Anonymous ID: ef6bc4 May 26, 2019, 12:49 a.m. No.6591599   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So Sally Yates is transgender too. I wondered. It's all according to Serial Brain 2 read by 'And We Know'


I've always believed the whole gay thing was too over the top not to have an alternate agenda.. Transgenderism is the 'vehicle' evil entities from other dimensions have been able to enter and live in our dimension. These people sell themselves to evil, to be the 'vessel' they fill to live among us.. apparently she/he sally yates had adam apple surgery …. Q & POTUS tweet and speech decodes allude to her. It's why the push for acceptance of transgenderism

Anonymous ID: ef6bc4 May 26, 2019, 12:57 a.m. No.6591619   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1625

This is rich: I can't imagine any problems


Doctors Want Permission to Euthanize Patients to Harvest Their Organs



Several weeks ago I wrote about Dr Wes Ely’s experiences while attending conferences on organ donation. Ely explains that the topic of euthanasia by organ donation was regularly being discussed at organ donation conferences. Ely, who opposes euthanasia, stated:


At each meeting, the conversation unexpectedly shifted to an emerging question of “death by donation” — in other words, ending a people’s lives with their informed consent by taking them to the operating room and, under general anesthesia, opening their chest and abdomen surgically while they are still alive to remove vital organs for transplantation into other people.


The big deal here is that death by donation would bypass the long-honored dead donor rule, which forbids removal of vital organs until the donor is declared dead. Death by donation would, at present, be considered homicide to end a life by taking organs.


Sharon Kirkey published an article in the National Post (today) concerning the debate that has grown concerning euthanasia by organ donation. Kirkey explains:


Under this scenario, people granted an assisted death would, with their full knowledge and consent, be transported to an operating room, put to sleep under general anaesthesia and their organs removed, including the heart and lungs. Death would follow removal of the beating heart. Under so-called “euthanasia by organ donation,” the act of organ donation itself — not a lethal injection or a doctor-prescribed, life-ending dose of barbiturates — would be the mode of death.


According to Kirkey organ donation after euthanasia has already occurred at least 30 times in Canada, since euthanasia was legalized.


Kirkey points out that the dead donor rule prevents euthanasia by organ donation.