Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6594392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4491 >>4802

FE Warren nuke maintainers caught drinking alcohol at missile alert facility



Two maintainers from the 90th Missile Maintenance Squadron at F.E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming were found to have consumed alcohol at a missile alert facility earlier this month, the base confirmed Friday.


Security forces at the facility on May 14 found alcoholic beverages belonging to the nuclear missile maintainers, a staff sergeant and a senior airmen, said Joseph Coslett, spokesman for the 90th Missile Wing, in an email. An investigation, which included an admission by the airmen, was conducted, and found the airmen had consumed the alcohol while off-duty, Coslett said.


Coslett said the airmen “were not in contact [with], nor had any access to, weapons or classified material” at the time.


However, Coslett said, Air Force Global Strike Command regulations prohibit “processing or consuming alcoholic beverages … within the confines of any missile alert facility … while en route to or from duty in the missile complex.”



“This is an unacceptable breach of standards and the Air Force held the airmen accountable for their actions,” Coslett said. He would not discuss their punishments for privacy reasons.


The unofficial Facebook page Air Force amn/nco/snco first reported that maintainers from the 90th had been discovered consuming alcohol at a missile alert facility.


The 90th Maintenance Group at F.E. Warren, to which the airmen’s squadron belongs, works on the base’s Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missiles, as well as the command and control systems used to launch them. F.E. Warren’s website says the group maintains 150 missiles. as well as 15 launch control facilities spread over three states. The Air Force’s nuclear missile corps has struggled in recent years with various forms of misconduct and low morale. For example, in 2016, the 90th at F.E. Warren also uncovered a ring of airmen that bought, distributed and used the hallucinogen LSD while off-duty.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:37 a.m. No.6594401   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Obama Judges Obstructing Justice: Nearly 40 Injunctions Against Trump After ONLY TWO Against Obama


Attorney General Barr last week ripped federal judges and their injunctions against President Trump. These judges are taking ‘unprecedented power’ over the Executive Branch.


The Washington Times reported last week –


Attorney General William P. Barr on Tuesday railed against federal courts issuing nationwide injunctions blocking President Trump from implementing his policies, saying they wield “unprecedented power.”


In a speech before the American Law Institute, Mr. Barr said such injunctions block politicians of all stripes from enacting the voters’ will.


“One judge can, in effect, cancel the policy with the stroke of the pen,” he said. “No official in the United States government can exercise that kind of nationwide power, with the sole exception of the president. And the Constitution subjects him to nationwide election, among other constitutional checks, as a prerequisite to wielding that power.”


Mr. Barr pointed the finger squarely at the American Law Institute for contributing to the problem. He blamed a 2010 commentary it published saying individual cases are the same as aggregate litigation because in both cases the relief would apply to one or several individuals.


That’s wrong, Mr. Barr said, because it ignores prior legal precedent.


The Times reports [emphasis added] –


Since Mr. Trump took office, federal courts have issued 37 nationwide injunctions against his policies, Mr. Barr said. During President Barack Obama’s first two years, the courts issued two injunctions and only 27 were issued during the 20th century, according to Justice Department data.


President Trump has complained about Obama selected judges who are responsible for many, if not all of these injunctions. Chief Justice Roberts decided to publicly rebuke the President for this line saying that in essence all judges are the same. This response was definitely uncalled for and out of line by the Chief Justice and President Trump responded.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.6594413   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pakistan’s PM vows to work together with India’s Modi, after states nearly went to war in February


Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan told Indian counterpart Narendra Modi in a phone call that both states should work together for ‘betterment” of their people. It comes after a crisis in February almost saw the nuclear powers go to war.


During his talk with Modi, Khan wished for India and Pakistan to strive for “peace, progress and prosperity” in the region, Pakistan’s foreign ministry spokesperson, Mohammad Faisal said.


Faisal added that Khan “expressed desire for both countries to work together for betterment of their peoples.”


The leaders spoke several days after Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) won the general election, retaining a strong majority in the parliament’s lower house.


The neighbors came dangerously close to a full-fledged war in February. India sent jets into Pakistani territory to bomb what it said were camps of the militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) which had earlier killed 40 policemen in a terrorist attack in the Indian-controlled part of Kashmir.


A week later, the hostilities escalated into an open aerial combat, coupled with cross-border shelling. An Indian pilot was shot down over Pakistan, but later handed over by Islamabad to India.


Indian officials accuse Pakistan of harboring and aiding JeM and other militant groups that carry out attacks on Indian soil. Islamabad strongly denies this.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:40 a.m. No.6594423   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Danish party presents plan for full asylum stop until 2025


Denmark’s largest right-wing party, the Danish People’s Party (DF) has presented a plan to introduce a complete halt to asylum until 2025.

According to them, a five-year full asylum stop until 2025 will reduce the influx by 4,000 migrants annually, while saving the state’s coffers up to $300 million.

If the DF had its way, asylum seekers coming to Denmark via Germany and Sweden would be rejected and asked to apply in the countries they have just travelled through, which are perfectly safe. If they still choose to stay in Denmark, a deportation will be negotiated for payment.

“We don’t want people to seek asylum directly in Denmark in the coming years. This means that if you come to the Danish border from a peaceful country, typically Germany, then you’ll be told to seek asylum in Germany”, Danish People’s Party’s chairman Kristian Thulesen Dahl explained to Danish Radio.

According to him, the Refugee Convention doesn’t prevent Denmark from sending people to countries that are deemed safe. Therefore, Denmark will use the border controls to turn asylum seekers back and ask them to stay, say, in Germany.

“The question is, how many people will want to apply in Denmark if they know that we have a system where they will be sent back anyway”, Thulesen Dahl explained.

According to Thulesen Dahl, this plan violates neither the Schengen Agreement nor the Dublin Regulation. He ventured that the Dublin system, according to which the first country an asylum seeker enters is usually responsible for dealing with their case, has “broken down” in recent years anyway.

