Anonymous ID: 682d46 May 26, 2019, 4:57 a.m. No.6592075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2079

POTUS CPAC 2019: Meeting with Gen Dan "Raisin" Caine in Iraq



Something fishy about this Raisin Caine.


(FOUO) Major Caine entered the Air National Guard in Feburary 1992 with duty station,

Syracuse, NY. He was trained as an F-16 pilot and served in that capacity until July 1998. He

joined the DC Air National Guard in Summer of 1999 after training at fighter warfare school. In

late 2001 he participated in Operation Enduring Freedom and in Spring 2002 was reassigned to

Davis-Monthan AFB.


(FOUO) Caine commented that because of his Syracuse experience he had visited the Northeast

Air Defense Sector (NEADS), knew how their floor operated, and knew that they had to be

contacted on 9-11. He tried but was not successful in doing so. He is not aware if either General

Wherley or Lt Col Thompson, Caine's replacement as Supervisor of Flying, was successful in

reaching NEADS. He was told ofthe calls by Colonel Brooks to NEADS from the Air National

Guard Command Post but was unaware ofthem.


(FOUO) He believed that he recorded in his cockpit at least a part ofhis initial4+ hour sortie. If

so, Major McNulty, the upit Intel officer would have the tape in his vault. He cautioned that

more than one person used the call sign "Wild One" during the day on 9-11.


(FOUO) Caine did not remember being interviewed by Dr. Gross as part ofthe DoD history

project. He implicitly acknowledged that if his recall today was different than what was in the .

interview then the interview prevailed.


(FOUO) On 9-11 he was providing an orientation to a new officer, Major Valentine, and the

Intel NCO came into the scheduling office and said that an airplane had just hit the World Trade

Center. The Squadron had a flight ofthree, Bully, down on the Dare County range in North

Carolina, about 200 miles away. His initial concern was the safety ofthose jets. He didn't think

much ofit at first, "yeah, right, whatever" and that it wouldn't impact them much. He saw the

second airplane hit while watching CNN. He instantly knew that this was obviously an attack

and he went back to the operations desk knowing that there would be some impact on the air

traffic control system in the Washington DC area .

.k8) Previously, he had developed a relationship with the Secret Service and the field office that

managed the movement ofsenior level officials out ofAndrews. He had gotten to know "those

guys" and asked ifthere were any plans they had that he needed to know about. Personally, he

knew Special Agent Beauchamp. It is not the Presidential movement unit that controls the

movement of other YIPs or senior govellllllent officials.


(FOUO) His primary concern was the air traffic issue ofrecovering the Bully flight from North

Carolina. He talked to the tower and they had no situational awareness that helped him. He

thought that all the calls into the tower were recorded and that his call would be part of the

evidence available through tower records. He recalled that every time he called "up there" there

was a beep on the line. Andrews tower, he said, would not have been in the loop for any Secret

Service orders to scramble aircraft. In his Gross interview he had stated that the Tower told him

that they just received the scramble order. On reflection, Caine thought that it might have been

that information from Tower that prompted him to call Ken Beauchamp.


(FOUO) About 0930-0940, he called Agent Beauchamp because he thought he would have

situational awareness. He did not receive from Beauchamp nor did Caine have any situational

awareness on a plane approaching Washington DC. He told the weapons loaders at about 0945

to start unloading the weapons on the other side ofthe base. At some point in this time frame he

learned ofthe Pentagon impact from the news, no other source. The result was that the intensity

level increased even more.

Anonymous ID: 682d46 May 26, 2019, 4:59 a.m. No.6592079   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Caine pointing at Secret Service agent Ken Beauchamp, and VP Dick Cheney


Maybe Potus want tus to dig?


