Anonymous ID: 10ffaf May 26, 2019, 10:09 a.m. No.6593621   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3719 >>3826 >>3845



China has nothing in common with countries founded on the ethos of western civilization. In Western countries, governments are constituted to serve the people. In China it is the exact opposite. The people are there to serve the Chinese Communist Party. Unlike Western countries, China has no respect for individual rights. In fact, the idea that individuals have rights is an alien concept.


There is no freedom of speech in China. If you say something the Communist Party disagrees with you are told never to say it again. If you say it again, you will be shipped off to prison or a labor camp.


There is no freedom of the press in China. If you write something the Communist Party disagrees with, you are told never to write it again. If you do, you will be shipped off to prison or a labor camp.


There is no freedom of religion in China. If your religion is seen as a threat to the Communist Party you are told to worship something else. Christians, members of Falun Gong, and Uighurs have faced persecution for simply believing in a higher power than the Communist Party.


There is no rule of law or independent judiciary in China. The law is whatever the leadership of the Communist Party says it is at any given time. The judiciary is simply there to rubber stamp whatever the Party leadership dictates.


Besides denying its citizens any rights, China is rapidly developing into an Orwellian surveillance state. The purpose is to ensure the Chinese people serve their masters in the Communist Party. Each individual is assigned a social credit score based on how closely their actions conform to dictates of the party. Those with high social credit scores get rewarded with opportunities for increased prosperity. Don’t comply with the Party’s vision of an ideal citizen and those opportunities are denied.


A western country that operates like China would be considered a pariah state and subject to economic sanctions. So why does China get a pass? Asian Privilege. China is an Asian country and therefore not obligated to respect western values.


This is a problem because China is not content imposing its Orwellian National Socialist political system on its population only. It wants to impose this system on the rest of the world. Look at Africa where China is acquiring natural resources by having African leaders agree to infrastructure projects that will bankrupt their countries. Why would any leader do that? Probably because they got Chinese bribes. China, not the people, will decide who the country’s leaders will be. China, not the people, will run the country. African countries will become National Socialist states made in the image of China.


But it’s not just Africa. China is using its money to influence opinion here in America. For example, Congressman Justin Amash has called for the impeachment of President Trump. Amash’s family has business interests in China. Do you suppose China dumped $5 or $10 million on the Amash family with the expectation Justin would do something nice for China? Or how about the Biden family? We know Hunter Biden, son of the former Vice President got over a $1 billion investment in his private equity firm from Chinese “investors”. It would be very easy for China to make another hefty investment in Hunter Biden’s firm just to show how much it thinks of his father, lunch bucket Joe. What will lunch bucket Joe do in return? And then there is Senator Diane Feinstein. Her husband made millions in China and she employed a Chinese spy while she was a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. It is not at all inconceivable that American politicians are getting paid off to advance the interests of China at the expense of Americans.


The differences between America and China involves more than trade. This is a contest to determine which political system will dominate. Will we live in a future where the Orwellian Chinese National Socialist model shapes individuals to serve the state or will it be the Western model where individuals have inherent rights and governments get their legitimacy from the consent of the governed. One or the other system will ultimately prevail.