Anonymous ID: e4db79 May 26, 2019, 9:57 a.m. No.6593496   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The contortion of the left, even when they’re wrong to seem to try to be right. This problem starts with education not teaching the Socratic method of reasoning, and this that haven’t learned it are doomed to believe idiots



(from a yt comment)

"I'm really starting to believe that liberalism is a mental disorder. "


Not liberalism but

media worship-ism or totalitarianism or death cult-ism or left-hemisphere-dominance-ism


Subjective games of hide and self are dead end pursuits…



What drives the captured minds of media addicts, aka regressives, so easily into fear?


The thought of being turned on by the very virtual gang they show colors for, being the target of all the hate-filled minions ganging up on anyone who dares to depart from the collective delusion!


This is the exact same method or club used during all previous totalitarian downfalling (opposite of uprising)



Means: There is no virtue here but the fictional facsimile!

Moral authority?

Means: There is no moral authority here, only groupthink conformity putting on airs

“Righteous” outrage?

Means: There is only mundane rage here, stirred up by mind control spurs, to provide the subjective feels of having a heart.

In the majority?

Means: Blindly believes the corporate media narrative which pretends that the useful idiots are the majority, when in fact, based independents and true conservatives outnumber the strongly deluded, whose mental share continues to shrink!


See? A little analysis of the media mind control goes a long way to clearing the sticky pilpul out of your door of perception!


To remain conscious, we must push back against the public bullshit, deflect it from even entering our minds, turn away just in time, like an Aikido master.