Anonymous ID: 34fa1e May 26, 2019, 10:40 p.m. No.6599272   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9335 >>9404 >>9474

>>6598890 PB Escellent post on the Amygdala, critical for anyone with PTSD, Migrains and especially the opioid detox.


WHY is simple, but, important, especially with drug withdrawl and detox.

The Amygdala also contains the highest concentration of glutamate receptors in the brain, called NMDA receptors. (NMDA = N-methyl-D-aspartate, similar to aspartame)


When people eat glutamate, (or aspartame) in the form of autolyzed anything, hydrolyzed anything, commercially made broth, MSG, monosodium glutamate, etc they are eating the excitatory neurotransmitter that will cause the fight or flight system in the amygdala to over activate. The amygdala is responsible for separating trauma memory so a person can go on living normal life after trauma. The excitotoxic artificial levels of glutamate in the food will keep triggering the trauma memories and not let them fade to compartment. This is important for our soldiers to understand. SOLDIERS who have seen traumatic events should be protected from the US food supply or they will get PTDS!


Depending on the person, this can cause PTSD in the form of panic (flight) or rage (fight), which is the leading cause of Domestic and teen violence.

Artificial panic.

Artificially induced rage, from the food supply.


Where to find out how to get this neurotransmitter drug out of the food:


How to get rid of migraines and protect those who have PTSD from traumatic event memories that keep getting artificially re-activated through the food that causes excitotoxic overdose of the amygdala.


Use GABA Oolong tea. Use loose leaf. Buy on line if not available at local grocer. Bag types not strong enough. Buy the kind you can steep five times before throwing it out. MAKE it STRONG if having an attack or a migraine.


Example here:


There are many on line places to buy this tea that is a god-send to people who have been told they have "mental issues".


GABA is the inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain that controls glutamate and keeps it balanced. It is in this tea along with the green tea detox benefits.


GABA-pentin is the pharmaceutical version


Both shut the pain and other nerves off. The pentin was added to be able to patent the natural GABA. neurotransmitter, and sell it as a drug.


The tea is the best to use, because it is not the patented man made with the pentane ring on it.

It is a healthy antioxidant green tea with the ability to protect the nerves from an incidental glutamate overdose… whether from a restaurant, or if it happens accidentally at home.


At a minimum, 1/5 people get migraine headaches from eating glutamate. At mid point you get PTSD rage fits, panic fits, and then, if still over dosing, you get seizures. 1/20 get the panic/rage attacks and partial brain seizures. MANY are living with these medical issues because of the neurotransmitter in the food.

YES it "twangs" the tongue nerves.

THAT is why it is a "flavor enhancer"

But, it twangs 80% of the nerves, and that is a problem for many.


This is why people diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder also suffer amygdala volume loss and temporal lobe seizures.


At the very worst overload of glutamate, you can cause the nerves to stop the heart (which is why addicts have heart attacks after their bodies have been shaking (nerve over activation) their guts have diarrhea (nerve over activation) their sweat glands over activated, breathing over activated, racing heart etc.


Herione, oxy, fentanyl, valium, alcohol all raise GABA levels. If continuously taken, the brain creates more glutamate to level the brain glutamate to GABA ratio.

The brain wants balance.

Now, you suddenly take away the GABA because you take away the drug, and you get far too much glutamate… which can kill.


I have detoxed a Heroine addict starting with 8 pots of GABA Oolong tea a day in an emergency detox, to get the kid through the weekend to the doctor on Monday. IT worked well… with Benadryl to sleep, NSAIDS for the pain, Amodium for the diarreah protocol.


Migraine headache remedy the Doc and I have been using for 10 years:

2 caps shitake or wood ear, boiled 10 minutes and eaten. Water from the boil used to make mean Oolong Green tea.

Try it if you suffer migraines. Then.. watch the food?

Anonymous ID: 34fa1e May 26, 2019, 11:04 p.m. No.6599404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9545



>>As I understand it, the glutamate in the blood from the diet will not get into the brain because it won't be able to get across the blood-brain barrier.


>>The glutamate that the brain uses is manufactured locally in each cell that sends it as a signal.


You understand incorrectly, but only because the MSM is telling medical lies to cover for big pharma.

Consider this:

A) Children do not have closed blood brain barriers until around puberty. Unborn children are using the natural low level fall of glutamate to build neurons then raises glutamate to kill off un mated brain cells to make room to grow more neurons. Brain growth is a grow-trim/grow-trim process repeated, and the "trimmer" is the amount of free glutamate in the blood. Constant glutamate is constant trimming of the brain cells during gestation.


B) ANYONE with any kind of head injury, from falling down stairs to car accident to mild concussion has compromised barrier.


C) Radio Isotope shows that the excess glutamate in the food does indeed seep in at the base of the brain.


D) anyone over 50 has had enough mini vessle breaks to compromise the blood brain barrier. The older your brain the more compromised the barrier, the more the glutamate in the food is likely to cause damage from migrains to seizures and everything in between.


E) The rest of the body does not have a blood brain barrier, and glutamate is the excitatory neurotransmitter for 80% of the nerves in the body. Glutamate will increase pain, cause lungs to over react to pollen which will get diagnosed as asthema; It is an OXIDIZER, so it causes mini clots in the brain called migraine "lesions". This is why we use the shitake and wood ear mushrooms for the migraines. They are anticoagulants.

What else happens? nerves die from over dose and let more glutamate loose to harm neighbor cells. Labs routinely use glutamate to kill nerves for research. Multiple Sclerosis anyone?


Dont fall for the industry "blood brain barrier" defense.

Their lawyers tell them to lie, because the science is catching up. They have to pretend they do not know what a neurotransmitter is, and what brain chemical imbalance is. Lawsuits will kill the glutamate in the end.

Anonymous ID: 34fa1e May 26, 2019, 11:16 p.m. No.6599474   🗄️.is 🔗kun


While I am at it lets do:

F) Huge numbers of people think they have allergies, when it truth they have glutamate over activating the sensing nerves in the nose and sinuses. This over activation also causes constant runny nose, which also then causes constant sinus infections because of constant excess moisture. Lost count of the peolple who no longer have "seasonal allergies". Constant allergies are in the vaccine department of evils. Teaching the immune system to attack, yes, but what it learns to attack because of the injected adjuvants overstimulating the white cells is more than the attenuated measles… like peanuts from a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or whatever else is in the childs blood on inoculation day.

Baby has asthma? Hunt down the glutamate and get rid of it. Have seen infants recover from constant asthma doing this.

Anonymous ID: 34fa1e May 26, 2019, 11:23 p.m. No.6599514   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Have faith anon. The world is watching. The world is winning. Germany will catch up as it always does. Too many freedom lovers there.

Love from across the pond.

Anonymous ID: 34fa1e May 26, 2019, 11:26 p.m. No.6599534   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I can not believe I lived to see a day of such stupidity in America…

Is stupid a step up from evil?

Does he have a name yet like Occasional Cortex?

Anonymous ID: 34fa1e May 27, 2019, 12:23 a.m. No.6599776   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9788 >>9798 >>9833 >>9933


In the book of Revelation, the mark is not just a mark, it is the mark of the "beast".

There may be a clue to an answer in this.


Bible scholars teach about something called the law of first mention. Goes like this: If you want to know the most often used definition of a word in the bible, go to the front of the book and find the first time that word is mentioned.

So, to find out what "beast" means, in mark of the beast, you go to where it is first mentioned.

That is Genesis, where God is talking about making the animals and the "beasts of the field".


So mark of the beast is "Mark of the Animal".


Then consider the biotechnology being done on the genetics of man by the Angels who "left their first estate" and stole women to make their nephalim offspring.

Both the book of Jasher and the Book of Enoch discuss the mixing of man with animal, even the mixing of animal with animal. These are not cannon but I would call them Gods recommended ancient commentaries. He made sure we knew about them.


In Genesis, God said he would flood the earth because ALL flesh had been corrupted. Not just man, before the flood.


Mean ass biotech experiments being done during an attempted destruction of man to wipe his genes off the planet, by a group of hateful evil angels from other dimensions, if you want to look at it in terms of modern physics and quantum mechanics.

Did the animals sin?

When God said all flesh meant all flesh. Corruption probably meant genetic, not a reference to sin here.


This is what was going on in the times of Noah.

The flood was a genetic rescue. That is why God was so happy to find Noah, and that he was "perect in his generations"… read that… PURE man, genetically, and so were his sons, and wife.


Now, Jesus said that just before he returned, it would be like the "times of Noah".

To confuse people, he then said people would be drinking and getting married yadda yadda.

Logic tells us that this partying and marriage stuff has been going on every day since the times of Noah, so, what was he pointing to happening then, that has not happened since, and will be repeated before his return?


Ever hear of super soldiers?

Mixing human soldiers with the genes of animals. Case Western Reserve law school did the paper on the Constitutional rights of one of these super soldiers. I have the sauce on different computer, but it is pdf and finished work now.

Satan hates man, and we can tell plenty of humans do too.

I am betting this 23 and me thing is gathering information for the creation of the capacity to mix man with animal using biotechnology, once again.

It would also tell them what diseases to loose to get rid of certain populations.


Another reason I think this is because of all the characters in the bible, ONLY the nephalim and their corrupted offspring could not be ressurected.

SO here is another clue.


What does God say in Revelation?

If you take the mark of the beast (mark of the animal) you will not be resurrected.


