Anonymous ID: 272996 May 26, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.6593868   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Kojien dictionary, the most authoritative dictionary of Japanese, defines these two characters as shown below (I have marked the relevant definitions in bold).


Rei (令)= 1. order, command (e.g. 命令= an order or instruction); 2. law/rule (e.g. 省令=Ministerial Ordinance); 3. governor (e.g. 県令=prefectural governor); 4. good, happy, auspicious (e.g. 令名=a name of good repute, 令月=an auspicious month/time); 5. indication of respect for another person’s family members (e.g. 令息= your son)


Wa (和)=1. mild, calm, peaceful; 2. harmoniously; 3. accord, harmony (e.g. 調和する=harmonize, go together with); 4. sum; 5. Japan;


Based on the Prime Minister’s comments and the literary context, Reiwa is intended to mean:


An auspicious time for people to come together beautifully and harmoniously.


But the Japanese government’s tentative translation of the name is beautiful harmony.

Anonymous ID: 272996 May 26, 2019, 10:53 a.m. No.6594034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4072


they have to learn to think for themselves

I can only be responsible for the Good/evil fight within myself.

Dont worry.

I win





winds of Change.


Anonymous ID: 272996 May 26, 2019, 11:02 a.m. No.6594123   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4175 >>4191 >>4272 >>4297


do you know any brainwashed anon?

it is insane how deep they are committed to believing that Trump is bad.

I live in SF. Have some sympathy.

If I showed them that article about the Vegas ponzi scheme they would literally retort with why wont Trump show his tax returns?

Then they will write me worried emails questioning my sanity.

these are my friends and family, i pray they are gonna squeak past the 4-6% marker and come with us… the world they want is the same as what we want. They just don't know who the real enemy is.

Anonymous ID: 272996 May 26, 2019, 11:26 a.m. No.6594309   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>they are scared that what they have believed for so long is a lie…people don't want to feel like fools

yes like Q I went too deep too fast, if they admit that i am right about Trump

they would have to admit I am right about Satanism and sacrifice…and that is too much for them rn…


…aaaand that Jr. is comin back…

but even that may be too much for this board…




(still i believe)

as this is the ONLY thing I think could wake these

people up.

But we shall see…