Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 3:55 p.m. No.6596222   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6542 >>6660 >>6679

Iraq Sentences French ISIS Fighters To Death


Three French citizens who joined ISIS and have been sentenced to death in Iraq, after being found guilty of joining the Islamic militant group.


The men, Kevin Gonot, Leonard Lopez and Salim Machou were three of 14 French nationals belonging to the Islamic State arrested in Syria and turned over to Iraq by Syrian Kurdish forces. According to the BBC, here is what is known about the three men - who will be the first French IS suspects to receive the death penalty.


Gonot, 32, is from south-eastern France. He is believed to have entered Syria through Turkey to join the al-Nusra Front, a branch of al-Qaeda, before pledging allegiance to IS.


He was arrested in Syria with his mother, his wife, and his half-brother in December 2017. A French court has also sentenced him in absentia to nine years in prison.


Machou, 41, belonged to an IS cell composed of European fighters that has carried out attacks in Iraq and Syria and planned others in Paris and Brussels, according to the Centre d'Analyse du Terrorisme (CAT), a French think tank.


Lopez, a 32-year-old from Paris, also travelled with his wife and two children to IS-held Mosul in northern Iraq before entering Syria, CAT quotes French investigators as saying. -BBC


Human rights organizations have been critical of trials of suspected Islamic State militants in Iraq, saying that they often rely on circumstantial evidence or forced confessions.

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.6596234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6542 >>6590 >>6591 >>6660 >>6679

Le Pen Calls for Dissolving Parliament as Her Party Wins France's EU Vote


Marine Le Pen, the leader of France's right-wing National Rally (RN) party, has called for dissolving the lower house after an exit poll showed that her party is on track to win the country’s European Parliament elections.


According to the ELABE exit poll, the RN party is leading in the Sunday election with 24.2 percent of votes, while President Emmanuel Macron's La Republique En Marche! (LREM) trails second with 22.4 percent.


"The president of the republic must draw conclusions […] There is at least one more thing, in my opinion, [to be done: that is] the dissolution of the National Assembly to make the voting system more democratic and finally representing the real opinion of the country", Le Pen said, broadcast live by the BFMTV channel.


She also noted that "the trust that the French have put in us, calling us the first party and… the movement of the future change, is a great honor".


In the 2014 European elections, Marine Le Pen’s party also topped the vote, having received 24.85 percent.


The LREM list in the current election is headed by Natalie Loiseau, a former minister for European affairs. The RN party’s top candidate is Jordan Bardella, aged 23.

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 3:58 p.m. No.6596246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6314 >>6327 >>6370 >>6439 >>6542 >>6660 >>6679

Morgan Stanley: If The Trade War Doesn't End Soon, It Will Cause Enough Economic Erosion To Crash Markets


Authored by Michael Zezas, Chief Public Policy strategist at Morgan Stanley


Investors are obsessed, trying to figure out what happens next in the US/China trade dispute. Will the US call China? What do the negotiators really think? Does this last three weeks or three months? Our answer: you could be starting with the wrong questions.


First, let’s look back. It all seemed to be going so well. After market sell-offs sent signals to the US and China about the costs of trade tensions, they sat down at the G20 in November, called a truce, and appeared close enough to a deal to start planning for a signing ceremony. Then came the week of May 5. The US claimed China had moved the goalposts on key issues and announced another tariff increase, with preparations to levy tariffs on another ~US$300 billion of imports. China responded with counter-tariffs and heated rhetoric. Escalation was back, but the market response was relatively muted. After a 3-4% down move in the S&P from all-time highs and about a 7% down move in the Shanghai Composite, both indices remain well above pre-G20 levels. This suggests the recognition of heightened uncertainty, but no clear idea of what comes next.


It appears that investors are trying to gauge trade risks by focusing on near-term catalysts. We’re often asked what key players are saying, what might happen at the next G20, where that meeting fits in the timelines for tariff events, and what unconventional action each side might take. But these questions can be counterproductive. Answers require us to intuit the intentions of key players around specific details, while we can only parse their broad intentions from public statements and reporting. Furthermore, this approach risks overemphasizing isolated bits of evidence.


Rather than guess at the next headline or meeting, define the dynamic at play.


