And let's not forget the shit at the top of the bread… FWIW if you recent crop of (you)s think it's bad in here now.. you haven't been around. ffs…
Here, have an updated cl0wnbot analysis on top of it all. Good luck.
– NEVER KNOWINGLY ENGAGE A CLOWN OR BOT DIRECTLY. It just wastes bread with their responses, and hands them a target to lock on to. If you suspect a clown or bot is trying to engage (you), the countermeasures will force the handler to earn it, which usually outs them; They are lazy.
– It seems that the easiest way to get a bot handler to give their (you) to you is to fuck with the bots by proxy, either by copy/pasting the user's ID as a quoted reference instead of tagging its actual post link in your response, or by answering it with text in an image (or both) until they start fucking up because they can't lock onto a target phrase correctly.. Doing this can also make the bots look artificially erratic, and easier for other anons to spot. It also makes it so the handlers HAVE TO engage.