The Danish People’s Party estimates that an asylum stop will result in 4,000 fewer asylum seekers coming to Denmark every year, while putting an extra DKK 2 billion ($300 million) more into the state’s coffers.

Of this money, the DF propose to allocate DKK 1.5 billion ($220 million dollars) on raising the supplementary pension benefits by DKK 11,000 ($1,650), while the remainder will be used to pay off neighbouring areas to receive asylum seekers.

“We know that it will cost some money, but there is a bonus associated with it. We will save a lot of money on the asylum stop, and then we can increase Denmark’s efforts in the neighboring areas, so we help many more who are in need”, Thulesen Dahl concluded.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:42 a.m. No.6594438   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5073 >>5089

"You've Been Had": Elon Musk's Grand Hyperloop Vision Debunked As "Scam"


It looks as though everybody, including the media, is starting to understand that Elon Musk's once grandiose "Hyperloop" idea, to be built by The Boring Company, isn't the futuristic game changer that it was pitched as. In fact, it's looking more and more like a very rudimentary idea that's been around for decades: a car in a tunnel.


And people are catching on that this is not what Musk repeatedly talked about when baffling the public with bullshit publicly describing the idea of a Hyperloop. Over the weekend, the author of a new article for Jalopnik about the Hyperloop couldn’t help but simply refer to it as "a scam" on Twitter.


Indeed, 6 months ago the world laughed heartily in unison when the idea of mass transit via electrified skates for frictionless movement was instead substituted by a Tesla Model X bumping its way through an underground tunnel like an amusement park ride at about 50 miles an hour.


Back then, Musk claimed that the bumpiness was only temporary: “That bumpiness will definitely not be there down the road—it will be smooth as glass.”

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:44 a.m. No.6594452   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4459 >>4558

In Latest Transcript Release NY FBI Asst Dir Sweeney Tosses Comey Under Bus — And Has No Idea What Happened to Weiner Laptop


The DOJ IG’s report related to the many lies made by former FBI Head Andrew McCabe was released in April 2018. (See report here)


We reported our summary of the report at the time. One key item included in the IG’s report was related to Anthony Weiner’s emails.


The Gateway Pundit reported:


The report includes little mention of Anthony Weiner’s laptop emails other than to mention that a meeting was scheduled to get a search warrant to request the emails on October 27th, 2016. The emails were the suspected cause for Comey’s email to Congress on October 28th, 2016, announcing that the Hillary email scandal was being reopened. However, per text messages between Strzok and Page, the FBI knew about the emails in September 2016 and had sent a team to New York to review the emails at that time. [The Weiner emails may be what the Democrats are most fearful of being released to the public.]


Some Internet sleuths put together some astounding implications from the McCabe report when put in context with events at the time and Weiner’s emails.



Anthony Weiner was sentenced to nearly 2 years in prison in September 2017 for sexting minors. The pervert was Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer’s protégé and is married to Huma Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s closest aide during the 2016 Presidential campaign.


When NYPD investigated Weiner’s crime for texting minors sometime in and around 2016 they obtained his computer that at least one source said included up to 650,000 emails related to corruption, pay-for-play and more heinous crimes implicating a number of individuals including the Clintons and other liberal elites. It’s suspected that this was Weiner’s insurance in case he ever needed it. Instead it landed into the hands of the authorities as a result of him texting minors.

The IG Report and the Weiner Emails


As we reported last year, Andrew McCabe was made aware of Weiner’s emails in September 2016 but he sat on the emails for a month. After about a month there was either unrest within the FBI or the NYPD. Individuals who knew of Weiner’s emails are suspected of putting pressure on the FBI to look into the emails.


Then on October 24th, 2016, Obama’s corrupt AG Loretta Lynch inserted a new team on the Eric Garner case in New York. Garner was a black man who died under police custody. There were no indictments in the Garner case but somehow the Justice Department got involved.


According to the IG’s McCabe report, McCabe and AG Lynch held a call with New York:


McCabe told the OIG that during the October 2016 time frame, it was his “perception that there was a lot of information coming out of likely the [FBI’s] New York Field Office” that was ending up in the news. McCabe told the OIG that he “had some heated back-and-forths” with the New York Assistant Director in Charge (“NY-ADIC”) over the issue of media leaks.


On October 26, 2016, McCabe and NY-ADIC participated in what McCabe described as “a hastily convened conference call with the Attorney General who delivered the same message to us” about leaks, with specific focus being on leaks regarding the high-profile investigation by FBI’s New York Field Office into the death of Eric Garner. McCabe told us that he “never heard her use more forceful language.” NY-ADIC confirmed that the participants got “ripped by the AG on leaks.”


Note that McCabe held the call with AG Lynch that was “hastily convened” and McCabe said he never heard AG Lynch “use more forceful language”. Why did McCabe use the word “forceful”? What was she forcing? Also, how did anyone in New York know about McCabe’s leaks which had not yet even occurred at that time (October 30th)? The AG must have been referring to some other leaks.



Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:49 a.m. No.6594471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4549

Rep. Liz Cheney Says Govt Plot Against Trump ‘Sounds Like a Coup’ and ‘Could Well Be Treason’


Rep. Liz Cheney (D-WY), daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, was attacked by several Deep State actors on Sunday after she said on ABC’s This Week that the plot against President Trump by high level law enforcement officials “sounds an awful lot like a coup. And it could well be treason.” Cheney is a member of the GOP House leadership, serving as Republican Conference Chair, the third ranking position.


