Anonymous ID: f5d751 May 26, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.6594113   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Is he trying to run cover for Sanders or Biden?


Also, went through that draft era. You got draft deferments for going to college or for certain jobs (e.g. teachers until '71 or so). So that's what guys did. If you had any way to get a 4F, you did that, too. That's the way it was. You took anyway you could to avoid the draft, but if called up and you passed the physical, you went.


You could always enlist, so why did they need a draft? Hint: nobody was breaking down the fucking doors at the recruiter's office.


Guys that were hated were the ones who left the country. Those were the draft dodgers. Again, I'm going with this punk is frontrunning a Biden or Sanders scandal defense, kissing ass for a VP spot.