Anonymous ID: b532bd May 26, 2019, 5:41 p.m. No.6597139   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7159 >>7162


No joke, just yesterday we heard a really loud bird fight, went to see the happening and two black birds, one was really aggressive and bigger, it was just pecking the other over and over in the middle of the residential street, it was creepy, w shoes off the bigger bird as the other was just laying there now, the viscous one came back and no joke, started pecking again, this time it started pulling out innards! Super creepy. I went to find out if normal for birds to do that, learned what the bird was based on it’s appearance. Learned a lot about the bird type. Just now, I see the post about the shill spam posts and the bird info came to mind as the bird takes over nests, eats eggs, dove bombs people, are really noisy. Shill-like. Then next post I read……yours. FuQing Grackles! My eyes went wide….Grackles in my path two times in 24 hours. Never ever even knew that name. Today it will forever be a descriptor of a certain type… on our board…THEY will now be referred to as “FuQing Grackles”. Still weird timing as I type.

Anonymous ID: b532bd May 26, 2019, 5:53 p.m. No.6597225   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7243 >>7248


What are you trying to say without the poem? I thought of that bird killing the other bird several times since I witnessed the cruelty, but I undrstand it is wild nature, now without researching what you wrote, I would like you to expand, no accident you wrote and I am responding. These things cause me to pause.

Anonymous ID: b532bd May 26, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.6597360   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Normally my nature would be to go and clean up the bird and even bury it, I have buried a few. For some reason this one I figured best if another animal use it for food, just left it there in the street. Later still there and it occurred to me it was right in front of neighbors car on street, not a pleasant thing to come out to. That was later as I was off to grocery store. Hour later came home bird completely gone. Animal or neighbor? More to ponder? Some anons get my heart on this?