Cheney was interviewed by ABC’s Martha Raddatz who asked her about the relationship between President Trump and Speaker Pelosi. Cheney said the bad blood between the two exhibited last week stemmed from the Democrats’ frustration that the Mueller report did not give them what they wanted to impeach Trump. When Raddatz brought up Trump retweeting a video of Pelosi stammering at a press conference, Cheney did not take the bait and instead brought up the plot against Trump, employing the words “coup” and “treason”.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:51 a.m. No.6594480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4545 >>4712 >>4781 >>4801 >>4857 >>4892 >>4942 >>5025 >>5079 >>5090

President Xi Invites World To Join China In Building New Internet


Along with the cookouts and beautiful Memorial Day Weekend weather, President Trump offered plenty of distractions for any Americans still tuned into their news feeds - from photos of his golf outing with Shinzo Abe to his presentation of the 'first-ever' US President's Cup


Meanwhile, in China, President Xi was busy exhorting the rest of the world (presumably excluding the US) to cooperate with Beijing in developing new Internet, big data and artificial intelligence resources in a letter to the China International Big Data Industry Expo, which kicked off Sunday in the southwestern city of Guiyang, according to state-run business newswire Xinhua.


Beijing has an obvious use-case for improved big-data resources: Optimizing its growing surveillance apparatus. And with the White House reportedly mulling Huawei-style bans on companies involved in building said apparatus, it's unsurprising that Beijing is already casting about for international support.


Chinese tech and Internet giants dominated the big data expo, which drew some 26,000 representatives from nearly 55 countries to marvel at China's emerging leadership in the big data industry. Huawei, Tencent, Alibaba and other Chinese firms were heavily represented.


China also used the opportunity to denounce Washington's blacklisting of Huawei.


The Huawei ban is a "rough" disruption to the market, Wang Zhijun, vice head of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said in an interview on state broadcaster China Central Television. He urged the U.S. government to stop "unreasonable suppression" of China’s integrated circuit and electronic companies.


While Trump and Abe were on their golf outing, Global Times Editor-in-Chief Hu Xijin trolled Abe on Twitter.


Bottom line: As Washington steps up its aggressive trade rhetoric, Beijing is stepping up its efforts to recruit more geopolitical allies to free itself of its reliance on American tech - while reminding the world that it can create serious disruptions in the global supply chain with very little effort.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.6594494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4539

Ireland Sought to Give Thousands of Migrants ‘Amnesty Under Another Name’


Authorities in Ireland “tried very much to introduce something like an amnesty” for thousands of asylum seekers, but “did not dare” call it that because politicians knew such a move would be electoral poison, it has emerged.


Former High Court judge Dr Bryan McMahon made the revelation while giving evidence to the Oireachtas (legislature of Ireland) Committee on Justice and Equality this week, as the United Nations ordered politicians to improve the quality of life for asylum seekers in the country.


Dr McMahon, whose eponymous 2015 report predicted an “upward trend in the number of new applications” for asylum in Ireland, described how efforts to regularise the migration status of 4,000 people were set back by politicians’ fears that “the word ‘amnesty’ … is not a prospect that would go down well with the public”.


He said: “With regard to an amnesty for those who have been in the system for more than five years, we tried very much in our discussions to introduce something that was like an amnesty but we did not dare call it an amnesty.


“To some extent, the word is taboo in the discussion because it will not fly [so] the administrators tried to do it in another way,” Dr McMahon added, stressing that the move “had to be done without using the word ‘amnesty’.”


The head of the Irish branch of the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Enda O’Neill, had complained to the committee over the length of time migrants were having to wait to have their applications processed.


Other issues raised included that newcomers, who are now allowed to work while seeking asylum thanks to rule changes supported by big business, were being placed in taxpayer-funded accommodation which was considered too far away from urban areas to be considered convenient for finding employment.


In September, Ireland announced an amnesty to regularise the status of an estimated 3,500 to 5,500 illegal immigrants who arrived in the country as international students between 2005 and 2010 — a move hailed by open borders groups such as Right to Remain.


The Britain-based NGO, which works to dismantle immigration restrictions in Britain, lauded the decision, alleging that “support for amnesty schemes is mainstream in Ireland”.


“Major Irish political parties have advocated regularisation schemes, including in election manifestos, and the main opposition party welcomed the move,” the group said on its website.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.6594520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4726

Lights, Camera… Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood


Originally published by GR in February 2009, this article focusses on the role of Hollywood as an instrument of propaganda. The Deep Politics of Hollywood are part of the broader process of media manipulation and disinformation in support of US led wars.


Here we build a prima facae case supporting the idea that Hollywood continues to be a target for infiltration and subversion by a variety of state agencies, in particular the CIA. Academic debates on cinematic propaganda are almost entirely retrospective, and whilst a number of commentators have drawn attention to Hollywood’s longstanding and open relationship with the Pentagon, little of substance has been written about the more clandestine influences working through Hollywood in the post-9/11 world. As such, our work delves into the field of what Peter Dale Scott calls “deep politics”; namely, activities which cannot currently be fully understood due to the covert influence of shadowy power players.


The Latest Picture


A variety of state agencies have liaison offices in Hollywood today, from the FBI, to NASA and the Secret Service. Few of these agencies, though, have much to offer in exchange for favourable storylines, and so their influence in Hollywood is minimal. The major exception here is the Department of Defense, which has an ‘open’ but barely publicized relationship with Tinsel Town, whereby, in exchange for advice, men and invaluable equipment, such as aircraft carriers and helicopters, the Pentagon routinely demands flattering script alterations. Examples of this policy include changing the true identity of a heroic military character in Black Hawk Down (2001) due to his real-life status as a child rapist; the removal of a joke about “losing Vietnam” from the James Bond film Tomorrow Never Dies (1997), and cutting images of Marines taking gold teeth from dead Japanese soldiers in Windtalkers (2002). Instances such as these are innumerable, and the Pentagon has granted its coveted “full cooperation” to a long list of contemporary pictures including Top Gun (1986), True Lies (1994), Executive Decision (1996), Air Force One (1997), The Sum of All Fears (2002), Transformers (2007), Iron Man (2008), as well as TV series such as JAG (1995-2005).


