Anonymous ID: 35f6d6 May 27, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.6600826   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0841 >>0875 >>1137 >>1217 >>1299 >>1392



British Army Says People Who “Describe Themselves as Patriots” Are ‘Extremist Right-Wingers’


Criticizing political correctness also an ‘extremist’ trait.


Published 1 min ago


on 27 May, 2019


Paul Joseph Watson


The British Army has released an information sheet encouraging members of the military to report others as right-wing extremists if they express a myriad of beliefs, including describing themselves as “patriots”.


The notion that describing oneself as a “patriot” equates to right-wing extremism is ludicrous. Being a patriot should be a pre-requisite to join the Army.


Some of the other indications of ‘right-wing extremism’ are equally alarming. They include;


– People who “describe multicultural towns as lost”.

– People who “use the term ‘Islamofascism'”.

– People who refer to political correctness as a “left wing plot”.

– People who are “angry” about the loss of “national identity”.

– People who “make inaccurate generalisations about the left or government”.

– People who refer to those who challenge any of these views as being “indoctrinated”.


This is not the first time the British Army has waded into the political correctness debate with embarrassing results.


Last year, a commercial was released which depicted a Muslim soldier taking off his helmet and praying as colleagues watch nearby.


Colonel Richard Kemp, who led British troops in Afghanistan, said the new campaign showed an Army “being forced down a route of political correctness” and “neglecting the main group of people who are interested in joining”.


More British Muslims have joined ISIS than joined the British Army, so it doesn’t appear to be working.



Anonymous ID: 35f6d6 May 27, 2019, 7:44 a.m. No.6600949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1033

"the Hill' Propaganda org

"He walked out of a meeting with Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer

(D-N.Y.) moments after Pelosi said Democrats think Trump is engaging in a “cover-up” by refusing to cooperate with investigations."


They are lying.

Pelosi did not say Democrats THINK President Trump.


"We believe that the president of the United States is engaged in a cover-up," Pelosi told reporters.

"We believe the President of the United States is engaged in a cover-up"

I suggest backing up this video since there were several attempts to block it.

The vid clearly shows her speak is compromised. And that accused the President of something that is impossible and that he did not do.?

Are they trying to back away from this now? Hence the softening of the language by "The Hill" news outlet and the scrubbing of the vid in several locations.

Why did the HILL soften it for Pelosi?


"Morning brings HEAT?"

June 18th 2018


Morning sun brings heat.

Full moon coming.

Undiscovered stars learned.

Missions forward.



(Diplomatic) Missions forward.

Good wishes on Memorial Day, to all whistle-blower, lovers of our sacred traditions: Bills of Rights, Constitution, Opposition to tyranny.

Anonymous ID: 35f6d6 May 27, 2019, 7:49 a.m. No.6600973   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1212

They are coming at us again Patriots for 2020, SB fake news polls and commentary.


Trump is so abhorrent, even a stellar economy can't save him


Kerry Eleveld for Daily Kos


Donald Trump's only positive play for reelection in 2020 is to emphasize the economy, which has stayed remarkably strong despite Trump’s capricious handling of trade and U.S. foreign policy. But according to recent polling, even the stellar economy can't save Trump from the firehouse of irredeemable qualities that pour forth from him on a daily and, indeed, hourly basis.


Even though a Quinnipiac poll released last Tuesday found that 71% of voters view the economy as "good" or "excellent"—an 18-year high—only 48% of voters approve of Trump's handling of the economy, while 45% disapprove of it. That's remarkable. As Quinnipiac polling's assistant director Tim Malloy observed, "The nation’s economy is pretty darn good and President Donald Trump’s approval numbers are pretty darn awful."


You can say that again. The polling suggests that only a slim slice of the electorate that disapproves of Trump overall, 57% of voters, is willing to give him any credit for the economy. Trump's approvals are currently slumping at a meager 38%.


Part of the disconnect between the economy and Trump's polling is due to the fact that voters believe his trade policies are both hurting the economy and their personal pocketbooks.


Voters say 48 - 40 percent the president's trade policies are bad for the U.S. economy, and say 44 - 36 percent that these policies are bad for their personal financial situation.


And similar to several other polls this year, a majority of voters, 54%, are pledging that they "definitely" won’t vote for Trump, while only 31% say they "definitely" will vote for Trump.


So the next time you hear someone chastising Democrats for failing to reach out to Trump voters, ask them what Trump has ever done to reach out to anyone beyond his base.



Anonymous ID: 35f6d6 May 27, 2019, 7:58 a.m. No.6601033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1057 >>1058


It's "believe," not "think"

"The Hill" reported Dems 'think" POTUS is covering -up a crime.

Pelosi said "We Believe"

'Believe" is stronger.

The Hill soften it entirely. [check entire article]


And she is slurring he words as though under the influence, i.e. drunk! go to second .52

"We Believe it's important to follow the facts

We Believe that no one is above the law []

And we Believe that the POTUS is engaged in a cover-up"