>>659346Q, I know that George Soros, Obama, Hillary, Valerie Jarrett, Huma, John Podesta, James Clapper, John Brennan, Lynn Rothschild, David Brock, Eric Holder, Susan Rice, John McCain, Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Loretta Lynch, and Samantha Power are all still 100% free. So free that they are all happily traveling and vacationing around the world. Big smiles on all of their faces. Absolutely Zero Arrests have occurred after a year. But, I'm still trusting the plan. Pray. Fight Fight Fight!
How many big arrests have been made since January 20, 2017? I'm not talking about low level meth head pedophiles. I'm talking about known traitors and global child trafficking networks.
This is exactly what was supposed to happen. We are intentionally being fed complete bullshit so we stay on the sidelines while millions of marxists prepare mass protests nationwide. Soros is free. Hillary is free. Obama is free. Loretta Lynch is free. Podesta is free. They are all 100% free to travel and continue talking shit about our President. Name one big arrest that's happened after a year. Nobody can because there haven't been any. Meanwhile, we are losing every special election because we've been putting our faith into something that has yet to be proven real rather than believing in ourselves.
Q has said a lot of things. Doesn't mean it's been true. But of course, disinformation is necessary right? Oh, and trust the plan.
That's way more believable than it being an insider from the Trump administration.
Nobody is going to fight. It's over. Everyone is too busy waiting on the mass arrests to happen. Only, they aren't going to happen. Just to be clear, there have been ZERO arrests. We were all fed bullshit for 4 and a half months so we would remain silent and out of the way. Meanwhile, the entire marxist base of the democratic party are foaming at the mouth ready to to stage mass protests all across the country.
We were all played. Seeing Hillary and Huma smiling and vacationing together was the final confirmation that this has all been a major intentional distraction. There is no way for anyone to organize now to counter the mass marxist prtotests. They were given a 4 month head start on all of us.
I'm not fighting for anyone who refuses to fight for me. What don't people get about zero arrests? Traitors are walking free. There is no plan. Marxist leftists are attacking patriots every day. What does POTUS do? Nothing. Marxists traitors stage terror attacks at country music concerts and public high schools. What does POTUS do? Nothing. Q is fucking fake! There is zero proof. Hillary is free. Nobody is at Gitmo. Prove me otherwise.
You know why Q has lost traction? 2 main reasons over the past 3 days. 1.) Hillary and Huma are both completely free. They are both getting along fine. Huma wasn't forced to choose her child instead of Hillary. Hillary is freely traveling the world and still talking shit about POTUS. 2.) That stupid as shit drop the other night about Nazis. Any person who knows real history knows that The National Socialist party had no intentions of conquering the world. They only wanted to regain the land that was illegally stolen from them after WWI and they wanted to stop the violent spread of communism from destroying Europe. Fact. The globalists slaughtered the Nazis.
It wasn't intentional. Just like Alabama wasn't intentional. There was never a "special place" for George Soros either. We all know that because he was at the Davos meeting talking shit about President Trump. He's completely free still. Just like Hillary, Obama, Podesta, Lynch, and everyone else.
The GOP has every branch of government. Most importantly they have the white house. Guess what, nobody is going to jail. The young generation is completely brainwashed with communist propaganda. The only chance we had to wake them up was to expose the treason and human trafficking. The white house has chosen to do nothing. Now, we will lose every special election and will probably get destroyed during the midterms. But trust the plan right?
The only video of Hillary was the one where she fell. That's it. Zero arrests.
Great work Q. Fight Fight Fight!
Q, how's the plan going? Is it part of the plan for John Podesta to still be free and giving speeches at Georgetown? Since he's so free, he could very well still be harming kids.
What are you talking about? Q has been posting on here all night.
Great job Q!
What happens if absolutely nothing happens on that day?
Sorry, but I quit trusting the plan because nobody of any value at all has gotten arrested. There is no way in hell that any plan would allow known pedophiles, child traffickers, and traitors to freely travel the world.
Trust the plan, next year. 2019 will be glorious. Fight Fight Fight!
I'm not interested in low level meth head pedophiles being arrested. Good, local police are doing their jobs. I want the big arrests for elites involved in international human trafficking and treason. There haven't been any arrests. Not even one, I repeat NOT EVEN ONE!
Then that means Trump will never command space forces.
All I saw in SA was a Prince solidifying his reign by eliminating his rivals. Nothing more.
Of course they're not a match. But last I checked, Patriots never take to the streets. Leftists have #killthenra. Leftists attacked Rand Paul. Leftists shot dozens of conservatives at a country music concert. Leftists call for the assassination of our President. Leftists are openly calling for the repeal of the 2nd amendment. If none of this is enough to get armed patriots to finally stand up, then nothing will.
Prove me otherwise.