Such government activity, whilst morally dubious and barely advertised, has at least occurred within the public domain. This much cannot be said of the CIA’s dealings with Hollywood, which, until recently, went largely unacknowledged by the Agency. In 1996, the CIA announced with little fanfare the dry remit of its newly established Media Liaison Office, headed by veteran operative Chase Brandon. As part of its new stance, the CIA would now openly collaborate on Hollywood productions, supposedly in a strictly ‘advisory’ capacity.


The Agency’s decision to work publicly with Hollywood was preceded by the 1991 “Task Force Report on Greater CIA Openness,” compiled by CIA Director Robert Gates’ newly appointed ‘Openness Task Force,’ which secretly debated –ironically– whether the Agency should be less secretive. The report acknowledges that the CIA “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation,” and the authors of the report note that this helped them “turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success’ stories, and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.” It goes on to reveal that the CIA has in the past “persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold, or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests…”


These admissions add weight to several reports and Congressional hearings from the 1970s which indicated that the CIA once maintained a deep-rooted and covert presence in national and international media, informally dubbed “Operation Mockingbird.” In its 1991 report, the CIA acknowledged that it had, in fact, “reviewed some film scripts about the Agency, documentary and fictional, at the request of filmmakers seeking guidance on accuracy and authenticity.” But the report is at pains to state that, although the CIA has “facilitated the filming of a few scenes on Agency premises,” it does “not seek to play a role in filmmaking ventures.” But it seems highly implausible that the CIA, whilst maintaining a decades-long presence in media and academia, would have shown no interest in the hugely influential Cinema industry.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.6594528   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iraq says stands by Iran against US sanctions


Iraq stands by Iran against US sanctions, Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohamed Alhakim said Sunday.


Alhakim held talks in Baghdad with his Iranian counterpart Javad Zarif, who arrived in the Iraqi capital for discussions with Iraqi officials.


The top Iraqi diplomat said bilateral relations between Baghdad and Tehran were the focus of Zarif’s visit to Iraq.


“We are against the US sanctions against Iran,” Alhakim said.


Tensions between Washington and Tehran have mounted steadily since US President Donald Trump unilaterally withdrew the US from a landmark nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 group of nations (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany).


The Trump administration has also re-imposed sanctions on Iran’s banking and energy sectors, while Iran has threatened to close the strategic Strait of Hormuz to US oil shipments.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, noon No.6594538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4700

Theresa May’s husband’s Investment Firm made a financial killing from the bombing of Syria


It is common knowledge that Theresa May’s husband Philip essentially acts as the unofficial advisor to the Prime Minister – a fact proven by the former Conservative MP for Chichester, Andrew Tyrie, who said during a Newsnight profile of the PM’s husband that “Philip is clearly acting as, informally, an advisor to Theresa. Probably much like Denis did to Margaret Thatcher.”


Whilst it is pretty obvious that almost all married couples act as informal advisors to each other in come capacity, Tyrie’s admission that the Prime Minister’s husband has such a great influence over his wife’s decisions is made all the more worrying by the fact that Mr May – who is a Senior Executive at a £1.4Tn investment firm – stands to benefit financially from the decisions his wife, the Prime Minister, makes.


The fact that Philip May is both a Senior Executive of a hugely powerful investment firm, and privy to reams of insider information from the Prime Minister – knowledge which, when it becomes public, hugely affects the share prices of the companies his firm invests in – makes Mr May’s official employment a staggering conflict of interest for the husband of a sitting Prime Minister.


However, aside from the ease at which he is able to glean insider information from his wife about potential decisions which could go on to make huge profits for his firm, there is a far darker conflict of interest that has so far gone undiscussed.


Philip May is a Senior Executive of Capital Group, an Investment Firm who buy shares in all sorts of companies across the globe – including thousands of shares in the world’s biggest Defence Firm, Lockheed Martin.


According to Investopedia, Philip May’s Capital Group owned around 7.09% of Lockheed Martin in March 2018 – a stake said to be worth more than £7Bn at this time. Whilst other sources say Capital Group’s shareholding of Lockheed Martin may actually be closer to 10%.


On the 14th April 2018, the Prime Minister Theresa May sanctioned British military action on Syria in response to an apparent chemical attack on the city of Douma – air strikes that saw the debut of a new type of Cruise Missile, the JASSM, produced exclusively by the Lockheed Martin Corporation.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:02 p.m. No.6594546   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4564 >>4609 >>4857 >>4942 >>5025 >>5079 >>5090

Did Theresa May Really Resign Over Trump Russia SpyGate Coup Attempt?


3 days ago:


Devin Nunes gives Trump list of questions to ask Theresa May about Steele dossier


3 days ago:


Theresa May’s spy chiefs were briefed on explosive Christopher Steele dossier before Donald Trump


2 days ago:


Trump: I Might Ask Theresa May About Rumors UK Worked With CIA On Russia Hoax


1 day ago:

Theresa May Resigns: A Political Obituary

Nunes returned to office two days ago, with a letter to President Trump suggesting a series of questions to ask the British premier: among these, if US intelligence agents have informed their British counterparts of the contents of the dossier or any other accusation of collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia; if the British government was informed of, gave permission for, or participated in surveillance and intelligence activities of any government against members of the Trump Campaign; whether current or former British officials and officials have forwarded information, classified or otherwise, to US counterparts about alleged contacts between members of the Trump Campaign and suspected Russian agents; whether on the British side, an assessment of Steele’s reliability and motivation has been provided to current or former intelligence agents and government officials.


But one of the questions concerns Mifsud and takes us back to Italy: President Trump asks May to “describe any communication or relationship that Joseph Mifsud, potentially known – writes Nunes – also as Joseph di Gabriele (a code name that does not sound very British , ed), had with the British intelligence and any information in the possession of the British government about the ties of Mifsud with any other government or intelligence agency “.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.6594556   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4619 >>4634 >>4942 >>5025

Sarah Carter: “An avalanche is coming!” with Mark Meadows as President gives Barr authority to release FISA warrants and other incriminating documents.


