Anonymous ID: 103ae6 May 26, 2019, 8:51 a.m. No.6593085   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3117 >>3141


Why Liberals Hate Chick-fil-A


We ate lunch at a Chick-fil-A today. When we entered the restaurant, the first thing we saw was an empty table that was set up to honor fallen military personnel over the Memorial Day weekend. There was a red rose, a folded flag, an inverted glass and an open Bible, along with text explaining the elements of the display.


Chick-fil-A is unabashedly pro-American. I suspect that is the real reason for the animus that so many liberals bear against the company. There was a time when liberals were generally patriotic. George McGovern is a good example: he was wrong on just about every issue, but he was a veteran who loved his country. That is no longer true.


Now, while no doubt there are honorable exceptions, liberals are usually anti-American. They have been taught a twisted, Zinnified version of American history, and they have internalized a Chomskyite view of the world in which all evils are traceable to American misdeeds. Liberals tend to be angry, unhappy people, and it is convenient for them to blame their problems on their country’s supposed failings. Organizations like Chick-fil-A that are pro-America, pro-religion (Chick-fil-A restaurants are closed on Sunday), and culturally upbeat are anathema.


One of my daughters lives in Texas. Coincidentally, she ate lunch at a Chick-fil-A today, too. (She loves Chick-fil-A, so it isn’t that much of a coincidence.) She wrote this on our family text chat:


The very high functioning Down syndrome boy who took our order jogged next to the car as we pulled forward, running our card at the same time and then wished us a blessed day. And then a very obviously gay kid handed us our food. Take that haters.


Of course, nothing will shame the haters. But it is good to see that a few outposts of sanity are holding out against the tidal wave of left-wing hate that has engulfed the country.

Anonymous ID: 103ae6 May 26, 2019, 9:29 a.m. No.6593315   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3348 >>3509

Belgium: far-right surge in national parliament elections


The far-right Flemish separatist party, the Vlaams Belang, looks set to make gains in Belgium’s national parliament.


Belgium has also held a “Super Sunday” of European, national and regional elections. The results are expected to entrench divisions, with Dutch-speaking Flanders forecast to move right, while French-speaking Wallonia goes left.


According to partial results published by the Francophone national broadcaster, the Vlaams Belang is up 13% in the federal parliament, while the centre-right Flemish separatist party, the New Flemish Alliance, has increased its vote share by 6%.


The big loser appears to be the Francophone liberal party of prime minister Charles Michel. His Reformer Movement party is down 8.5% according to RTBF.

Anonymous ID: 103ae6 May 26, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.6593362   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3377 >>3461

Germany: Greens rise, as established parties flounder - exit poll


Philip Oltermann Philip Oltermann

Exit polls in Germany paint a picture of a sobering night for the two large centrist parties, and a particularly devastating evening for the centre-left.


Both Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union and the Social Democratic Union could face the worst result at European elections in their history, with the CDU at 28%, and the SPD at 15.5% of the vote.


The Green party look like the biggest winners of the evening, almost doubling their 2014 result to leapfrog the SPD into second place with 22%. The rightwing populist Alternative fĂĽr Deutschland (AfD) are also expected to have improved on their first elections in 2014, with a projected 10.5%


Exit polls from state elections in Bremen tonight will add to a sense of doom and gloom at the SPD headquarters in Berlin: the Social Democrats look likely to be beaten into second place for the first time ever in the city state where the centre-left has governed uninterrupted for over 70 years.

Anonymous ID: 103ae6 May 26, 2019, 9:46 a.m. No.6593421   🗄️.is đź”—kun


The brainwashing and corruption is deep anon.

The commie's days are numbered.

The Great Awakening is worldwide.



6 Jan 2019 - 10:34:40 AM

How many AUTH FISA UMBRELLA SURV warrants targeting those who illegally targeted [ ] are currently active?

Upstream collection can be very revealing.

When you no longer control the levers of POWER, do FVEY ('Allies') buckle & cooperate in order to preserve and maintain their future?

Germany losing stranglehold on EU?

The future will not repeat the past.

The clock is ticking.