Anonymous ID: 06624f May 26, 2019, 11 a.m. No.6594104   🗄️.is 🔗kun

KEKAnon interviews various UKIP MEP candidates.


The interviews this man gives are amongst the best comedy I've heard in a long time. Absolutely stunning.


He also totally exposes the MSM narrative for the sham that it is, in stunningly biting ways. One example being that we have a group of people standing around trying to have a conversation, and another group of people shouting, harassing, intimidating, threatening, assaulting, and generally just being dicks to them. Conclusion? People chanting are obviously mentally ill, Mr. MEP how can you condone supporting a candidate who has mentally ill people following him around harassing him?


Just epic.–kkk?t=190


example of protesters: