Anonymous ID: 249697 May 26, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6594614   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4639 >>4654 >>4658 >>4660 >>4749 >>4853



It looks like it's gonna be ALL RED PILLS, ALL THE TIME until we put this plane on the ground.


The new glass ceiling is COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, and I think the white hats are gonna HAMMER it now, day after day, until it splinters into a thousand pieces. It is GO TIME for Anons. Our job, IMHO, is to be mental health medics, making sure the normies don't choke on the red pills, and holding their hands as they try to rebuild their worldview.


I'm sure most of us are gonna be shocked, too, sometimes. But we asked for 40 percent public, so now we gotta put on our big girl panties and help the gen pop deal with the emotional trauma.


'I told you so' is for self-indulgent jackwagons. Be an alpha. Be a Patriot.


And bend the knee and pray to Almighty God.