Anonymous ID: d8dc7d May 26, 2019, 3:37 p.m. No.6596085   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6116 >>6132 >>6188 >>6515 >>6542 >>6616 >>6660 >>6679

Cryptos Are Exploding Higher, Bitcoin At 12-Month Highs


The cryptocurrency market cap surged above $260 billion in early Asian trading tonight as the entire space legs to a new cycle high, led by Litecoin with Bitcoin hitting 12-month highs.

Litecoin is up around 12% in the last hour and the rest of the crypto-space is up 7-8% suddenly.

Bitcoin broke out of its recent tight range around $8000, surging up to $8800.

Its highest level since May 2018.

But almost the entire cryptospace is a sea of green.

While the timing is coincidental with EU election exit polls hitting (suggesting a significant shift to eurospektic parties), there is no indication of the buying pressure coming from that, rather more likely a renewed interest from Asia as US-China tensions continues to escalate and residents seek an alternative safe haven.

Anonymous ID: d8dc7d May 26, 2019, 4:17 p.m. No.6596404   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6420 >>6443 >>6542 >>6660 >>6679

New evidence links Colombia army chief to civilian slayings


BOGOTA (AP) — New evidence has emerged linking the embattled head of Colombia’s army to the alleged cover-up of civilian killings more than a decade ago.


The documents, provided to The Associated Press by a person familiar with an ongoing investigation into the extrajudicial killings, come as Gen. Nicacio Martinez Espinel faces mounting pressure to resign over orders he gave troops this year to step up attacks in what some fear could pave the way for a return of serious human rights violations.


Colombia’s military has been blamed for as many as 5,000 extrajudicial killings at the height of the country’s armed conflict in the mid-2000s as troops under pressure by top commanders inflated body counts, in some cases dressing up civilians as guerrillas in exchange for extra pay and other perks.


What became known as the “false positives” scandal has cast a dark shadow over the U.S.-backed military’s record of battleground victories. Fifteen years later not a single top commander has been held accountable for the slayings.


Human Rights Watch in February harshly criticized President Ivan Duque’s appointment of Martinez Espinel, noting that he was second-in-command of the 10th Brigade in northeast Colombia during years for which prosecutors have opened investigations into 23 illegal killings .


The rights group revealed that then Col. Martinez Espinel certified payments to an informant who led to “excellent results” in a purported combat operation in which an indigenous civilian and 13-year-old girl were killed. A court later convicted two soldiers of abducting them from their home, murdering them and putting weapons on their bodies so they appeared to be rebels.


Martinez Espinel at the time of the report said he had “no idea” if he had made the payments. “God and my subalterns know how we’ve acted,” he said.

Anonymous ID: d8dc7d May 26, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.6596529   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Will the world be better off if Morgan Stanley does not survive?


They were levered up moar than Bear Stearns in the '08 crash cycle, the were allowed to continue.


The arabs who injected money into them were given a choice at what time they were to out the money into the deal. The choice was before or after they announced a huge loss so they obvioulsly took the later option. The market maker's then ran the stock up another 15 points before it settled on the agreed upon date for funds to be transferred. They (arabs) never did another overt deal like that.

Not defending them as they got what was coming to them but this is why they need to go in a big way. Screw anyone for a deal.

Anonymous ID: d8dc7d May 26, 2019, 4:36 p.m. No.6596598   🗄️.is đź”—kun


and your point is what?

It's reporting on a movement of an asset class, they are still decent for this.

Take it up with them if you have a problem. Charts don't lie…people do.

Tell us all what is wrong with that particular piece.

I'll wait……..

Now fuck off as your shit is old and tired.

Anonymous ID: d8dc7d May 26, 2019, 4:45 p.m. No.6596664   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Could not agree moar. Pepe always says do your own research/due diligence and make your own decisions. After-all, it is YOUR money-don't let anyone make those decisions for you. YOU MAKE THEM.

And listen to MBAfag/LEfag he is a BASED nigga