Anonymous ID: d8ea35 May 25, 2019, 10:09 p.m. No.6590900   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>6590516It dovetails with Q post with the phrase "The Silent Ones"/

I read it yesterday once. It was hard to follow but what this normie got out of it was that recently 4 intelligence high ups were fired because they were contacted by Hillary, given some of her lost top secret emails to plant on servers in the United States so their presence could be blamed on Trump, and force him to step down?

Now, off the bat, since the President can declassify anything he wants, how would this force him to step down?

I am not sure what to make of it.


Maybe the story needs diagrammed on a meme or something.

Will have to read it a second time through.

But, if the story turns out to be true, it is big indeed, because it would show Hillary worked with foreign intelligence to interfere with the 2016 election, in a way not yet understood by the majority of anons right now…at the minimum.

I'm going to ignore the shills and read again, because it bears reading again.

Anonymous ID: d8ea35 May 25, 2019, 10:48 p.m. No.6591035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1102 >>1207


I watched this the other night. It was excellent. Sent me on a research trail concerning what the secular call the "corruption" of the New Testament.

Turns out….now that we have so many documents…..

The New Testament is more intact and provably less corrupted than any ancient text from which we teach any history from anywhere in western world. We have far more copies of the original, so the whole "it's been rewritten so many times and changed so many times" argument is dead.

It has not been changed materially at all.

SO, I am including this lecture find. It was great.


How Badly Was the New Testament Corrupted? | Veritas at SDSU (2018)

Anonymous ID: d8ea35 May 25, 2019, 11:34 p.m. No.6591266   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I think the globalists decided long ago that it is easier to control who can afford to run, than control the elections.

So they hunt down the wicked, the blackmail-able, the mentally ill etc. They run them and donate to them to get them in, and then to control our government. They need puppets.


The only reason the freedom caucus seems normal is that they were normal citizens that rose out of the in-home Tea Party meetups before the Tea Party was taken over by co-opt. I was part of those meetings that happened in our homes, and watched their elections happen.

AND It looks to me like somehow they were warned about sticking together and not going to parties they would be invited to when they got to DC. Perhaps Ron Paul explained the Congressional survival routine to Rand, and he passed it on, but, none of them are blackmail-able so far.

Still, they have been threatened, a number of times.

If they will not take bribery, and they can not be blackmailed, then they are threatened, their families are threatened.

If that does not work, well… look at Scalise and company.

The Republicans on that baseball field, 6 of them were working on the child sex trade investigations. They would not back down. All six of their names were in the list in the shooters pocket.


So, (((they))) look for corrupt people to run to begin with.

If the normies slip through the election cracks they have to run in groups to have impact.

They are bribed, then threatened, then murdered if they really push it.


We have not had a "free Congress or Senate, for a long time.

It is about time to protect the decent people who go to DC. Frankly, every one of them should have to wear a wire at all times for their own safety. The minute they get bribes or threats there should be a place where they can immediately upload the wire contents to the rest of us, to protect themselves.

It is so sick. We are literally going to have to have our military intelligence protect them 24-7


We cant afford to let the globalists go vetting for sick, bribe-able blackmail-able evil people to run for office anymore.


We cant afford to elect people who have not been vetted by all of us. Vetting means you are not allowed to lock up your birth certificate, college records, grade school records, etc, like Obama did.

We have to be as mean about it as the globalists are.

And we cant afford to send good people in alone anymore. We have to know our legislators before they are elected, and protect them from the international criminals in every way we can think of.