(FOUO) The Secret Service is not a laurich authority, Caine said. He validated General

Wherley's statement that the phones were busy and that he handed one of the phones–he thought the Secret Service Joint Operations Center call–to Wherley. Wherley arrived at the operations desk at about the time they were generating planes and the missiles were being uncrated. He is not sure how the JOC got their phone number. Beauchamp, in the earlier call, said he would call back, but did not. He speculated that the JOC got the number from Beauchamp. He didn't doubt that it was Beauchamp, according to the Gross interview, who said that Andrews had to get fighters in the air. Caine thought, but would not swear to it, that he heard the Vice President's voice in the background. He did remember asking what the JOC was and then said, here ' s my boss [General Wherley].

Anonymous ID: 682d46 May 26, 2019, 6:19 a.m. No.6592268   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2329

Graham already knows he’s been spied on… amongst other Congresspersons…


“U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham – one of the leading defenders of the federal government’s domestic spy apparatus – went into full freakout mode this week upon discovering that he, too, was being spied on.


In response to reports that U.S. President Barack Obama’s Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hacked into a computer network used by lawmakers to probe the agency’s enhanced interrogation techniques, Graham blew a gasket.”


“During a hearing on the renewal of an expiring law that lets NSA intercept the communications of foreigners and their exchanges with Americans, senators pressed attorneys and leaders from the intelligence community to answer whether their conversations with foreign governments are surveilled and if so, whether lawmakers have a legal right to know.”


The IC wouldn’t answer the question. Translation: yes, we listen, and no we won’t admit it.


Ironic quote of the testimony: “I don’t really mind if you’re listening,” Graham said. “I do mind if somebody can take that conversation and use it against me politically. Is that possible under the current system?”


You betcha, Lindsey.

Anonymous ID: 682d46 May 26, 2019, 6:24 a.m. No.6592287   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2324

This is all about Obama and Project Hammer. He stole IRS and NSA data and weaponized the intelligence community in order to blackmail his opposition.


Once a politician, judge, or other figure is blackmailed into a corrupt act (voting, legislation, rulings, dropping cases, etc) without reporting it to authorities…they are assimilated into the deep state. They then have a vested interest in the truth never coming out.

Anonymous ID: 682d46 May 26, 2019, 6:28 a.m. No.6592307   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2595

When President Trump walked out of the infrastructure meeting with Pelosi and Schumer last week, he was signaling that he will stand firm if the Democrats choose to impeach him. He was saying, in effect, “Go ahead. Make my day.”


It still remains true that impeachment is mostly a political act. The politics of this evolving situation mean that sooner or later, Nancy Pelosi must accede to the strong demands coming from the Democrat’s activist base to move forward with impeachment hearings.


If and when those formal hearings begin, the Democrats will focus on charges of obstruction of justice based upon their own unique interpretation of what constitutes corrupt intent on the part of the President in defending himself. The Spygate declassifications will be one important element of those charges of obstruction of justice.


In defending the president, the Republicans must focus on two basic points.


Point one, allegations that President Trump colluded with the Russians to steal the 2016 election are the predicate basis upon which any further allegations of misconduct must rest. According to the Mueller Report, the president did not collude with the Russians to steal the 2016 election.


Point two, if the Democrat’s unique interpretation of the law is applied to Donald Trump, then no future president who is ever falsely accused of wrongdoing can take any action whatsoever to defend himself against baseless charges without committing the crime of obstruction of justice.


A series of hearings in the House of Representatives examining the question of impeachment offer the perfect opportunity for focusing public attention on the abuses of Spygate.


Imagine that Admiral Mike Rogers testifies before the impeachment hearings and publicly confirms what we know went on with the illegal surveillance of Americans prior to and during his tenure at the NSA before he could put a stop to it. Imagine how the public might react to that testimony.


Imagine too seeing the Democrats engage in a savage personal attack on the Admiral’s character and on the performance of his duties while he was at the helm of the NSA. Those who follow the hearings closely will see right through this charade and will come to their own conclusions about who is, and who is not, honestly defending America’s constitutional democracy.