Anonymous ID: 41ba7c May 27, 2019, 8:37 a.m. No.6601248   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1269


I have some opinions about this that I hope anons will find helpful. If the food you have been eating (and giving to your cattle) is actually very much poisoned (GMO and Round-up) is it BAD or GOOD if you stop producing it? Of course, the sudden (impending, I believe) disruption in our food supply will cause a lot of short term headaches. HOWEVER, over the long haul this is a VERY GOOD development, IMO. Here's what I have been doing (I live in the Midwest and started this process months/years ago): I eat organic as much as possible (USDA label is comp'd so its best to ask local people if you can), I have learned to be willing to pay more for products that are genuinely "sustainable" ( the term has been co-opted by some bad actors) and I have deliberately sought smaller scale, local producers (easier to obtain food when the semi trucks stop delivering). Growing what you can is good, too, IMO. I could walk into my yard today and eat a very nice salad based on what I'd find there. This includes lettuce, dandelion greens (dandelions are VERY good for you), mint, oregano, green onions, and (up and coming) tomatoes, squash, elderberries, and basil. Get to know the herbs and plants you can use medicinally. Greenmedinfo just released a 1930's chart of medicinal plants throughout the US. This information is anecdotal, but I've found a story on line that when war disrupted food supplies in Europe (Scandinavia?) some measures of health got BETTER. Avoiding highly hybridized grains and processed bread products seems beneficial to most people. Ezekiel bread is a product I find in the frozen food section. It is based on a Biblical combination of grains and seems to be the only reasonably affordable commercially made bread I can eat and tolerate well. I have wondered that if our weather really is being manipulated if the disastrous weather here in the Midwest is a form of cleansing the land. For grins try juxtaposing a map of grain (GMO and Round-up) growing regions with the flooding. This looks BAD to eyes fixated on the "natural" but I think Romans 8:28 is a good reminder of how things turn out for people who love God through His Son Jesus.

Anonymous ID: 41ba7c May 27, 2019, 8:54 a.m. No.6601354   🗄️.is 🔗kun


These stories are heartbreaking on so many levels. First, the childhood vaccine schedule is maiming and killing so many children in clandestine ways. I know virtually nothing about parainfluenza, but the "flu shot" has been shown in a study out of Asia, to mildly protect against flu but to INCREASE vulnerability to other infections (respiratory, I believe). When someone turns up with a severe respiratory infection I wonder if they were vaccinated against "flu". Second, its good to ask: Why do so many people need new organs? The vaccine schedule, combined with glyphosate contaminated foods and our willingness to chomp down liver-destroying Tylenol (acetaminophen) is destroying the kidneys and livers of a horrendous number of people. The Mayo Clinic creeps me out at this point. I look at "cutting edge" medical clinics more like butcher shops than "health care". Your child or family member can be "legally" kidnapped if you want a second opinion or decline "treatment" or vaccines. A "brain-dead" child becomes victim of organ harvesting in the name of medical care. I will be glad to pray for her family.

Anonymous ID: 41ba7c May 27, 2019, 8:59 a.m. No.6601394   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The most at-risk group are runaways from the social services system, such as foster care, group homes, or government facilities, Lowery said.


I think that sentence was possibly the most important in the whole piece you quoted. And the whole story itself is important!


I learned (a few decades ago) that care by people other than immediate family members put children at greater risk than being in their own families. CPS is (deliberately or not) partnering with human traffickers and our system of foster care and adoption is really a sanitized version of human trafficking.

Anonymous ID: 41ba7c May 27, 2019, 9:04 a.m. No.6601435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1444


I have found a lot of the YT videos on the Mark Taylor Ofiicial channel to be helpful. I appreciate his positive outlook on current events, designed to get us off "satan's frequency". He is careful, I think, not to come across like he knows everything. In this "perilous" time in which we live we need to be careful not to elevate anyone to "guru" status. Mark Taylor is one prophetic voice that I think has some merit.

Anonymous ID: 41ba7c May 27, 2019, 9:11 a.m. No.6601472   🗄️.is 🔗kun


That is an excellent point. If the store has a health food section: "What is the rest of it?"!


That is one to remember. Thanks for sharing it.