Anonymous ID: e3d6c6 May 26, 2019, 5:48 p.m. No.6597196   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7265 >>7351 >>7455



UK: 'This issue will have to go back to the people', says Corbyn


Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn released a statement suggesting once again that the party may shift towards supporting a second referendum:


After three years of Tory failure to deliver a Brexit that works for the whole country, these elections became a proxy second referendum.

With the Conservatives disintegrating and unable to govern, and parliament deadlocked, this issue will have to go back to the people, whether through a general election or a public vote. Labour will bring our divided country together so we can end austerity and tackle inequality.

Over the coming days we will have conversations across our party and movement, and reflect on these results on both sides of the Brexit divide.We will not let the continuing chaos in the Conservative Party push our country into a No Deal exit from the EU. Parliament can and will prevent such a damaging outcome for jobs and industry in the UK.


With results declared from all nine regions of England and in Wales, Labour came in third place behind the Liberal Democrats in second.

As early results came in, pressure began to mount on the leadership to depart from what has been criticised as an ambiguous position on Brexit.

Labour deputy leader Tom Watson said the party cannot go into a general election without a clear position on a second referendum and a special conference may be needed to decide a Brexit policy.

Earlier, shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry called for Labour to change its position, saying “we must have a second referendum.

Anonymous ID: e3d6c6 May 26, 2019, 6:17 p.m. No.6597435   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7455

England: heated dispute between Brexit party and Greens in Southampton


While Farage managed to avoid controversy for most of the night, slipping into the count through a backdoor, a scuffle erupted between the Greens and Brexit Party members after the victory speeches had been made.


Tom Druitt, husband of newly-elected Green MEP for the region, Alexandra Phillips – and a Brighton Green councillor himself – stood on a chair in the Civic Centre and condemned Farage for making “this country an international joke.”


As members of the press crowded around Farage, Druitt shouted: “We are where we are in this country because of this man .. He is the one that you’re obsessed with day-in-day-out.”


During Druitt’s impromptu speech, members of Farage’s entourage shouted, “You lost, get over it” and called the Green party politician “rude”.


Jan Doerfel, a Staines Green Councillor then waded into the argument. He declared: “We want to see how many people of the Brexit Party are actually going to turn up to Brussels and do work and represent people of the UK and the EU.”


He added: “There’s one thing to do something for Brexit and there’s another to do something for your salary.”


Incidentally, there were two Alexandra Phillips’ elected tonight in Southampton, one from the Greens and another from the Brexit party, leading to some confusion on social media.