Maybe the original body of man before the fall was hyper dimensional, just like the body of Christ was after he was resurrected.

When Adam lost his "clothes" what was actually lost?


And maybe there is something specific about those genetic codes that make resurrection in a new body possible.

Anonymous ID: 34fa1e May 27, 2019, 12:37 a.m. No.6599808   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9820


I use to read the bible before I got a degree in science, and spent years studying both. They dovetail, incredibly, as long as you read the early simple language references in light of modern science.

For instance, in that place in creation, after he creates light, he separates light from dark. We can now read that "light matter" from "dark matter" with some specificity.

Paths in the sea in the book of Job were discovered.


I went back and re-read the whole bible in a different light, and everything clicks together. It all makes sense to me now, even the things we are looking at right now.


People use to yell at Christians about how the bible was a fairy tale, cuz, how could God create light on day one, when the sun was not created til day 4?


Light is what quarks and quanta or photons are made of. You need those to make atoms. Atoms then make molecules, in our sun, if I hear correctly. He is describing a physics process with an ancient language.

Anonymous ID: 34fa1e May 27, 2019, 12:42 a.m. No.6599820   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Wrote that wrong technically. Sun is using light to make atoms. Molecules seem to be made here. Interesting that quarks, when they appear in a vaccume always appear as single quarks, or, if they appear in groups, they will make a spontaneous element on the periodic table, and every once in a great while a water molecule or something. Then… they disappear as fast as they appeared… and you have to wonder… to where?

The bible has been telling us for a long time in an ancient language that our reality is a smaller subset of a larger reality that we can not see.

Anonymous ID: 34fa1e May 27, 2019, 1:14 a.m. No.6599933   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>ebo has spoken of super soldiers, experiments, I have no doubt there is truth there but…. fallen angles "co-mingled" with humans, so are they able to impregnate or did they have "knowledge", there will not be another flood but "co-mingle" is their game so how?, 6p 6n 6e makes sense and the beast thing makes it not completely human


Huh. Interesting.

My guess at this point, judging from the sense I can make of both?

Angels, even Adam were non sexed beings at first? There was no woman for a man or "male" to be compared to… juxtaposed? Angels are said to be just a little higher than man, whatever that means, but, it sounds like they are pretty similar in a lot of respects.


And if God told Adam he would die if he ate that fruit, then, Adam was not going to experience death? Logically?


Now, having to go outside the bible to the God recommended commentaries here for a minute, but, the book of Enoch mostly covers this whole multi-dimensional angel thing from the viewpoint of Enoch as he delt with the angels. It is the book of Jasher that covers the viewpoint of how men felt about having their wives stolen, and about the horrible creatures these beings were making by "mixing man with animal and animal with animal".


It's written from the viewpoint of mankind as he watched it happen.


In Enoch, God scolds the evil angels and said that he created woman for man, because without her, there would be no procreation. Manking would be dead in a generation.


He tells the angels what their sin was… that they did not need to procreate because they would not die like Adam and Eve and their offspring, so he did not make wives for them.


When God made Eve, only then could you call Adam a man.


And it appears angels are shape shifters who are in the male form whenever they lower their dimensions to come here. There are no female angels in the bible at all, anywhere. They either come in dreams, or, they look like and are described as men. Even those mobs in Sodom were banging on Lots door to get to the male looking angels to sodomize them.


God says to be sure to be kind to strangers, because in meeting strangers, "many are meeting angels unawares"


So angels (the good ones) are here with us, but we can not tell them from our fellow man, if they are on a mission from God.


I was thinking about the physics of it. If they are quantum type beings they would have to shed energy to become molecular beings.


The amount of energy it takes to bust a physical particle into a spray of quarks is insane. Consider what energy it takes for CERN to do it.


Imagine the energy it would take to power up a physical body into those quantum dimensions.


The bible says angels have two things. Power, and authority (given by God)


Maybe they can power down (shed power) and get here, and are only given authority to power back up if God gave them the authority to come here for some reason.

If they don't come down with "authority" then, perhaps they are stuck here in human but immortal form?

I am thinking of the ones we are told are buried "in the earth" who would have to be physical to be buried, but who obviously will not be dead say, when they are brought out from under the Euphrates.

Stuck in physical form.

Living under ground, would they genetically adapt with big eyes to see in the dark?


If they developed the capacity to fly again using technology, and spent too much time in weightless space, would their muscles emaciate?

Maybe those evil angels are actually in the earth in physical form, buried. And they are so close to man as a genetic matter, they can create offspring, but, it is corrupted in the genetic code somehow?


Such strange interesting things to ponder.


If the general public ever read the bible, they would be trying to make movies out of it.

It is the wildest most epic of stories.


A multidimensional rescue.