Anonymous ID: 84b94c May 26, 2019, 5:45 p.m. No.6597180   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7209 >>7220 >>7231 >>7239 >>7250 >>7275 >>7359 >>7486

PhysicianFag here,


We have major DIVISION in the Great Awakening whether you know it or not. The division is on ALL platforms. It has been a “confusing” distraction for many patriots trying to follow Q. Hopefully this long post can help (some) resolve the confusion so we then can all focus on Q.


Be careful who you are following.

Some are profiting off this movement.

Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.

Patriots make sacrifices.

Some, the ultimate sacrifice.

Patriots are SELFLESS.

Do they ask for monthly payments to remain Patriots?

Think logically.

To some, it’s only about the money.

Those who would seek personal gain at the expense of others in this movement has an agenda.

You decide.

Q (1295)


Translation: Psychology 101: EVERYONE has an agenda. Whether it is a bad agenda or a good agenda. EGO 101: From famefagging to fulfilling a specific need to ending corruption and evil. Or = a combination of all the above. In this immoral world, money/power is the biggest agenda for bad actors and patriots. Think Judas Iscariot. A good person overall, but sells out the Lord for a worthless amount of money.


They attempted to infiltrate, repackage & rebrand as their own.


Destroy through [misinformation].

Absorb the 'confused'.

Re-route traffic to other platforms.

Q (1343)


Translation: Q doesn’t need other platforms. Q didn’t need a large platform like InfoWars, which this Q post is in reference to. Simple as that. Those (who profit off this movement) are paYtriots. We have seen these paYtriots gain a big following on ALL the platforms and suddenly develop donation buttons. Some started off with good intentions and then used the Great Awakening for their own agenda.


As Q has confirmed from an Anon (1366)


“I don't think it would be fair to say that a journalist can't make money when covering Q. But that's the difference. A journalist covering Q isn't necessarily usurping Q. The paytriots in question were trying to usurp Q. “


Translation: Q gave us a “litmus test” for those who have followers. Are they “trying to usurp Q”? Most are not, they keep Q focused and put out informative digs, but their agenda is STILL to make money off the movement. Is that bad? Good? Is it causing division?


The current “controversy” by Anons and patriots/paYtriots from ALL platforms:


JZ Knight (Ramtha) has an event for her Ramtha's School of Enlightenment and will be hosting IntheMatrixxx, and ShadyGrooove. Q encouraged? They say so. I have heard their arguments and reasoning.


JZ Knight aka Ramtha (who channels a “35,000 old warrior spirit”) has many truths in her movement and this is coming from a medically trained physician. We need to be “open” to a lot of the unknowns in the world especially when it comes to medicine. Accepting of the luciferian occult? Never. But JZ has her agenda. Money. She knows this an agenda (for many) so has used it to influence patriots/paYtriots. Is her ultimate goal to co-opt the Great Awakening? Impossible. She would fail; you can’t stop truth and enlightenment. You can’t stop the greatest military operation ever.


IntheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove have been great patriots focusing on important truths. But they have their agenda. Money is their agenda while trying to spread the Great Awakening to the “mainstream” and other platforms. Is it worth it? Time will tell.


Neon Revolt has disclosed many truths. But he has an agenda. Money is his agenda and has been vocal against IntheMatrixxx and ShadyGrooove. MAGA Coalition? According to their secretary (McQueen) he is. If not denied by Neon Revolt, DO NOT BUY HIS BOOK! Q has been clear on the MAGA Coalition and anyone associated should be exposed.


PrayingMedic has disclosed many truths. But he has an agenda. Money is his agenda. Book in progress. Bad? Good?


WarDrummer has disclosed many truths. But he has an agenda. Money is his agenda. Denies being associated with the MAGA Coalition. Claims he has give $$$ to IntheMatrixxx. Bad? Good?


Jordan Sather has disclosed some truth. But he has an agenda. Money is his agenda. Bad? Good?


Patriots United: RedPill / AnonT / CropDust / jasonwokeup_____ that are ALL mixed in with this controversy have agendas. Bad? Good?


Why would Q choose a board when EVERYONE has agendas?


Q (1375)


I would love to see the Anons forget the division and what A,B and C are doing and focus on Q. This Movement isn’t going away NO MATTER what. We don’t have to be ark steadiers to “protect it”. It is in good hands patriots so “follow” who you may, but there is only one Q. Can these named Anons get back to it?


Thank you Trump. Thank you Q. Thank you to the Military and White Hats saving the world.