Anonymous ID: d937e6 May 25, 2019, 8:31 p.m. No.6590500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0616 >>1028 >>1136 >>1146 >>1205 >>1216

Emory University Fires 2 Professors for Not Disclosing Ties to China


Atlanta-based Emory University has fired two Chinese-American biomedical professors for failing to disclose funding from and ties to Chinese institutions, while receiving grants from the U.S. government. The university said in a statement on May 23 an investigation revealed that “two of its faculty members named as key personnel on NIH [National Institute of Health] grant awards to Emory University had failed to fully disclose foreign sources of research funding and the extent of their work for research institutions and universities in China.”


While the university did not name the former staff, Chinese science-related website Zhishi Fenzi identified the scientists as Li Xiaojiang and his wife Li Shihua, both veteran professors at the school’s department of human genetics. The website, citing an unnamed member of Li Xiaojiang’s research team, said the university closed down his laboratory on May 16 while Li was in China; it also said the university took the computers and research documents, and questioned team members about Li’s links with China. The professors’ profiles have been removed from the Emory’s website, along with the homepage for their joint laboratory, Li Laboratory.


The investigation was triggered after the NIH last August sent a letter to over 10,000 academic research institutions across the United States warning about the threat of intellectual property theft and foreign interference, and asked for help curbing “unacceptable breaches of trust and confidentiality.” Recipients of NIH grants must disclose if they receive funds from foreign entities, and are not allowed to share their applications with other people.


In April, NIH Director Francis Collins told a Senate committee that the agency was investigating NIH-funded foreign scientists at more than 55 U.S. institutions. Collins said at the Senate hearing there were “egregious instances” of scientists breaching grant rules by “double dipping,” or not disclosing foreign funding for work that is NIH-funded, “diverting intellectual property” that belongs to their U.S. institution, and sending grant proposals to other countries, allowing “ideas to be stolen.” The NIH is the largest funder of biomedical and public health research in the United States. Last fiscal year, it issued roughly $39 billion in federal funding to 2,500 to 3,000 institutions, supporting 300,000 to 350,000 scientists across the country.


Both Lis, who are U.S. citizens, had been working at Emory for 23 years. Li Xiaojiang has been a tenured professor at the university since 2005, according to the website. Li Xiaojiang moved to the United States from China to undertake doctoral studies in 1987, the website said, and became a naturalized citizen. The couple are known for work using gene-editing technology to engineer pigs and mice to study Huntington’s disease, a genetic disorder that causes the progressive breakdown of nerve cells in the brain. According to Yahoo Finance, Li Xiaojiang and has also held positions at various Chinese universities since 2007, including most recently as a professor at Jinan University in Guangzhou. Li was also selected as a member of the Chinese regime’s


“Thousands Talents Program” in 2010, the news site said. The recruitment program, which aims to lure top Chinese scientists working abroad to move to China, has come under increased scrutiny in Washington over concerns that it enables the transfer of U.S. intellectual property. In December 2018, NIH published a report raising concerns that Thousand Talents recruits had access to American intellectual property and that they transfer key data—produced using U.S. federal research money—to China.


In a statement to Science Magazine on May 24, Li Xiaojiang said Emory dismissed his wife and himself “simultaneously without any notice or opportunity for us to respond to unverified accusations.” The scientist disputed the university’s claims that they failed to disclose ties with China, saying, “I have disclosed my Chinese research activity to Emory University each year since 2012.” This is not the first time ethnically-Chinese researchers have been dismissed after NIH raised concerns over foreign influence in U.S. research last year. In April, A top research institute, The MD Anderson Cancer Center at the University of Texas, ousted three Asian senior researchers after NIH notified the center about several faculty members who had potentially attempted to steal U.S. scientific research

Anonymous ID: d937e6 May 25, 2019, 8:48 p.m. No.6590594   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1028 >>1048 >>1136 >>1205 >>1216

Trump’s Lawyers Come to Agreement With House Committees to Hold Off on Subpoenas: Report


President Donald Trump’s attorneys have reached a deal with House committees to delay the enforcement of subpoenas that are seeking his financial records from two banks, according to a report. A source familiar with the agreement told CNN that the lawyers had struck the deal with the House Intelligence and Financial Services committees on May 25, which allows for an expedited appeal schedule. According to the news broadcaster, a similar agreement was reached with the House Oversight committee earlier this week.


On May 22, District Judge Edgardo Ramos, who was appointed by President Barack Obama, refused to block the subpoenas on the two banks that require them to hand to Congress banking and financial records, including “records of every single checking withdrawal, credit-card swipe, or debit-card purchase—no matter how trivial or small—made by each and every member of the Trump family,” a lawsuit filed by the Trump family stated. The lawsuit was filed at the end of April to block the two banks from complying with the subpoenas. Trump’s lawyers argued that the Democrat-controlled House committees’ demands for records have no legitimate or lawful purpose and are so broad they would include transaction records on the Trump family’s personal shopping.


