Anonymous ID: 4784f3 May 26, 2019, 7:18 a.m. No.6592562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2724

FCC chairman Ajit Pai finally responds to queries on 5G and health from lawmakers:


Complete brush-off of entire issue. Interestingly – since the FCC has complete control over radiation standards – they keep saying now that they have no "health expertise", so they outsource these standards. In this response, Pai reveals the actual source of these regulations:


"And these limits are derived from exposure limits recommended by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. and the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements."


In other words: these standards are set by engineers, not health professionals, and they are set purely for engineering convenience. They are based on guidelines for military radar operators working in microwave fields. The sole and only issue they look at is that you don't heat up too much if you're irradiated for a few minutes. They have nothing whatsoever to do with long-term 24/7 irradiation. They have nothing whatsoever to do with brainwaves being entrained into a zombie low-alpha state by ordinary low-level cellphone radiation, as shown in dozens of studies. The guidelines assume a person over six feet tall and weighing over 200 pounds. These standards have not changed in decades.


The head of the WHO's International EMF Project, which sets the world's research guidelines in this field, is Dr Emilie van Deventer. Her sole expertise when she was appointed, was in microwave antenna design. She had no knowledge of biology, health, or medicine.


She was appointed in 2006. In that same year, the WHO EMF Project issued a standing research directive to the world's scientists: DO NOT research health around towers. Especially DO NOT research cancer around towers. The fields are too low. There simply cannot be a problem; therefore, don't look. Nothing to see here folks; keep moving, if you want research grants.


Despite this guideline, there have been at least 24 studies worldwide of health around towers (as of 2017). Every single one of these studies has reported a consistent pattern of health problems, including significantly raised cancer rates. That is 100% scientific unanimity. This is very rare in such a controversial field.


Yet the WHO will say there is "no consistent evidence" of harm from tower radiation.


With 5G, the towers will be located just feet from your child's bedroom. This is now punted as a great advantage: because the antenna is so close, we won't have to radiate you so much. It's all going to be much better now, with a mast every few hundred feet.


They tell you with your handset: hold it 0.36 inches (or whatever, depending on the country and brand) from your ear, every fraction of a millimetre counts, in reducing the radiation your head absorbs. Yet now they want to bring the mini-cells right close to your house, and say it's "safe" just because of that. Spot the contradiction.


You have to wake up to the dangers of 5G. You are on your own on this one, anons. People on this forum are saying, oh, Q wants you to set your own agenda, blah blah. Sure sign shill. There's an agenda sitting staring you in the face. As the song goes, when the Lord says you gotta move, you gotta move.