Game theory takes us back to what shaped our call in 2018. Both sides will continue to escalate until clear market or economic weakness pushes them to reengage. Hence, investors should act as if the next escalation will happen until markets price it in. The situation resembles a repeated Prisoner’s Dilemma game. Both sides start by escalating, perceiving better payoffs for doing so. They can cooperate later on if they realize that the rewards for payoffs from cooperation are greater than from further escalation. Consider:


This isn’t posturing, meaningful disagreements exist: Early speculation the week of May 5 was that the game hadn’t changed, rather both sides were framing their compromises for domestic audiences. But the US soon highlighted new areas of disagreements, confirmed by the Chinese side, around IP protections and how quickly to remove existing tariffs.

These conflicts reset the payoffs, suggesting that escalation is preferable at this point to meeting the other’s demands: For one side, and possibly both, the payoff for cooperation had diminished as it became clear that their counterpart wasn’t agreeing to key conditions.

Market and/or economic weakness could change the game: In 4Q18, we believe that the US administration’s market sensitivity and China’s short-term economic exposure played a key role in bringing them to the table amid weakness in global markets and softer data in China. The payoffs for cooperation became clearer and preferable to escalation. A repeat of these pressures could mend this new rift.


We expect this dynamic to pressure risk assets and US bond yields lower. If risk markets don’t drive cooperation soon, escalation will likely cause enough economic erosion to move the markets before long. Consider the impacts of further escalation laid out by our economists in their midyear outlook. A three-to-four month extension of current tariffs could dampen growth in China and the US by 20bp and 30bp, respectively, barely avoiding recession. A longer period of tension, including fresh tariffs on ~US$300 billion of remaining China exports to the US, puts 100bp of global growth at risk and pushes the Fed into repeated cuts. Neither of these outcomes is in the price, in our view, and recent conversations with investors suggest that they under-appreciate the downside impact of such scenarios.


Where could we be wrong? Perhaps the US and China will follow the path lauded by game theorists and marriage counselors alike – communication! Given domestic politics and negotiating stances, we think that it will take weak markets or fundamentals to pry open a channel. Still, any news of fresh, substantive dialogue between the countries should be seen as a positive

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 4:02 p.m. No.6596274   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Workers Of The World, Unite! You Have Nothing To Loose Except Central Banker Windfalls To The 1%


The dawn of war is a time of simple clarity and purpose. Good guys vs. bad guys. Cowboys vs. Indians. Confederates vs. Yankees. Coppers vs. robbers. It’s a time when lines are drawn, songs are sang, and drums are beaten with gaiety and confidence.


Indeed, calls for ‘a jolly little war’ are always greeted with merriment and optimism. This also goes for the dawn of a trade war. Regardless of whether you’re from Scranton or Suzhou, the escalating Trump vs. Xi standoff all seems so virtuous. “We’re right, they’re wrong,” and vice versa.


Here in the USA, the perspective is crystal clear. America’s rightful bounty is within reach. After several Presidents that were light in the loafers, there’s finally a leader of the free world with the brass fortitude to reach out and grab it for his fellow countrymen. And why not?


Several decades of getting spanked by Chinese grunt laborers have American workers longing for reprisal. This ain’t their granddaddy’s economy. They’ve been repurposed from well-paying manufacturing jobs to low-level service workers. The relentless progression has been demoralizing. Given a fair shake, American workers just know they’ll kick tail and take names.


Yet, as far as we can tell, Trump’s fight is a day late and a dollar short. The time to stand up for the American worker came and went while Ray Dalio was busy getting absurdly rich from the financialization of the economy. What’s more, the means to stand up for the American worker had – and still has – little to do with slapping tariffs on Chinese made doohickeys.


We’ll have more on this in a moment. But first, some dawn of war merriment out of the Middle Kingdom…

Trade War! Trade War!


China’s 40 year economic boom has all the trappings of miraculous growth. Real wealth has been created. Living standards have improved. And mega cities have sprouted up from the barren earth like garden weeds following a spring rain.


For perspective, between 2011 and 2013 China used more cement than the U.S. did in the entire 20th century. According to the International Cement Review, an industry publication based in London, between 1901 and 2000 the U.S. used 4.4 gigatons of cement, whereas China used 6.6 gigatons of cement between 2011 and 2013.

