Anonymous ID: 405d31 May 26, 2019, 5:51 p.m. No.6597210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7304 >>7351 >>7455

The Latest: Salvini: “The rules are changing in Europe”


BRUSSELS (AP) — The Latest on elections for the European Parliament (all times local):


1:50 a.m.


Italy’s hard-line interior minister, Matteo Salvini, says the European parliamentary vote shows “that the rules are changing in Europe.”


Salvini told supporters at party headquarters in Milan early Monday that the results of Europe’s four-day vote show that “a new Europe is born. I will say to those who have sunk the European dream, transforming it into a nightmare, that I am proud that the League participated in this new rebirth of a sunken Europe.”


Voter projections showed the League won 33% of the vote in Italy, up from just 6% at the last European vote in 2014 and at least 10 percentage points ahead of the Democratic Party in second place. The League’s coalition partners, the 5-Star Movement, suffered a blow, finishing third with just 19% of the vote.


Salvini held a cross as he spoke, and at one point kissed it and looked upward, saying: “I thank whoever is up there, who is not helping Matteo Salvini and the League, who is helping Italy and Europe, to protect hope, pride, roots, work, security.” Salvini has faced criticism from Italy’s Catholic establishment for brandishing a rosary at rallies.




1:40 a.m.


The two women who shook up Spanish politics by becoming the mayors of Madrid and Barcelona supported by an upstart far-left party in 2015 have both lost in local elections.


Manuela Carmena, a 75-year-old former judge, won the most votes in Madrid’s local election but will likely be disposed by the combined power of three right-wing parties that can cobble together a majority in the town hall.


Ada Colau, a former housing activist, is also in danger of losing power in Barcelona after she came in second to a party in favor of Catalonia’s secession from the rest of Spain.


Their losses come amid a steep decline in support for the anti-austerity Podemos (We Can) party and similar far-left parties since their rise four years ago. Much of those votes have gone to the mainstream Socialists.




1:30 a.m.


Spain’s caretaker Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez says his victorious Socialists will push for a Europe focused on social welfare and against austerity measures after winning the European elections.


With 98% of the votes counted late Sunday, the Socialists won 20 of the 54 seats allocated to Spain in the European Parliament.


Sanchez says Spain is going to be the leading delegation” of Socialists on the European stage. He calls that a source of enormous pride and an enormous opportunity for us but also an enormous responsibility.”


Caretaker Minister of Foreign Affairs Josep Borrell, president of European Parliament from 2004-09, is among the Socialist lawmakers going to Strasbourg.


Sánchez can now focus on trying to form a new government following the victory of his Socialists in the April 28 national election.


The turnout in Spain on Sunday was up to 64.3% from 45.8% in 2014.


1:05 a.m.


The leaders of the two largest mainstream parties in the European Parliament have ruled out working with far-right nationalists who made gains in the continent’s four-day vote and appealed for cooperation among pro-European parties.


Manfred Weber, leader of the center-right EPP group, said Sunday night that “from now on, those who want to have a strong European union have to join forces.”


Weber says his group will not cooperate “with any party that doesn’t believe in the future of the European Union.”


Frans Timmermans, the Socialist and Democrats leader who is Weber’s chief rival for the top job at the EU’s executive commission, says he wants to work together with progressive parties “to try and build a program that addresses the aspirations, the dreams, and also sometimes the fears of our fellow Europeans.”


The EEP group is forecast to win 178 seats and the S&D group will have 152 seats in the 751-seat parliament, according to EU projections.

Anonymous ID: 405d31 May 26, 2019, 5:54 p.m. No.6597232   🗄️.is 🔗kun

China’s Largest Chipmaker to Delist From NYSE Amid Heightened US-China Trade Tensions


China’s biggest chipmaker announced it would delist from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), amid intensifying tensions between the United States and China following recent U.S. sanctions against Huawei.


Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), in a statement on its website on May 24, said it notified the NYSE of its intention to delist its American depositary receipts on June 3, meaning the last day of trading will fall on or about June 13.


The move would mark the end of a 15-year run as a public company in the United States. The company will continue to be traded on the Hong Kong stock exchange.


In the announcement, SMIC said “a number of considerations” led to its decision, including “limited trading volume of its ADSs [American depositary shares] relative to the worldwide trading volume.” Another reason was the “significant administrative burden and costs” of being able to list on the NYSE.


Following the delisting, SMIC said trading of its ADSs will move to the over-the-counter market.


On May 24, SMIC’s ADSs tumbled to more than 6 percent to about $5.15 a share before closing at $5.24. In Hong Kong, the SMIC’s shares dipped more than 4 percent and closed at HK$8.42 ($1.07).


The timing of the SMIC’s decision has since drawn much speculation about whether it was made in response to escalating trade tensions between the United States and China, which recently spilled into the technology sector.


On May 15, U.S. administration effectively blacklisted Chinese telecom giant Huawei on national security grounds, barring the company from acquiring components and technology from U.S. firms without government approval. Since then, a number of key Huawei suppliers, including UK-based chip designer ARM and Google, have suspended business with the company.

Anonymous ID: 405d31 May 26, 2019, 6 p.m. No.6597290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7335 >>7351 >>7455

Israel’s political future in limbo as Netanyahu struggles to form coalition


Israel might be heading into another early election as Benjamin Netanyahu has so far failed to form an uneasy right-wing coalition in his last-ditch attempt just days before the deadline on Wednesday.


Even though Netanyahu managed to overcome tough competition from the centrists to win his historic fifth term in office in April, it seems that his hardships are far from over. Even though the right wing parties led the way at the elections with 66-55 seats — and nearly all of them said they would recommend Netanyahu to President Reuven Rivlin to form the next coalition government – he still needs to unite them to cement his role as a prime minister for the fifth time.


To do that, Netanyahu needs support of five right-wing forces ranging from ultra-Orthodox Shas and United Torah Judaism groups to the former Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beytenu party – and they have so far proven to be far less likely allies than they seemed to be.


Lieberman’s nationalist party and the ultra-Orthodox particularly butted heads over the major sticking point – a contentious conscription draft law, which would require Orthodox Jewish seminary students to serve in the Armed Forces - something they have always resisted. In an attempt to strike a deal, Netanyahu suggested taking the recruitment targets out of the law and leave this issue for the government to decide.


While the idea apparently struck a chord with the ultra-Orthodox parties, which approved Netanyahu’s compromise, it still failed to persuade Lieberman , who continues to adamantly champion mandatory conscription for everyone.


On Saturday, the former defense minister said he would only join the coalition if his demands on conscription law would be met. He also took a jab at Netanyahu by saying that being “right-wing isn't about a personality cult, it's about values,” apparently hinting at the prime minister’s long rule.