Anonymous ID: 625e32 May 26, 2019, 2:28 p.m. No.6595571   🗄️.is 🔗kun

This being Memorial Day Weekend, let's take some time to remember some unsung hero's. Not all hero's were military.

My Father in law spent many years as a Merchant Mariner. He spent most of WWII in the Pacific on a gasoline tanker. He died of cancer from the tropical sun and years of exposure to gasoline fumes.

My Uncle was a civilian pilot during the war for an oil company. He was killed during a flight ferrying company and defense officials when they ran out of airspeed, altitude and ideas.

My Grandmother hosted aviation pioneers Jackie Cochran, Pancho Barnes, and Amelia Earhart. They were pivotal figures in inspiring the WASP's.

Another Uncle was a civilian firefighter who joined the Navy at the start of WWII and taught firefighting skills to sailors, undoubtedly saving many lives and ships in the process. He returned to firefighting in civilian life after the war.

My Great Uncle was a trucker. He spent WWII trucking vitally needed defense goods and ordnance all over the country in what can best be described as primitive conditions by today's standards.

My Grandfather was a train man. He worked his way up thru the ranks until he became a senior official on a national line. He spent WWII ensuring that the rails were used to best advantage in prosecuting the war effort.

Many civilians are quiet hero's, doing what they can to keep the fabric of America intact and functioning smoothly. This has been the case since the founding, though I'm only familiar with their efforts in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. Don't judge these hero's by the rectitude of the conflicts they supported, judge them by their work, and by their hearts. Semper Fi maggots.