I’m looking forward to this being like Wikileaks during 2016.


Curling up to reading every night, sharing and discussing findings… Pedes and weaponized autists doing the research and analysis…





Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:07 p.m. No.6594575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4712 >>4857 >>4942 >>5025 >>5079 >>5090

US-China Collaboration Summit Breaks through the Insanity of US-China Trade War


A beacon of light in a dark storm calls for win-win cooperation amid Huawei scandal


While the world watches America shoot itself in the foot yet again as President Trump targeted Huawei as an enemy of the state, a beacon of sanity shown through the darkness this week as 400 U.S. state leaders, business people, non-profits and Chinese delegates representing four provinces, converged on Lexington, Kentucky from May 22-24 for the 5th Annual US-China Governors Collaboration Summit. This summit which rotates between China and the USA every year, was especially important as it cut through the narrative that America is one homogeneous beast with one singular outlook aimed at world dominance. The situation, as many have come to notice especially in the years since President Trump’s election and the activation of the entire NATO/Five Eyes/Deep State intelligence apparatus directing Russia-Gate against him, is that reality is far more nuanced.


The schism between the “two Americas” has reached feverish heights as Trump went so far as to call out the Military Industrial Complex on May 21 which has an enormous degree of independence from the Executive and is committed to forever wars. It has been noted by astute observers that such wars are not necessarily matters of “local regime change” but have been building up to a nuclear war threat targeting both Russia and China.


The Governors Summit was thus a breath of fresh air. The Conference is sponsored jointly by the National Governors Association, the China Chamber of Commerce and Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries. The forum’s website described itself as “a forum for governors, leaders and investors from the United Stats and China to discuss economic development opportunities and to forge and reinforce mutually beneficial relations”.


China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lu Kang described the event in the following terms: “The active participation of local governments of both countries have demonstrated sincere will for strengthening sub-national exchange and cooperation. I believe this forum will inject new impetus into the efforts to deepen friendship and cooperation between the two countries.”


American and Chinese Patriots call for Win-Win Cooperation

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Trump ally Kentucky Governor Matt Bevin whose state hosted the event, opened the conference saying that the summit “offers a tremendous opportunity for constructive dialogue that will pave the way for a brighter economic future in both our nations.” Earlier, Governor Bevin expressed the importance of the summit at this dark moment of turmoil in China-US relations: “We are in a pivotal juncture in US-China relations and this gathering will provide a platform for progress, cultural understanding and development of mutually beneficial trade relationships.”

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.6594621   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Few Simple Arguments Which Cast Serious Doubt on the 'Holocaust'


Sit the students down and explain slowly: “According to the World Jewish Encyclopaedia there resided 2.4 million Jews in German-Occupied Europe. After the war, 3.8 million Jewish ‘holocaust survivors’ were receiving pensions from the German government. Tragically, the remaining six million were lost.”


Let us see if the students have been paying attention and now ask the class how many Jews died during World War Two.


Six million, sir!”


Okay, let’s start again: “Doctor Charles P. Larson, one of America’s leading forensic pathologists, in 1945 was assigned to the US Army’s Judge Advocate General’s department. As part of a US war crimes, investigation team Dr. Larson performed autopsies at Dachau and some twenty other camps examining more than 100 corpses on some days.


Dr. Larson confirmed that none of the autopsies he performed showed any evidence of death by poison gas. But, his conclusion was that death had occurred by typhus and starvation (as a consequence of USAAF and RAF saturation bombing).”


Testing the students to see if attention is being paid, the question is again asked and the knee-jerk Pavlov response is, “Six million, sir.”

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:15 p.m. No.6594640   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4721 >>4942 >>5025

'Ratf***er and spy': British academic sues FBI informant & MSM for calling her Russian 'honeypot'


A Russian-born British historian is suing FBI informant Stefan Halper and several news outlets for defaming her as a "honeypot" working for the Kremlin to seduce Trump aide Michael Flynn. She says the scandal ruined her life.


Former Cambridge University academic Svetlana Lokhova has demanded $25 million from Halper, along with the Washington Post, New York Times, MSNBC, and Wall Street Journal, charging their "combined character assassination" over the past three years "injured her business as an academic and author, and propelled her to the epicenter of a massive fraudulent hoax about 'Russian collusion.'"


Calling Halper a "ratf***er and a spy, who embroiled an innocent woman in a conspiracy to undo the 2016 Presidential election," Lokhova says he colluded with the FBI, political operatives at the university where they both worked, and mainstream media journalists to paint her as a traitor and a "honeypot" who seduced Michael Flynn at a dinner in 2014 when he was US Director of National Intelligence. The FBI informant claimed Lokhova was "not a real academic" and that her "research was provided by Russian intelligence on the orders of Vladimir Putin" – and the media ran with the story for three years, hounding her out of her job and home and any hope of a normal life.


("Ratf***er," the suit helpfully explains in a footnote, "is a colorful and foul simile [sic] for 'pulling a dirty trick' coined by a Nixon campaign strategist.")


The suit alleges Halper fed the fake story of Lokhova seducing Flynn to the named media organizations, which despite knowing he was a spy failed to fact-check Halper's claims. Instead, she says, they crafted the story "out of whole cloth," knowing the "sensational and scandalous accusations of 'Russian collusion'" would catch fire – and, hopefully, burn the Trump campaign to the ground, "creat[ing] another Watergate."

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:17 p.m. No.6594661   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4684 >>4857 >>4942 >>5025

Sea level data ALTERED by scientists to create false impression of rising oceans


A scientific paper published by a team of Australian researchers has revealed a startling find: Scientists at the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) have been “adjusting” historical data regarding tide levels in the Indian Ocean. Their “highly questionable” activities have depicted rapidly rising seas — but the truth is that there is no reason to be alarmed at all. Scientists have found that sea levels are stable — and have been for the entirety of the 20th century.


