Anonymous ID: 66f25f May 26, 2019, 12:01 a.m. No.6591420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1426 >>1430

The Steps in the Great Awakening:


1) the revelation of the existence ot the global cabal

2) the overthrow of the global cabal starting in America

3) the revelation that all the religions are corrupt participants in the cabal control

4) the imprisonment/execution of cabal members

5) the global monetary reset, due to the cabal losing power over global banking and central banks of nations

6) revelation of withheld technologies and major disruption of corporations

7) revelation of the withheld history of humanity and the interactions with ET's

8) the revelation of hidden civilizations in the Earth

9) the re-establishment of communication and travel with ET's

10) the demonstration of powers of materializing and healing by ET's and other "miracles" done by elevated consciousness

11) the ET's demonstrating that all entities are capable of doing "miracles"

12) the abandonment of all religions for personal communion with God within


this is why all religions are irrelevant and why all history and ancient writings are merely deception/diversion


sauce? read 2 books indicated by the Q tripcodes…


watch this video…