Anonymous ID: e7334a May 26, 2019, 10:01 p.m. No.6599056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9118 >>9138 >>9467

Fashtag meme going viral

The media kikes are already shitting themselves.


>these bad goys are trying to turn the hashtag into a nazi symbol

>maybe, if I expose the op, they'll stop

>oy veeeeyyyyyyyyyyyy


This 8Chan-born meme is going super viral. I've never seen one get so big so quickly. Anyway, you know what to do, Anons – shill this shit harder. We've got these kikes terrified. They know the internet is in trouble if the symbol becomes a fascist symbol – and it is becoming one, quite fast. All we need to do is ensure we claim it through the force of memeing. Let's fuck the internet right up.