To put it simply, these PSMSL “scientists” have been arbitrarily changing their data in order to create the illusion of a problem that doesn’t actually exist.


According to the Australian research team, sea levels in the Indian ocean have remained stable for decades. Dr. Albert Parker and Dr. Clifford Ollier recently published their astounding research in the journal Earth Systems and Environment; their extensive research gives an in-depth look at how this massive deception was undertaken.

PSMSL “realigned” stable sea level trends


As the researchers report, there are multiple lines of evidence that show sea levels in the Indian Ocean are completely stable. Further, the scientific duo explains that the data-adjusters at PSMSL were taking “misaligned or incomplete” sea level data (which showed no rise in sea levels, or even decreasing sea levels) and “realigning” them.


As Parker and Ollier contend, “It is always highly questionable to shift data collected in the far past without any proven new supporting material.” But what makes the PSMSL’s data shifts even more questionable is the fact that older datasets were adjusted to look lower while all newer sets of sea level data were re-configured to appear higher. When these arbitrary adjustments are taken together, it creates the appearance of a significant and concerning rise in sea levels — one that is entirely artificial.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:19 p.m. No.6594678   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Instagram has been leaking contact info for months


The flaw was patched in March but been accessible since at least last October.


What you need to know


The flaw made Instagram users contact info available through the source code on the website.

It was first reported in February and patched by March, but evidence shows it had been present since at least last October.

The info could have been easily used to create a database and it is possible it already was by an Indian marketing company called Chtrbox.


Bad news for users of Instagram, as apparently the site has been leaking the phone numbers and email addresses of its users for the last few months.


Back in February, data scientist David Stier notified Instagram when he discovered the site was showing some user's contact info in the source code. While the information wasn't showing directly on profiles, having it displayed in the source code on the user's page would still make it easy for someone to scrape the info and build a database.


The problem was fixed by March, but by then it may have already been too late. During Stier's investigation, he found that this flaw had been present since at least last October while viewing archived versions of the website. That's more than enough time for this to have been discovered and exploited.


In fact, just recently it was revealed that a database with the contact info for millions of Instagram influencers had been created. The database was eventually traced back to an Indian marketing company called Chtrbox, who had been storing it online unencrypted where anyone could access it.


This very flaw could be responsible for the creation of that database. Chtrbox later pulled the database offline and said it was only accessible for 72 hours.


The new Instagram bug is the latest in security fails when it comes to services owned by Facebook. Just last week it was uncovered that WhatsApp had a flaw allowing spyware to be installed with nothing more than a phone call.


With data thieves always on the lookout to collect more information, lapses in security such as this put us all at risk. After every new leak, it gives hackers more info to compile into databases which can later be used for identity theft.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:39 p.m. No.6594842   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ALARMING Messaging by Deep State and Mainstream Media Regarding Trump and JFK


Why has Pelosi prayed for Trump at least 187 times? Doesn’t the Mafia do that right before a mob hit?


Two possible “deep state data signals” that a “187” has been called for against the President (please hold this (and all involved) in the Light)


[Kp update: somewhere I read that John McCain had called the JFK assassination an “intervention at Dallas”, which might imply that the term “intervention” is something used by “deep state” people to indicate “assassination”. Found this video where McCain said this in a 2008 debate (actually he said “the assassination the tragedy at Dallas”. Not sure of the complete context, but there’s the data that may support the idea that “intervention = assassination”.]


Recall that Q has recently said, in Q post 3336, “PANIC IN [DC].” And the “signals” I perceived in the images included in this post are likely part of that “PANIC” (at least Isense these things are “deep state signals”).


Here are two images (screenshots) that I obtained. The first one (at left) is from the most recent SB2 post (related Kp blog post). Nancy (according to the SB2 decode) is signaling for a “187” event to be carried out vs. the President.


The second is from this CNN Politics article about Air Force 1 (I may have found this article via a recent iPOT video or CIR (Katie G) video). It actually shows an image of JFK and Jackie descending the stairs from AF1 after they landed in Dallas, 11-22-63 (the date of JFK’s assassination). Hmmmm…

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:42 p.m. No.6594869   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4942 >>5025

Cybercrime Wave ‘Unstoppable’ by Design: Cities and Corporations Across America Being Cyberattacked into Communication Paralysis


Who’s doing it and why?


SOTN Editor’s Note: There’s a HUGE war going on under the radar that’s potentially as dangerous and destructive as any on the planet.


Deep State agents, foreign intelligence agencies and contracted cybercriminals both foreign and domestic are working in concert to terrorize cities and corporations across the USA.


The pattern of criminal cyberattacks indicates a variety of motives which make this crime spree more difficult to solve. However, that only means that this type of cyber-warfare is being used more frequently and with greater effect.


That Baltimore, Maryland has been successfully targeted for nearly 3 weeks demonstrates the high degree of proficiency of these mercenary cyber-criminals. It also shows how close to the nation’s capital the perps are willing to go. See: Here’s how cyber-weaponry has literally shut down a major American city


This burgeoning cybercrime wave is actually a highly complex conspiracy with multiple state actors (not Russia) that requires a dedicated exposé which is forthcoming. In the meantime, what follows is the MSM spin from the ever-prevaricating NYT.


For nearly three weeks, Baltimore has struggled with a cyberattack by digital extortionists that has frozen thousands of computers, shut down email and disrupted real estate sales, water bills, health alerts and many other services.


But here is what frustrated city employees and residents do not know: A key component of the malware that cybercriminals used in the attack was developed at taxpayer expense a short drive down the Baltimore-Washington Parkway at the National Security Agency, according to security experts briefed on the case.


