Anonymous ID: 9724c5 May 26, 2019, 5:42 p.m. No.6597153   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7354



Follow the dragon.

To grasp the sun, you will wind up following the dragon.


The phases of the moon are the cycles of sleep/wake as well as enlightenment.


Undiscovered stars learned is probably a reference to the Sun's binary companion. Which is probably a tie-back to the ancient legends of dragons and the sun. Probably. I am kind of throwing the most obvious thing in my toolkit at it.


Missions forward is a reference to the countdown, I imagine. The countdown for a mission technically starts at zero. Then counts up. This entire time has all just been preparing for the mission.


The mueller report was the final hold. Once Mueller released his report, everything had to follow proper timing.

Also, the "follow the dragon" is likely a reference to a series of visits in Asia. Japan was public. The others were or will not be. (Dragons very important to symbolism in Asia…. And… The rest of the world… Actually … Aztecs and dragons were oddly similar to China and dragons…)

Anonymous ID: 9724c5 May 26, 2019, 6:10 p.m. No.6597380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7401


This is a rather narrow viewpoint. It isn't about POTUS. It is about justice. There are people and systems out there who are doing very wrong things and abusing others. This must be stopped and measures put in place to ensure it does not happen again, or at least give people tools/processes to address it before it grows to what it has.


POTUS and Q are icons of that justice.


I'm not telling you that you are completely wrong - but there is a larger context to what is happening, and there may come a time in all of this where that view is delivered a bit of a shock.