Anonymous ID: bdf9f6 May 26, 2019, 3:48 p.m. No.6596173   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6188 >>6200 >>6216 >>6269 >>6285 >>6377 >>6542 >>6553 >>6660 >>6679

New Mexico Governor Claimed No Crisis. Now Begging for Help


The Watershed Decision

In February, Grisham made national news for thumbing her nose at the president, her citizens, and national security when she sent the National Guard packing. She blithely stated: “New Mexico will not take part in the president’s charade of border fear-mongering,” and received a blast of positive kudos from Democrat toadies in the Swamp. It fit their narrative perfectly and from a border state to boot.


But three short months later, after recall and impeachment petitions, shameful national news coverage of cities and towns overwhelmed by the “charade,” and 31 of 33 counties expressing their disdain for Grisham through resolutions, the governor is now asking President Trump and the Department of Homeland Security for their help.


“The governor wants to continue to urge the federal government to increase its personnel on the border as a means of improving the logistical and communications output,” said spokesman Tripp Stelnicki, whose head must be spinning like a top after Grisham’s desperate about face. He also hinted that the events in Otero County may be spiking fear in Grisham as other municipalities and counties are jumping on Griffin’s bandwagon. And frankly, no one is buying what Grisham is selling anymore.


Steve Pearce, Chairman of the New Mexico Republican Party, who ran against Grisham in 2018 for the role of governor, reminded:


“She declares there’s no crisis. She removes the National Guard and now she’s there asking for money. Everything in her actions indicate that she believes there’s a crisis, but yet she will not dedicate the resources or request to her colleagues in Congress to start passing the laws that will change the situation there.”


The Trump administration will ensure that resources for the state are granted but it won’t come for free – there will a pound of flesh extracted from the foolish New Mexico governor to be spiked and paraded through the 2020 election. Perhaps after a disastrous first quarter in office, Grisham will begin to listen to her constituents. But it’s doubtful – which is why a recall or impeachment is still being pursued by citizens. What should terrify the governor is this highly motivated electorate, bent on removing her from office – and that describes the uprising in the Land of Enchantment to a “T.”