Anonymous ID: faf30f May 26, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.6593734   🗄️.is 🔗kun

So…once again I spent a couple hours watching some opinion pieces on the various entertainment/opinion programs and still, after all this time, all the pundits - even the few professional ones on what is left of Fox News - stop their "investigations" at the doors of the alphabet "intel?" agencies, obomber, clinton and their water-carriers.


THAT is not the level to stop at. Who or what is controlling obomber, clinton et. al.? Neither obomber nor shrillary are the bosses, they, too, are simply flunkies so for whom is it they are being flunkies for? Will there now be arrests of soros, the rockefellers, jamie diamand, warren buffet, the Van Duys, the DuPonts, all rothschild spawn, those in the CFR, American Chamber of Commerce? Will those in absolute violation of American Laws like feinstein and kerry be jailed for not just violating the Logan Act but outright TREASON?


It cannot, must not, be stopped with just the flunkies. The thread that needs to be pulled must unravel the entire fabric of those believing it is (((they))) in control; that it is the unelected (((they))) who make decisions and decide what Americans - and others like in Canada where Canadians are being screwed royally by a treasonous socialist cabal of our own that is actually controlled by the same sub-humans who believe (((they))) rule; decide…and sadly, we in Canada don't have a Donald J. Trump, just the spawn of Canada's Number One TRAITOR to continue the destruction of FREEDOM in Canada!


If it stops at just the braindead TRAITORS in the fbi, c_a, odni, doj and etc., then (((they))) will simply sit on their billions and trillions and wait until (((they))) can put more puppets in play after President Trump leaves office in 2024.


Hang 'em HIGH!