Anonymous ID: ce255a May 26, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.6593905   🗄️.is 🔗kun


regional blocking of content by ISP bad actors is possible. We had a raid on I-75 sound of Dayton Ohio last year. Military comms vehicles triangulating signals supported by county and state police block Middletown and south and north bound exits are 7 am. The explosion was heard by locals as far away as Sidney Ohio. We knew locally there was and issue because the fiber line for Time Warner are on the west side of I-75 north to south and shared with are all carriers. The line runs from Ann Arbor to Louisville. Anyway we noted many dropped packets in the stream and the maintenance calls according to Spectrum was higher prior to this raid by a factor 45% from Oct 2017 till the raid. The over the target was CNN Cincinnati telling folks the explosion was and industrial accident in KY near the Airport and not where it actually occurred,