Anonymous ID: 285339 May 26, 2019, 11:43 a.m. No.6594445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4608 >>4712 >>4857 >>4942 >>5025 >>5079 >>5090

POTUS Schedule - upcoming Events in Tokyo, Japan

(EDT equivalent times shown)


6:00PM Out-of-Town Pool Call Time

8:15PM Depart the RON en route to Imperial Palace

8:20PM Arrive at Imperial Palace

8:25PM Attend a Welcome Ceremony at Imperial Palace

8:40PM Participate in a State Call on Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress

9:05PM Depart Imperial Palace en route to Akasaka Palace

9:15PM Arrive at Akasaka Palace

10:00PM Participate in a Restricted Bilateral Meeting with the Prime Minister of Japan

10:20PM Participate in an Expanded Bilateral Meeting with the Prime Minister of Japan

11:10PM Participate in an Expanded-Working Lunch with the Prime Minister of Japan

12:05AM Participate in a Meeting with Japanese Families of those Abducted by North Korea

1:00AM Participate in a Joint Press Conference with the Prime Minister of Japan

1:40AM Depart Akasaka Palace en route to the RON

1:50AM Arrive at the RON

5:55PM Depart the RON en route to Imperial Palace

6:00AM Arrive at Imperial Palace

6:05AM Attend the State Banquet

8:45AM Depart Imperial Palace en route to the RON

8:50AM Arrive at the RON