Since 2017, when the N.S.A. lost control of the tool, EternalBlue, it has been picked up by state hackers in North Korea, Russia and, more recently, China, to cut a path of destruction around the world, leaving billions of dollars in damage. But over the past year, the cyberweapon has boomeranged back and is now showing up in the N.S.A.’s own backyard.


It is not just in Baltimore. Security experts say EternalBlue attacks have reached a high, and cybercriminals are zeroing in on vulnerable American towns and cities, from Pennsylvania to Texas, paralyzing local governments and driving up costs.


The N.S.A. connection to the attacks on American cities has not been previously reported, in part because the agency has refused to discuss or even acknowledge the loss of its cyberweapon, dumped online in April 2017 by a still-unidentified group calling itself the Shadow Brokers. Years later, the agency and the Federal Bureau of Investigation still do not know whether the Shadow Brokers are foreign spies or disgruntled insiders.


Thomas Rid, a cybersecurity expert at Johns Hopkins University, called the Shadow Brokers episode “the most destructive and costly N.S.A. breach in history,” more damaging than the better-known leak in 2013 from Edward Snowden, the former N.S.A. contractor.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.6594900   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu calls last-ditch effort to avert elections, is snubbed by Liberman


PM summons potential coalition partners in bid to ink last-minute deal, as Yisrael Beytenu and the ultra-Orthodox parties clash over Haredi draft


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced Sunday that he would be making a final push to form a right-wing government ahead of a looming deadline, as squabbles among his potential coalition partners raised the specter of fresh elections — the second in a matter of months.


The prime minister invited the leaders of each of his potential coalition partner parties to meet with him personally at his office in Jerusalem, bur MK Avigdor Liberman, leader of the Yisrael Beytenu party, said he would not show up.


In a video posted to his social media accounts, Netanyahu said he was making a “last-ditch effort to form a right-wing government and prevent unnecessary elections.”


Referring to Yisrael Beytenu, along with the Shas and United Torah Judaism ultra-Orthodox parties, the premier said he has offered his likely coalition partners a proposal for a solution in the main sticking point — the terms of legislation regulating exemptions from IDF service for ultra-Orthodox yeshiva students.


“It is based on the principles established by the army and on the data that the army has determined,” Netanyahu said. “There is no reason to reject this [proposal].”


“I’m going to invite all party leaders [for a meeting] tonight,” he added. “I want to talk to them so we can try together to prevent unnecessary elections.”


Three days before the deadline to form a coalition, Netanyahu has yet to ink a deal with any of his prospective partners. The sticking point is a bill on the ultra-Orthodox military draft, which the Haredi [ultra-Orthodox] parties seek to soften, and which must swiftly be re-legislated under Supreme Court order. Liberman, meanwhile, has insisted he will not budge from a Defense Ministry-drafted version of the bill regulating the number of ultra-Orthodox seminary students drafted into the military.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:51 p.m. No.6594940   🗄️.is 🔗kun

'I am in no rush to eulogize our democracy. But I'm worried'


Ex-justice, AG: If Netanyahu is above the law, Israel is not a civilized country


Elyakim Rubinstein warns against anti-court laws, advanced to keep the PM from going on trial, destroying the ‘checks and balances’ that protect minorities and the weak


Fifteen months ago, with the investigations into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s alleged criminal misdeeds in full swing, I interviewed the former Netanyahu-era attorney general Elyakim Rubinstein across a desk overloaded with paperwork in his office at the Supreme Court in Jerusalem.


The focus of the conversation that day was on one of his successors, the incumbent Attorney General Avichai Mandeblit, and especially, although I didn’t put my questions this bluntly, whether Mandelblit would have the guts and integrity to press charges against the prime minister if necessary. Rubinstein, for his part, would never have answered questions posed that personally and crudely, but he did make clear his confidence in Mandelblit and his certainty that the man in the hottest of legal hot seats would follow the evidence wherever it led and act upon that evidence as appropriate.


A year later, on February 28, 2019, that evidence led Mandelblit to issue a highly detailed draft charge sheet against our prime minister of the past decade, accusing Netanyahu of grossly abusing his office to advance his personal interests and undermine those of the state, and warning Netanyahu that he would be charging him with fraud and breach of trust in three cases and bribery in one of them, unless the prime minister could persuade him of his innocence in a hearing that was recently scheduled for early October. (In the bribery case, Case 4000, it is alleged that Netanyahu sweetened business conditions — and stalled the vital upgrade of Israel’s internet infrastructure — to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars for telecom tycoon Shaul Elovitch, in return for Elovitch effectively enabling Netanyahu to serve as editor in chief of the Walla website, Israel’s second largest online news outlet, and shape its coverage to his liking.)



Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.6594985   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5016

HHS Moves to Protect Religious Health Providers


Admin aims to overturn Obama era mandates on gender identity and abortion


The Trump administration issued a new proposal that would safeguard the conscience rights of hospitals and doctors.


On Friday, the Department of Health and Human Services issued a new rule to reverse an Obama-era regulation that would have allowed those seeking abortions or sex changes to sue providers for discrimination. Obama-era regulators had attempted to expand anti-discrimination language in the Affordable Care Act to include gender identity and termination of a pregnancy. The Trump administration is seeking to return to the previous anti-discrimination standard covering race, color, national origin, disability, age, and sex. The agency said this could save "billions of dollars in undue regulatory burdens, further substantive compliance, [and] reduce confusion" over federal discrimination measures.


"In order to better comply with the mandates of Congress, address legal concerns, relieve billions of dollars in undue regulatory burdens, further substantive compliance, reduce confusion, and clarify the scope of Section 1557, the Department proposes … to eliminate provisions that are inconsistent or redundant with pre-existing civil rights statutes," the department said in a proposal published to the Federal Register on Friday. "The Department believes that the [Obama] Rule exceeded its authority … adopted erroneous and inconsistent interpretations of civil rights law, caused confusion, and imposed unjustified and unnecessary costs."