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 4:03 p.m. No.6596284   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Deep state desperation: A false flag is their last remaining option to save themselves from being exposed and destroyed


Just four days ago, President Trump ordered the declassification of “bucket five” documents which will show how Obama’s FBI and DOJ actively conspired to commit treason against the Trump administration through illegal spying, FISA court fraud, planting spies and more.


This is the beginning of the end for the treasonous, criminal deep state under which America has suffered for far too long, spanning multiple presidential administrations including Obama, Bush and Clinton.


Now, the deep state finds itself at “maximum desperation,” and it is going to trigger every last-ditch tactic it still has remaining in order to try to save itself.


This means we are now facing the greatest threat of internal sabotage that America has ever faced in its history, and some of the acts the deep state may be able and willing to carry out to cause maximum chaos include:


An attempted assassination of President Trump.

A nuclear “dirty bomb” detonation in a major U.S. city.

The release of a chemical or biological weapon on U.S. soil.

The detonation of an EMP weapon to bring down a regional power grid.

Cyber attacks on the U.S. power grid to cause mass chaos.

Invoking international war with Russia, Iran or North Korea (i.e. literally starting World War III).

Massive false flag shootings, bombings or 9/11-scale attacks on innocent Americans to cause violence and chaos that will be blamed on Trump.


Also, as you know, I continue to believe the No. 1 false flag scenario being plotted by the deep state is a massive, coordinated false flag shooting that targets the offices of a tech giant such as Facebook or Twitter. The purpose of this event would be to blame gun owners, conservatives and Trump supporters while justifying the censorship of all conservatives. Importantly, such an event would be engineered by the corrupt FBI and deep state traitors meet the following conditions:


1) Be caught on camera so that footage can be played on national TV and cable news.

2) Involve an enormous amount of blood, gore and suffering so that the emotional impact can be seared into the minds of the American public.

3) Blamed on a Trump supporter, an InfoWars viewer, a gun owner, NRA member, military veteran, etc., who has a van emblazoned with pro-Trump stickers. Oh wait, they already did that… remember Cesar Sayoc? (And now we never heard about Sayoc, do we? The entire thing was staged for CNN.)


Watch my video to stay informed. The biggest false flag risk in America’s history is now active. You have been warned:

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 4:09 p.m. No.6596329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6494



So are you saying the Zionist and Marxist Jews or more accurately those who say they are Jews but are not aren't the ones behind all the fuckery WW??????


Cause I been digging for getting on a decade now and once you go deep it seems you always end up with these fuckers pulling the strings.

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 4:14 p.m. No.6596366   🗄️.is 🔗kun

EXPOSED! Photos From INSIDE Chemtrail Planes Like You’ve NEVER Seen Before!


I received a private message from a friend on Facebook who stated:


Hi Gregg, I follow your in5d website everyday and I’m thankful there are like minded people like yourself who are aware of global things that I have know since I was a little girl. I came across some photos from a trusted source of the inside of planes that are used for chemtrails and I figured if I passed them on to you, you can help spread more awareness with it on your website. Let me know if this is ok with you. Thanks.


When asked if the source would like to elaborate on these photos, I was told:


Unfortunately my source does not want to be known and would rather remain anonymous…I’m sure they have some pretty good reasons and I must respect their wishes. As long as the information gets out there I think that’s the most important thing I’ll send you more photos later on in the day when I have a chance thank you.


These are the photos I received:


Small sample of pictures, use link for more

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 4:19 p.m. No.6596424   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6464 >>6503


I have been operating on the premise that around 30% of bakers are not on our side. Lots of important digs skipped over, but I tend to repost once we get a solid baker as the good ones are known by their style.

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 4:23 p.m. No.6596465   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hmmm these parasites have already latched onto cryptos and other things, if they collapse they will appear again under a new banner and get back to their old usury fuckery.

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 4:25 p.m. No.6596489   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How to prevent debate while claiming to be in favour of it.


When I look around at the state of public discourse in ‘the West’ what strikes me is that everyone says they want to have a reasoned and rational debate but say that the reason it doesn’t happen is because the ‘other side’ is irrational and so they can’t be debated with. The ‘other side’, their opponents say, always avoids the debate, is never willing to just answer a reasonable question and generally just refuse to have the debate they claim to want. Does this resonate with you?


I see impasse everywhere I look. In the UK between Brexit and Remain supporters and in the USA between Trump and Non-Trump supporters. I see it between Alt-right advocates and Progressives, and between all the various groups within and around identity politics and those they see as their enemies. I see it in every discussion of immigration. I see it between globalists and those they call populists or nativists.


