Anonymous ID: 451ac5 May 26, 2019, 5:06 p.m. No.6596834   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6853 >>6891 >>6912 >>7071 >>7191 >>7351 >>7455

Trish Regan


#ICYMI #China is waging an information war against the U.S. … and ME! China’s state TV accuses ME of being “emotional” and stoking fear, when in reality, I was stating the facts. China IS NOT playing fair when it comes to trade. China, you picked the wrong fight! #TrishRegan

Anonymous ID: 451ac5 May 26, 2019, 5:22 p.m. No.6596963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7071 >>7191 >>7351 >>7455

America’s political Game of Thrones ignored by a disinterested MSM


WASHINGTON. The recently concluded television adaptation of George R.R. Martin’s “Game of Thrones” (GOT) wrapped up this lavishly-costumed eight-season morality play with a simple message. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Since the time this HBO extravaganza began to unfold on pay cable, the MSM has remained obsessed with the actors, the filming, the storyline – you name it. But throughout this maxi-series’ long and successful run, the now clearly declining MSM has remained utterly uninterested in our own very real American Game of Thrones. This equally long-running series could now be moving into its own final season right here in Washington, D.C.


Game of Thrones, American style Here in the capital city of America, we will soon hear a tale unfold that’s eerily similar to George R.R. Martin’s. It will recount the Machiavellian lengths to which President Barack Obama used his executive power and the formidable resources of the US intelligence services to meddle in the selection of his successor. And worse, having failed with that hubristic strategy, to instigate a clandestine campaign to unseat the duly-elected Republican victor of 2016, Donald J. Trump. It’s our own very real American Game of Thrones. But its final chapter has yet to be written. Curiously, now-President Donald Trump’s recent endeavor to shine the bright sunlight of transparency on the dubious deeds of America’s likely corrupted secret agencies is viewed as a troubling development. But only in the eyes of those who claim to represent “the public’s right to know.” America’s rapidly declining MSM.


Our hear-no-evil, see-no-evil, badly declining MSM The declining Washington Post’s Shane Harris purports to be shocked by President Donald Trump’s latest executive order. It gives Attorney General William Barr broad power to release previously classified information regarding the origins of the Trump/Russia collusion investigation: “It appeared unprecedented to give an official who is not in charge of an intelligence agency the power to reveal its secrets. Current and former intelligence officials said they were concerned that Barr could selectively declassify information that paints the intelligence agencies and the FBI in a bad light without giving a complete picture of their efforts in 2016.” Maggie Haberman and Michael Schmidt of the declining New York Times seconded Harris’s concern over others’ concerns for our nation’s spies: “The directive is likely to irk the intelligence community, which has long prized its ability to determine what information about its operations can be released to the public.”


Where have all the journalists gone? The paragraphs above denote a singular lack of curiosity on the part of so-called journalists – all part of this country’s declining MSM. In years past, these alleged journalists were more than willing to publish classified information leaked to them by intelligence sources. Particularly when the GOP held the Oval Office. Neither reporter cited here wonders just what, exactly, these secretive Federal agencies find concerning or irksome. Other than having attention aimed back at their nefarious actions. Actions they never thought they’d have to answer for. After all, the infallible polls said Hillary Clinton was an overwhelming shoo-in to be elected as the nation’s 45th president. But, as in HBO’s GOT, in our American Game of Thrones, the best-laid plans often go awry.


Media engages in power games as the American Game of Thrones plays out Getting back to the spectacle of this country’s declining MSM, do you remember the Pentagon Papers? It was a “top secret” history of the Vietnam War written by members of the RAND Corporation for the Pentagon’s inner circle. US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara commissioned the report. Among its more startling revelations: The Kennedy Administration’s ordered assassination of South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem;and The ineffectiveness of heavy US bombing in breaking the will of North Vietnamese leaders to continue the war. A US District judge issued a restraining order prohibiting the Washington Post and New York Times from printing articles, beyond the few they had, that used material from the classified history. But the government’s demand for prior restraint was eventually settled in favor of the newspapers in a 6-3 vote by the United States Supreme Court.

Anonymous ID: 451ac5 May 26, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.6597276   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7351 >>7402 >>7432 >>7455

DOJ IG releases explosive report that led to firing of ex-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe


The Department of Justice’s inspector general released an explosive report Friday that led to the firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe for his leaks to the media ahead of the 2016 election.



A Report of Investigation of Certain Allegations Relating to Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe Redactions have been made based on privacy interests of individuals.


(I don't remember seeing this posted over the weekend)

Anonymous ID: 451ac5 May 26, 2019, 6:12 p.m. No.6597402   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7408 >>7455 >>7478



Assistant Director in Charge William F. Sweeney, Jr. New York FBI


This guy appears to mirror the behaviors of McCabe, however he is involved in the Weiner Case.


Some snippets here are from Gateway Pundit


Also Attached are the Committee Hearing Transcripts of William F. Sweeney