Anonymous ID: 751f8b May 26, 2019, 9:11 a.m. No.6593189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3348 >>3509

John Roberts opened the gateway of politicising the courts, he is to blame for this. But judges may have been doing this for years with no repercussions. This judge actually sounds like an idiot




The Supreme Court of Utah upheld a six-month suspension without pay for a municipal judge who disparaged President Donald Trump on social media and during official judicial proceedings.


Taylorsville Justice Court Judge Michael Kwan undermined public confidence in the courts by intervening in the political process, the state Supreme Court concluded.


“Fulfillment of judicial duties does not come without personal sacrifice of some opportunities and privileges available to the public at large,” Utah Supreme Court Justice John Pearce wrote in an opinion upholding the sanctions against Kwan. “And as a person the public entrusts to decide issues with the utmost fairness, independence, and impartiality, a judge must at times set aside the power of his or her voice.”


The state Judicial Conduct Commission (JCC) brought formal charges against Kwan after the judge disparaged the president on social networks and in his own courtroom during official proceedings. In one social media post, for example, Kwan suggested that congressional Republicans were comparable to the rubber-stamp parliament of Nazi Germany.


“Welcome to the beginning of the fascist takeover,” Kwan wrote. “We need to be diligent in questioning congressional Republicans if they are going to be the American Reichstag and refuse to stand up for the Constitution, refuse to uphold their oath of office, and enable the tyrants to consolidate their power.”


On another occasion, the judge dismissed a defendant’s contention that he would pay off overdue court fines with his tax rebate, saying that Trump will only give tax cuts to the wealthy.


The JCC concluded that Kwan’s internet posts and statements in court were “prejudicial to the administration of justice” and suspended the judge without pay for six months.


The state Supreme Court reviewed those findings. Kwan said his social media commentary is protected First Amendment speech. The court rejected Kwan’s argument, saying state precedent provides that judges cannot raise their first constitutional challenge to a JCC rule in a disciplinary proceeding. However, Pearce seemed to acknowledge that precedent is problematic and could be revisited in a future case.


According to Pearce’s opinion, the JCC and the Utah bar association have sanctioned Kwan in the past for inappropriate political commentary and misuse of judicial authority, to include imposing jail sentences in absentia and assessing excessive fines. On one occasion, the state Supreme Court publicly reprimanded Kwan for serving as president of a nonprofit that took policy positions and criticized candidates for public office.

Anonymous ID: 751f8b May 26, 2019, 9:35 a.m. No.6593355   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3358 >>3496

The contortion of the left, even when they’re wrong to seem to try to be right. This problem starts with education not teaching the Socratic method of reasoning, and this that haven’t learned it are doomed to believe idiots




The Washington Post contorted itself Thursday to reconcile a study that found a decline in racial prejudice with the narrative that Trump has spurred a national increase in racism.


University of Pennsylvania researchers expected the results of their study to back up that narrative, but found the opposite — since Trump took office, there has been a marked decline in racist attitudes among white Americans.


Rather than reexamine the premise that Trump rose to power by stoking racial resentment, The Washington Post doubled down and adopted the study’s conclusion that racist rhetoric from Trump is the reason for the drop in racism. (RELATED: Trump’s Presidency Linked To Decline In Racism)


The reporter introduces the study by reciting a list of reasons they believe Trump is racist, then provides a series of quotes from Democratic presidential candidates who say their aim in 2020 is to reverse the hatred Trump has spread, then poses the question as to whether Trump has “succeeded” in making the country more prejudiced.


“Sen. Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) said Trump ‘isn’t trying to make America great; he’s trying to make America hate,” the story says.


“Has he succeeded?” According to the researchers of the study noted in the post, he has not….


people think for yourselves, question everyone and everything, it’s embarassing to agree with this contorted Logic

Anonymous ID: 751f8b May 26, 2019, 9:41 a.m. No.6593398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3422 >>3441 >>3465 >>3611



Out Potus is seriously hysterical!


As recently as a decade ago it would have been unthinkable: a Republican president celebrating gay pride with an inclusive message for LGBTQ supporters. And just as unthinkable would be gay organizations denouncing that president’s embrace.


Yet that’s precisely what’s happened this week with the Trump Campaign’s unveiling of the “Trump Pride Tee,” a T-Shirt with rainbow stripes and the slogan LGBT FOR TRUMP….