Anonymous ID: b25890 May 26, 2019, 3:26 p.m. No.6595994   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6295 >>6361

Searching (or wherever) for "ask" yields an interesting result. Q says "ask yourself" many times, and even has many variants of "ask yourself a very simple question". The ONLY time he uses "Q" for question in this batch of results is Q 3127 (reposted in the most recent post Q 3349).

The use of Q for "question" also occurs in Q 3347, the Q reveal post.

WE will be the ones answering the Q, and I suspect it won't be long.

Anonymous ID: b25890 May 26, 2019, 4:30 p.m. No.6596539   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6703


>>6589841 (pb)

Anons, last night, in response to the Bidan for Biden "error" correction, some "Anon" posted the side-by-side graphic. It seems to ALTER what is actually posted at qmap and what POTUS posted. So far as I can see, the original twat only erred in writing Bidan. But the graphic seems to involve an error in the word "low". It looks like it is written IOW, in caps, but slightly smaller. The first letter there is then the capital vowel I and not an L.

In this graphic, which was presumably posted for a REASON, there are then TWO mistaken vowels: AI.

In the correct version, the vowel is an E.


So the graphic is somehow pointing us to a swap of E for AI or vice versa.


Anons know:

Follow the PEN

Anon here points to this after the French election results.

Put it in Franglais:

Follow Le Pen

Now think about the vowel swap:

Le PAIN follows Le Pen