How is this possible? How can all sides in every debate want to have a reasoned and rational discussion and yet all claim the ‘other side’ is irrational and unwilling to discuss?


Here are some thoughts.


It seems to me that in every one of our contentious social and political debates each ‘side’ comes to the debate with a set of assumptions which they are absolutely sure are the correct and in fact only way of framing the debate. The problem with me suggesting this, is that the people I am talking about will read that sentence and nod happily, feeling quite certain that this is a correct and lamentably true description of people other than themselves. Their own assumptions, if they are aware of having them at all, seem to them to be so basic, so self evident, that it would be wrong to describe them as ‘assumptions’. Sure, other people may have deeply embedded assumptions, but what ‘we’ have is a clear-eyed and unbiased statement of reality.


Sometimes the assumptions which provide the framework for every other thought, statement and debate, are held, I think, almost unconsciously. If you grow up in a fundamentalist religious culture then Allah, or Jehovah or Christ and his rules are unquestioned and held as unquestionable.


Such assumptions are then nearly always buttressed by an accompanying belief that questioning or denying these most unquestionable assumptions and the version of reality they describe, will lead to utter disaster. In the religious case because god will get peeved and visit some sort of divine anger upon the heads of the unbelievers and possibly even those around them who did nothing to stop the blaspheming.


So far so smug.

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.6596522   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6579

Where does the name Cabal come from????





noun: cabal; plural noun: cabals

a secret political clique or faction.

"a cabal of dissidents"

synonyms: clique, faction, coterie, group, set, band, party, camp, gang, ring, cell, sect, caucus, league, confederacy, junta;


The Origin Of The Popular Word Cabal


Many at times, the word cabal is being used incessantly in our various organizations, association, groups and most especially in politics.


It is said that from the earliest times, the Sovereigns of England had a body of trusted advisers who became known as the Privy Councillors.


When King Charles II came to the throne (1667-73), a period that covered the third Anglo-Dutch war, he found this large body of privy councillors too unwieldy. He vowed not to discuss the important matters of the State with so many councillors.


He selected a few of his favourites from among them as his closest advisers and would consult them before presenting any matter to the Privy Council.


These selected favourites of the king used to meet in the King’s cabinet, hence the name cabinet. The action of the king was very unpopular and the cabinet was contemptuously referred as the Cabal.


This narrative went on to say that the word cabal was formed from the initial letters of the surnames of the King’s favourites, Sir Thomas Clifford, Henry Bennet (Lord Arlington), George Villiers (the Duke of Buckingham), Anthony Ashley Cooper (Earl of Shaftesbury) and John Maitland (Earl of Lauderdale). Clifford, Arlington, Buckingham, Ashley and Lauderdale — CABAL.


However, the earliest known acronyms date from around the time of the First World War (the military slang AWOL, “Absent Without Leave”, is among the earliest, which newspaper reports around 1918 demonstrate was being said as a pronounceable word) and yet the source of cabal is dated on this theory to an acronymic origin some 250 years earlier.


What scuppers the idea is that cabal is known from earlier in the seventeenth century through usages linked to Charles I and Oliver Cromwell. It came into English via French cabale from medieval Latin cabbala (these days more usually Kabbalah). This is an esoteric secret Jewish system of mystical practices based on a study of the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament. Kabbalistic teaching was based on oral transmission from a personal guide, so cabal, at first referring directly to the Kabbalah, came to mean a private or semi-secret interpretation. By the middle of the seventeenth century it had developed further to mean some intrigue entered into by a small group and also referred to the group of people so involved.


The word was indeed applied to the five ministers (in a pamphlet issued in 1673), but it was no more than a scurrilous joke based on the accident of their initials. Unfortunately, it’s a joke that has long since gone sour on etymologists, who have to keep explaining the facts, a problem compounded by historians, who continue to refer to the Cabal Ministry as a convenient shorthand.

Anonymous ID: 9673dd May 26, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.6596562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6639


Your word Magik doesn't work on me, you glowing fuck


You attack my grammar and put forward sauces that oppose the Zionist agenda but you don't address the premise of my post that Zionist Marxist Jews are running the world from behind the scenes.


We see thru your BS Rabbi