Anonymous ID: 6d2259 May 26, 2019, 8:33 a.m. No.6592978   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun

Agree that Pelosi will scream ā€˜retaliationā€™.


She has no other chess gambit to play.


Disagree that this gambit will ā€˜workā€™ in re 2020, or lead to impeachment over abuse of power.


There are two main reasons.


  1. Delegating declass to Barr makes it more a ā€˜legalā€™ rather than political process. And the more transparently ā€˜legalā€™ Barr makes his predicate inquiry (like Mueller report) the less ā€˜retaliationā€™ gains any political traction except to those already suffering TDS. Indictments will help this ā€˜legalā€™ dynamic, which is why I think several are coming.


  1. Quality of resulting declassified evidence. Nunes has made 8 fact based criminal referrals, including concerning FISA abuse and IC abuse ā€˜conspiraciesā€™ā€”which presumably include multiple individuals by name. Meadows says coming stuff will make your hair curl. We have Papadop saying CIA sicced spies on him, and FBI tried cash entrapment with $10k he wisely left with his lawyer in Greece. We know there was FISA abuse, just not yet how badā€¦.

The higher the quality (simplicity, clarity, plain overstepping bounds to gin up an ā€˜insurance policyā€™) of Barr declassified facts, the less ā€˜retaliationā€™ is credible, and the more apparent it becomes that Dems were ā€˜covering upā€™ some awful truths about the Obama admin AND its holdoverā€™s behavior ā€”as with Comey.

Anonymous ID: 6d2259 May 26, 2019, 8:38 a.m. No.6593004   šŸ—„ļø.is šŸ”—kun   >>3122 >>3147

The matrix is real.


Even Q hints at it.


The matrix is layers.


You have been conditioned to think of death as an end versus as a state. You have been conditioned to think you are your body. Your focus is constantly redirected to your body via entertainments, desires, needs, envies, fears, etc. You have been conditioned to think YOLO, the here and the now, carpe diem, live in the moment. You have been conditioned you exist here not there or behind you. You have been conditioned what you can see, touch, feel, taste, hear is real. It is 99% empty space with 1% of molecules vibrating within a range of "everything" that it appears solid, tangibleā€¦real.


Your brain is not the source of your consciousness. Your brain is only the medium in which your consciousness is operating through in this layer. We are developing this technology here in this layer. Digital uploading of ones memories. Its already happened. Nothing is new under the sun. You have already been uploaded or should I say downloaded.


To help explain: In this layer imagine downloading your subconscious and memories into a digital platform.. dying..being cloned and re uploaded. Where are you? You are in the hole in the ground they put you, you are dead but do not know it.


This is the reality of your situation. You are a prisoner.


There is one escape and your "time" to find is limited. The TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.