Anonymous ID: 3a1629 May 27, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.6600581   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I found this story on I think it is a fitting sign of hope this Memorial Day. As we remember fallen soldiers I want to also remember the innocents killed in the war between good and evil that we are currently facing. Innocents killed by pharmaceuticals (sorcery, I believe). As a parent, I complied with "vaccine requirements" because I was on Medicaid and was afraid they would take my child if I didn't. The horror of it is hard to explain. If you decline the shots you can be called out for "medical neglect" and CPS personnel (operating without constitutional authority or respect for your rights) can invade your home, interrogate your children and even, in worst case scenario legally kidnap your children. On the other hand, if you comply with vaccine "requirements" your child WILL suffer harm, the question is only how much and how soon. I've seen the results in myself and some family members. I now think of vaccines as "satan's fangs". Literally akin to snake venom. The "snake oil salesman" is now forcibly injecting the most vulnerable members of society. If it was wrong of the "elite" to take our best and brightest and sacrifice them on foreign beaches it is equally wrong for them to take our helpless babies and sacrifice them to demons.

Anonymous ID: 3a1629 May 27, 2019, 6:46 a.m. No.6600656   🗄️.is 🔗kun

On this Memorial Day, lets shine some light on the evil that has been perpetrated against the children of America. This has gone on right under our noses by "those we trust the most". Judges, social workers, and police officers "hijacked"(I don't believe all of them are participating willingly/knowingly) by demonic "laws" and participating in human trafficking.