Anonymous ID: def196 May 26, 2019, 3:18 a.m. No.6591915   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1924 >>1942 >>1958

Kek: Johnny Rotten Called CNN "Fake" In 2015


When you go on Facebook, you know you're dealing with opinion, and people are presenting a fake image of themselves to bolster their inadequacies, I suppose. It's a bit like heroin in that respect. That's not enjoyable for me. It's not exploring anything interesting because it's fake.


We can all do fake well enough without anybody else's fake on top of it. CNN in particular. They used to be so great. Now it's just whoever sends in a bit of footage, and with never enough information. You have to have a great deal of skill as a viewer, obviously. You have to go into all of the connections to a story. Because somewhere in there, something actually happened. So I'll go anywhere there are a few more lines of dialogue for me to read and absorb so I can grasp the bigger picture. I need to know locality, times, dates, names, people involved. And I want opinions out of it. If I want opinions, I'll go into books. But there are parts of the Internet I love, as well.