The announcement came after Obama's rule had been challenged in separate lawsuits for departing from the text of Title IX's definition of sex discrimination. Two federal courts have enjoined that rule from taking effect because they were "likely unlawful," according to HHS. The department pointed to the litigation as further evidence that President Obama had exceeded his authority. It said the proposal would "properly give effect to religious liberty and conscience protections" over the issue of abortion.


Lori Windham, a senior counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty, a pro-bono law firm, welcomed the new rule. She said the transgender discrimination mandate would affect the available treatments for gender dysphoria and harm doctors' ability to treat their patients.


"The transgender mandate allowed the government to insert itself into the private, irreversible, and sensitive medical decisions," she said in a statement. "Now patients can be reassured knowing their doctors are free to follow their best medical judgment as well as the most accepted medical research, including research relied on by HHS medical experts themselves. This new rule follows medical consensus and common sense."


Gay rights groups criticized the decision, saying that it would "undermine crucial" discrimination guidelines. David Stacy, spokesman for the Human Rights Campaign, called the Obama rule "crucial."

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 1 p.m. No.6594998   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Radicals, Provocateurs, Fake News And Anti-Chinese Slogans: Riots Rock Indonesian Capital


The Capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, has been in chaos over post-election riots.


Incumbent President Joko Widodo achieved a victory in the April 17 presidential election (with 55.5% votes). The president’s challenger, former general Prabowo Subianto, has refused to accept the result and instead declared himself the winner. He and his allies claimed that Widodo’s victory became possible due to massive fraud but the only evidence of fraud provided by his team was links to online articles. The election supervisory agency rejected Prabowo’s complaint.


So, the opposition moved to a ‘direct action’.


Hundreds of rioters, mostly young men, some of them under flags often used by radical Islamist groups, clashed with police at six locations around central and west Jakarta on May 21 and May 22.


Police and security forces, which got reinforcements, restored relative calm in the capital by May 23 only. As a result of the clashes, at least 7 people were killed and over 700 others were injured. 442 rioters were detained.


During the protests, various groups on Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram were spreading anti-government fake news and hoaxes fueling tensions. One of the key narratives were the involvement of Chinese special forces and ‘snipers’ in these events. Some messages alleged that ‘Chinese forces’ employed live fire.


For example, these reports pretending that “China has sent security forces to Indonesia disguised as foreign workers” and some security personnel “cannot speak Indonesian”. All of them appeared to be fake news. The government was forced to block temporarily Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp, to halt the spread of false information. Indonesia’s ethnic Chinese population numbers about 3 million (out of Indonesia’s 260 million people).


During the riots, some protesters chanted anti-Chinese slogans: “Usir Cina” (kick Chinese out) and “Awas Asing” (beware of foreigners). The opposition has repeatedly blamed Widodo for his alleged ‘pro-Chinese’ stance.


Ethnic tensions between Indonesians and the ethnic Chinese minorities are often used among other tools designed to limit the rapid growth of the Chinese influence in Southeastern Asia.


Another important factor was the involvement of Islamists in the riots. Authorities openly blamed the violence on “provocateurs” that had come from outside Jakarta to stir up trouble. Many of the protesters are thought to be members of the fundamentalist Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) that supported Prabowo’s push for presidency.


National Police Spokesman Muhammad Iqbal officially stated on May 23 that at least 2 of the detained protestors were members of the Islamic Reform Movement (Garis. This group had pledged loyalty to ISIS, and sent almost 200 Indonesians to Syria.


“They intended to carry out jihad during May 21 and 22 protests,” Iqbal said.


Commenting on the confirmed deaths, he said that police had not used live rounds, and “only rubber bullets, tear gas, shields and sticks” when facing the protesters.


Fuckery afoot, staged riots

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 1:02 p.m. No.6595009   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Judge-ordered Redistricting in Ohio and Michigan Halted by Supreme Court


WASHINGTON—The Supreme Court has granted emergency stays halting forced congressional redistricting statewide in both Ohio and Michigan that was ordered by U.S. district court judges who found the boundaries of electoral districts had been improperly drawn.


The emergency orders were granted while the Supreme Court separately considers whether state electoral maps in North Carolina and Maryland were gerrymandered, or unfairly manipulated for partisan advantage. The Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the two different legal challenges on March 26 and is expected to rule on those cases next month.


This means ahead of the presidential and congressional elections in 2020 that the electoral maps of four states in all—Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, and Maryland—could change dramatically, leading to upheaval and grief for both political parties.


The applications, granted on Friday, May 24, on the cusp of the Memorial Day long weekend, were submitted to Justice Sonia Sotomayor acting in her capacity as the Supreme Court’s Circuit Justice for the Sixth Circuit, which includes both Ohio and Michigan. The orders did not explain the court’s rationale for acting in the two cases. No justices filed dissents opposing the stays. Granting these stays implies the Supreme Court will hear these cases.


The lower court ruling concerning Ohio had required the state to have a new electoral map in place by June 14. That three-judge panel also indicated it could make a new map on its own with assistance from a judicial officer known as a special master. The lawsuit that led to the order was brought by the Ohio A. Philip Randolph Institute and other left-leaning activist groups. Randolph was a socialist labor leader who died in 1979.


The judges—two appointed by Democratic presidents, and one appointed by a Republican president—were equally emphatic that Democrats were treated unfairly in Ohio’s redistricting process.

Anonymous ID: ec7a82 May 26, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.6595083   🗄️.is 🔗kun

(From left to right, Arron Banks, Donald Trump, Nigel Farage & Andy Wigmore)

The two paths to Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) world government seem to be Communism/globalism (George Soros, Obama etc.) on the Left and

Zionism/nationalism (Netanyahu, Trump) on the Right.

There are no conservative nationalist parties that are anti-Zionist.


While we applaud Brexit, Brabantian reminds us that Brexit leader Nigel Farage is backed by fanatical Zionists. Money makes the world go round and nowhere is that truer than politics.