Following Ramos’s ruling, Trump’s lawyers filed an appeal on May 24 with the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of Trump, his children—Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump, and Ivanka Trump—and several of their companies to overturn the federal judge’s ruling. Additionally, a court document filed in the case on May 25 read, “the parties have reached an agreement regarding compliance with and enforcement of the subpoenas during the pendency of Plaintiffs’ appeal,” likely referring to this agreement. The court document filed requests a stay on the subpoenas while the appeal filed on May 24 is pending.


The House committees’ subpoenas for Trump’s bank records is one of the three investigations launched by key House committees in April. The other probes are seeking the president’s tax returns and the full declassification of the partially redacted Mueller report. So far, the number of inquiries led by House Democrats has grown to 10.





Anonymous ID: d937e6 May 25, 2019, 9:23 p.m. No.6590727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0760


Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs Susan Thornton


Thinking this person needs a dig, Tillerson pushed for her to have more of a lead role rather than assistant, Bannon blocked her from getting the position. She served in this role for 2 decades before retiring last year.. Thinking SES here..


Career diplomat Thornton to leave State Department

Anonymous ID: d937e6 May 25, 2019, 10 p.m. No.6590859   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0874 >>0889 >>1136 >>1205 >>1216

Deep State – Former Trump Senior State Dept. Official Tells Beijing to Wait Until Trump is Removed…


A clear example of the Administrative State’s seditious alignment with global financial interests and DC indulgences. This is the deep state at its deepest and most statist.


Mrs. Susan Thornton, the former acting assistant secretary of state in the Trump administration, tells her Beijing audience to stop negotiating until President Trump is removed from office in 2020.


(BEIJING) […] “I want to be optimistic,” said Thornton, whose 27-year career in Washington ended in July. “I tell all our foreign counterparts they should keep steady, keep their heads down and wait. [They should] try to not let anything change dramatically.” “If this skeptical attitude towards talking diplomacy continues in this administration, you might have to wait till another administration,” Thornton said at an event held by National Committee of US-China relations and Shanghai’s American Chamber.


This type of undermining of the president by a well known top diplomat is likely why the Chinese politburo rebuked the deal put together by USTR Robert Lighthizer and Chinese Vice-Primier Liu He. Obviously President Trump’s opposition is confident they can remove him from office; and giving advice to the Chinese who are making long-term strategic decisions with that confidence in mind. Again, just another example of the scale and scope of the challenges faced by President Trump as he attempts to negotiate strength for the U.S. economy, and is undermined by bureaucrats who make more personal wealth selling out our nation to foreign governments. There are trillions at stake; and former bureaucrats like Ms. Susan Thornton use their former positions to make millions at the trough even if that means advocating for the interests of a communist government.


Former Donald Trump official hopes for US-China trade deal, but says Beijing can afford to wait


Susan Thornton says Washington must return to diplomacy and rescue deal

State Department veteran says pressure will hit Donald Trump before Xi Jinping


(read more)

Anonymous ID: d937e6 May 25, 2019, 10:19 p.m. No.6590923   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0925 >>0937

Since she is now a civilian it would seem that she is now committing treason, as she doesn't have the capacity to speak on behalf of the US government.

Anonymous ID: d937e6 May 25, 2019, 10:26 p.m. No.6590953   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1136 >>1205 >>1216

China's Deepstate History


The central institution of the Chinese intelligence community was the Communist Party of China [CPC] prior to 1949 was Central Department of Social Affairs, which subsequently became the Central Investigation Department [replaced by the Ministry of State Security in 1983]

Anonymous ID: d937e6 May 25, 2019, 10:32 p.m. No.6590980   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wouldn't that depend on the conditions and purpose of her comments. Seemed like she was there to calm a few DS ruffled feathers. As it seemed she was intent on letting them know they shouldn't make any deals with current administration. Demonstrates interference with negotiations she had no business speaking of.. Am I seeing this wrong?

Anonymous ID: d937e6 May 25, 2019, 10:48 p.m. No.6591033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1052 >>1079 >>1093

Former Thai PM and influential royal adviser Prem Tinsulanonda dies at 98


BANGKOK (Reuters) - Former Thai prime minister and influential royal adviser General Prem Tinsulanonda died on Sunday morning at age 98 in a Bangkok hospital, a palace official told Reuters.


Prem had served King Maha Vajiralongkorn and his late father King Bhumibol Adulyadej as a chairman of the prestigious Privy Council. The cause of his death was not yet made public. He played an important role in organizing the elaborate coronation of the King Maha Vajiralongkorn earlier this month, and also served briefly as the country’s regent shortly after King Bhumibol Adulyadej passed away in 2016.


Prem was Thailand’s 16th prime minister, serving three terms from 1980 to 1988. He was also a former army chief.