported his henchman Lutsenko.


  • No mention of money laundering connection to Browder / Comey and HSBC or Browder’s connection to money launderer Edmond Safra.


  • False reporting on the Trump Tower narrative, using Bill Browder as a point man on Fox News to advance his lies about Russian attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya as well as carefully worded smears of Glenn Simpson. (Browder NEVER says Simpson was wrong about Trump. He does verbal slight of hand so the Fox audience never seems to notice that his criticism of Simpson is ONLY about what Simpson reported accurately about Browder.)


  • In the week after the Trump / Putin summit, Fox News allowed Browder to come on to attack Trump.


  • No mention of serial bomber Brett Kimberlin’s involvement with DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa or the claim by Chalupa that a Kimberlin connected hacking group with working with the DNC.