Anonymous ID: 0cb526 May 25, 2019, 11:39 p.m. No.6591295   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1298 >>1338 >>1359

I hesitated in posting this. Even waited until the night shift. It's long but I can't make it any shorter. Apologies if it's been suggested previously or obvious, I lurk a lot and I haven't seen it.


I've been thinking about MS13 and Seth Rich lately. The timing. The intro of the song "Gift Shop" was sticking with me. (Not suggesting Tragically Hip are cabal or anything)


''After a glimpse

over the top

the rest of the world

becomes a gift shop''


I hope I'm wrong about my Anons thoughts on Q drops #5 & #6: Re: Why is MS13 a priority _ nobody got this


TL;DR - Gift Shop Hypothesis - All gangs are unknowingly working directly for the cabal. On call 24/7, just like other essential services. Like good guys watch hero movies that help guide our paths in life, bad guys get gangster movies to guide their hopes and dreams. IRL Cops and Robbers movie. Maybe even a game for some? Control of robbers would be more important than control of cops in the grand scheme of things.


Cabal members having quick and reliable access to any and all 'services' would be essential. Take the SR situation for instance; very fast response times there, faster than Western Union. Faster than cash. The word pedoVORE implies no supply chain problems of any kind, anywhere, ever. It speaks more of a system than of any particular individual. And it sounds like they're proud of it. Utterly insane. The leadership of MS13 could be a glimpse into the middle management layer of the cabals' service delivery network, such as it is. Awesome target for white hats, tactically speaking. The layer where these different departments start to merge into Wonderland.


With cabal members always travelling around you would need a large and speedy network of 'service providers'. Even for the local members because you can be sure they don't clean up their own messes. Organized crime networks have everything you could ever want for the logistics of such an operation; drugs, prostitution, safe-houses, private estates, aircraft, boats, clandestine transportation networks, weapons, muscle, shovels, holes in the desert, and guys who don't ask questions about what's in the box. Cabal members would just need clandestine access and a bag of cash.


'Rival' gangs may be just like the old national armies; all owned, funded and controlled by the same silent hands who provoke and then steer the conflict to the benefit of the cabal alone. No actors. Just like any problematic young Englishmen could be sent to the front line to fight any problematic young Frenchmen; problems solve themselves. Men too noble. They died heros of course, young and naive, before knowing their common enemy. Similar MO here with organized crime; just no heroes. That's a different department.



Anonymous ID: 0cb526 May 25, 2019, 11:39 p.m. No.6591298   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>1379 >>1578 >>1629 >>1689





If the cabal ran the gangs' command and control structures covertly, the boots on the ground would be completely unaware of the real reason the business-they-are-taking-care-of is actually being taken-care-of. If gangsters will happily beat a common pedophile to death in prison for free, what would they do with these sick fucks? In a world where plants and medicines can be illegal, some 'criminals' can be basically moral people, or at least try to be. Think Jessie Pinkman. Natural gang violence makes removing witnesses and conspirators easy; just send them to the front lines or get a 'rival' to do the job. Zero suspicions of a larger agenda, even amongst the gangsters who pulled the trigger. Certainly not the general public.


If the cabal is "โ€ฆa tightly knit, highly efficient machineโ€ฆ" then you can be sure gangbangers aren't in it. Controlling illiterate street thugs covertly however shouldn't be a problem, not with a big enough bag of cash. How about with pallets of cash? Enough cash to fund an invasion? Cabal members would need an access point, but then they could use that proxy to arrange services just like ordering a pizza or a taxi. Organized. 'John Wick' or 'Taken' kind of organized. It would seem there is a high enough demand. Hundreds of thousands of children going missing in the west every year? That's FARMING NUMBERS. Where are the farmers? The farm hands? How are they paid? 100,000 sealed indictments, in ONE COUNTRY!? What if that is the first domino? THAT would be BOOMS. We found the farms for sure, look out your front window. The farmers MUST be local too. What if the buyers could connect to them easily, WW? Shop anywhere. Meet new like-minded people easily and regularly? Think about 100,000+, in one country. Even if that is 99% staff; they clearly view themselves as some noble class of people and see the rest of humanity as livestock, why not travel a bit? It's not like there is a shortage of private jets and yachts.


Access points. I would bet somewhere very old school, with unmistakable SYMBOLS. Highly sophisticated long before the internet was imagined, even before telephones. It may be as simple as one of those places that have road signs leading there from all over the city, like visitor centers, police stations, libraries, hotels, hospitals, churches, 'community organizations', whatever. It could be anything these days, even a website or 1-800-MYCABAL. Dial 1 for cops, 2 for robbers. Members just need to call or stop by the local branch of wherever with an access code and an 'order'. Once you learn the access codes and access points the rest of the world becomes a gift shop; as long as the bags of cash hold out that is. They've had secret codes and handshakes and symbols for millennia, how easy are comms now? Well, until recently.


Thanks for listening if you made it this far! So glad to have people to bounce this stuff off of.


Now's the part where you all tell me I'm just paranoid and this is all ridiculously impossible. Please. Srsly, tell me this is nuts.