Anonymous ID: 1e7df5 May 26, 2019, 1:56 p.m. No.6595388   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5407 >>5635 >>5817 >>5886

Le Pen warns Macron to ‘DISSOLVE PARLIAMENT’ after defeat


MARINE LE PEN told Emmanuel Macron to "draw consequences" and "dissolve" the French Parliament after dealing him a major blow as her far-right National Rally party topped La Republique En Marche in the European elections, according to latest projections.

Anonymous ID: 1e7df5 May 26, 2019, 2 p.m. No.6595407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5635 >>5817 >>5886


moar sauce:

'The people's victory': Le Pen tells Macron to dissolve parliament over EU election results


Speaking to supporters Marine Le Pen said: "The French have placed the National Rally at the top of the European elections. I see the people's victory, who with pride and dignity have retaken power this evening.


"I widespread movement for an alternative is born."


The far right party leader said President Emmanuel Macron must deal with the consequences of the result, which exit polls suggested would see Le Pen's party pick up 24 percent of the vote compared to 22.5 percent for Macron's La Republique en Marche.


Le Pen, who lost out to Macron in a bitter presidential election in 2017, called for the head of state to dissolvethe parliament and call new elections, a proposal that was immediately rejected by the government.


"It is up to the president of the republic to draw conclusions, he who put his presidential credit on the line in this vote in making it a referendum on his policies and even his personality," she added.


"He has no choice but to dissolve parliament, as a minimum and put in place a voting system that is finally more democratic and more representative of the real public opinion in the country," she said.

Anonymous ID: 1e7df5 May 26, 2019, 2:20 p.m. No.6595518   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5554

"Wikipedia Is… Broken," Controlled By Special Interests & Bad Actors Says Co-Founder


The multilingual free online encyclopedia was established in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, originally under the name of Nupedia. It is now the fifth most popular website in the world.


150Sec spoke to one of Wikipedia’s original co-founders, Sanger who — despite leaving the project in 2002 — shared his thoughts on online knowledge platforms on today’s internet, ahead of this month’s Pioneers conference in Austria.


As an open source, Wikipedia can be added to or edited by anyone in the world through knowledge base websites called wikis, which allow users to collaboratively modify content. However, Sanger claims that this has become one of Wikipedia’s biggest downfalls.


In its early days, “Wikipedia itself had special challenges,” he explained. “One was simply to teach everyone who arrived at the wiki, which was basically a blank bulletin board that could have become whatever we wanted it to become, that we intended to build an encyclopedia. A lot of people didn’t seem to know what that meant, or maybe they just didn’t care,” he said.


“Wikipedia itself had special challenges,” Larry Sanger, Wikipedia co-founder.


“Another hurdle was to figure out how to rein in the bad actors so that they did not ruin the project for everyone else. Unfortunately, we never did come up with a good solution for that one,” Sanger added.


“Wikipedia is a broken system as a result,” he said.


It is this flaw that has earned Wikipedia its reputation as an often untrustworthy source of information, particularly during times of discussion around misinformation and ‘fake news,’ a term which Sanger finds problematic.

Anonymous ID: 1e7df5 May 26, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.6595645   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5817 >>5886

England: Brexit party ahead in 13 of the first 14 areas to declare

Haroon Siddique Haroon Siddique


The Brexit party came first in 13 of the first areas (not regions) to declare, with over 40% of the vote in five of those. The list is Corby (east Midlands), Folkestone & Hythe (south-east), Telford & Wrekin (West Midlands), Rugby (West Midlands), Southend (east of England), Sheffield (Yorkshire and the Humber), Newcastle upon Tyne (north-east), Durham (north-east), Wolverhampton (West Midlands), Wrexham (Wales), Cardiff (Wales), Pembrokeshire (Wales), and Sandwell (West Midlands).


The exception is Croydon in London, where Labour came first by a whisker.

Anonymous ID: 1e7df5 May 26, 2019, 2:45 p.m. No.6595682   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5707 >>5708 >>5817 >>5886


England: Labour win in Leicester as pro-Brexit voters spoil ballots with slogans


Labour have topped the poll in Leicester, which voted Remain in the referendum, replicating the party’s result in the 2014 election.


Voting for the main parties was: Labour 33,449, Brexit 11,467, Conservatives 5,270, Lib Dem 10,330, Green 6,503, Ukip 2,201, Change UK 1,609.


Chris Williams, an agent for the Green party in Leicester, has told the Guardian that he has seen scores of spoilt ballots, apparently forged by pro-Brexit voters.


Slogans such as ‘Brexit now’, ‘We need brexit’ and ‘We’ve already voted on this’ were scrawled next to Brexit, he said, but the electors neglected to vote for either Ukip or the Brexit party.


Williams had been checking the disputed ballots as part of his duties as an election agent, and also found one ballot which had ‘wank’ written in every single box apart from the Green party. The voter left a note saying ‘not wank’ for the environmentalist party which was deemed permissible.


ok, I kek'd at the last paragraph - love British humor!