Anonymous ID: f76864 May 27, 2019, 5:16 a.m. No.6600410   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0415 >>0418 >>0419 >>0434 >>0448 >>0460 >>0483 >>0510

notables bun @ 500


Your comfy 4+ hour bread update



Baker Change

>>6600401 North Korea calls John Bolton a 'war monger' and a 'defective human' after Trump's national security adviser slammed Kim Jong-un's missile tests

>>6600391 Sara Carter Poll: 98 Percent Say Brennan Is Obstructing Justice By Fighting Declassification

>>6600293 Brexit Update: Furious voters turned the country Brexit blue today as they sent a vicious message to the Tories and Labour.

>>6600285 Donald Trump makes good on a promise, but Dems cry โ€˜coverupโ€™ - FoxNews

Ghost Bread/ Collector

>>6600137 Another populist election win - India

>>6600130 Anon on the cabal's 50 yr. plan & how POTUS reverses it

>>6600092 Planefag update re: Chinese A/C

>>6600045, >>6600077, >>6600088 New PDJT

>>6600000 US Strategic Command; BLUE, Stronger Together

>>6599989 Italian intelligence asked to assist in PDJT takedown

>>6599893 HRC twat - scrabble update


I'll let you anons be the judge on this oneโ€ฆ yay or nay

>>6600298, >>6600396 Pending sauce: Exerpt: "on 28 August 2016, GCHQ/CSO filed for permission to execute Project FULSOME at the reuest of the US president

Anonymous ID: f76864 May 27, 2019, 6:22 a.m. No.6600582   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>0635

final call for notables @ 650


Marathon 5+ hour bread is getting put to bed.



Baker Change

>>6600553 Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Memorial Day

>>6600401 North Korea calls John Bolton a 'war monger' and a 'defective human' after Trump's national security adviser slammed Kim Jong-un's missile tests

>>6600391 Sara Carter Poll: 98 Percent Say Brennan Is Obstructing Justice By Fighting Declassification

>>6600293 Brexit Update: Furious voters turned the country Brexit blue today as they sent a vicious message to the Tories and Labour.

>>6600285 Donald Trump makes good on a promise, but Dems cry โ€˜coverupโ€™ - FoxNews

Ghost Bread/ Collector

>>6600137 Another populist election win - India

>>6600130 Anon on the cabal's 50 yr. plan & how POTUS reverses it

>>6600092 Planefag update re: Chinese A/C

>>6600045, >>6600077, >>6600088 New PDJT

>>6600000, >>6600481, >>6600496 US Strategic Command; BLUE, Stronger Together. Tons of Q crumbs in video

>>6599989 Italian intelligence asked to assist in PDJT takedown

>>6599893 HRC twat - scrabble update


baking in just a bit


RGB, start warming up the ovens

Anonymous ID: f76864 May 27, 2019, 6:42 a.m. No.6600636   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

final bun for #8439



Baker Change

>>6600612 Left-wing Greek PM Tsipras calls for snap elections after party takes beating in EU & home polls

>>6600606, >>6600610 Hollyweird Update: Scott Baio, Getting attacked for openly supporting POTUS.

>>6600553 Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Memorial Day

>>6600401 North Korea calls John Bolton a 'war monger' and a 'defective human' after Trump's national security adviser slammed Kim Jong-un's missile tests

>>6600391 Sara Carter Poll: 98 Percent Say Brennan Is Obstructing Justice By Fighting Declassification

>>6600293 Brexit Update: Furious voters turned the country Brexit blue today as they sent a vicious message to the Tories and Labour.

>>6600285 Donald Trump makes good on a promise, but Dems cry โ€˜coverupโ€™ - FoxNews

>>6600169 Army Virtue-Tweet Backfires: 1000s Expose "Heartbreaking" Horrors Of War

Ghost Bread/ Collector

>>6600137 Another populist election win - India

>>6600130 Anon on the cabal's 50 yr. plan & how POTUS reverses it

>>6600092 Planefag update re: Chinese A/C

>>6600045, >>6600077, >>6600088 New PDJT

>>6600000, >>6600481, >>6600496 US Strategic Command; BLUE, Stronger Together. Tons of Q crumbs in video

>>6599989 Italian intelligence asked to assist in PDJT takedown

>>6599893 HRC twat - scrabble update

Anonymous ID: f76864 May 27, 2019, 6:44 a.m. No.6600645   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

final FINAL bun for #8439



Baker Change

>>6600615 NATIONALISTS WIN: Salvini from Italy, Le Pen from France. Farage in UK, Tarczynski in Poland Smash Globalist Elites in EU Elections

>>6600612 Left-wing Greek PM Tsipras calls for snap elections after party takes beating in EU & home polls

>>6600606, >>6600610 Hollyweird Update: Scott Baio, Getting attacked for openly supporting POTUS.

>>6600553 Statement by Attorney General William P. Barr on Memorial Day

>>6600401 North Korea calls John Bolton a 'war monger' and a 'defective human' after Trump's national security adviser slammed Kim Jong-un's missile tests

>>6600391 Sara Carter Poll: 98 Percent Say Brennan Is Obstructing Justice By Fighting Declassification

>>6600293 Brexit Update: Furious voters turned the country Brexit blue today as they sent a vicious message to the Tories and Labour.

>>6600285 Donald Trump makes good on a promise, but Dems cry โ€˜coverupโ€™ - FoxNews

>>6600169 Army Virtue-Tweet Backfires: 1000s Expose "Heartbreaking" Horrors Of War

Ghost Bread/ Collector

>>6600137 Another populist election win - India

>>6600130 Anon on the cabal's 50 yr. plan & how POTUS reverses it

>>6600092 Planefag update re: Chinese A/C

>>6600045, >>6600077, >>6600088 New PDJT

>>6600000, >>6600481, >>6600496 US Strategic Command; BLUE, Stronger Together. Tons of Q crumbs in video

>>6599989 Italian intelligence asked to assist in PDJT takedown

>>6599893 HRC twat - scrabble update